Tiger Beetle Life Cycle: A Fascinating Journey in Nature

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Tiger beetles are fascinating insects known for their incredible speed and agility as predators. In this article, you’ll learn about the intriguing life cycle of the tiger beetle, from egg to adult. With their unique adaptations that aid in hunting, these beetles have managed to thrive in a wide range of habitats around the world.

As you delve into the world of tiger beetles, you’ll discover how their life cycle involves a series of stages, from eggs buried in the soil to voracious larvae waiting to ambush passing prey. Each stage plays a pivotal role in the survival and development of these remarkable insects. You’ll also uncover the various challenges they face throughout their lives, as well as the role they play in the ecosystem.

By learning about the life cycle of the tiger beetle, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for these incredible insects and their place in the natural world. As you explore their journey from egg to adult, you may be surprised at just how complex and fascinating the lives of these seemingly small creatures can be.

Physical Attributes

Size and Shape

Tiger beetles belong to the Cicindelinae subfamily of the ground beetle family Carabidae, and their size and shape can vary depending on the species. They generally have an elongated, flattened body structure. They are fast runners and agile predators, due to their long, thin legs which allow them to move quickly on the ground.

Color and Patterns

Tiger beetles exhibit a wide range of color variations and patterns, including:

  • Metallic green, purple, blue, or brown
  • Bright and iridescent hues
  • Dull or matte finishes
  • Bands, spots, and other markings

The colors and patterns among tiger beetles can help in camouflage, thermoregulation, or even mate signaling, depending on the specific species.

Distinct Features

Some of the most notable features of tiger beetles include:

  • Head: They have a large, round head, equipped with a pair of long mandibles, perfect for capturing and handling their prey.
  • Antennae: Tiger beetles possess fairly long antennae, which serve as an important sensory tool for detecting food, mates, and other stimuli.
  • Thorax and abdomen: The thorax is narrower compared to the abdomen and houses the sturdy legs and wings.
  • Elytra: The elytra (wing coverings) are hardened, often with markings or spots that add to their distinctive appearance.

Tiger beetles have fascinating physical attributes that contribute greatly to their survival in various environments. While observing their size, color patterns, and distinct features, you’ll find that these stunning insects are truly built for predation and adaptability.

Life Cycle

Egg Stage

During the egg stage, female tiger beetles lay their eggs in the soil. They usually lay them singly in a burrow made by their ovipositor, which is an egg-laying tube at the end of the abdomen1. After the eggs are laid, they develop and hatch in the burrows.

Larval Stage

The larval stage of tiger beetles consists of three instars2. Tiger beetle larvae are predatory and live within burrows dug in the soil[^5^]. They have a unique appearance, with a large, flattened head and curved, hinged mandibles. Here’s how they behave in their environment:

  • Larvae wait near the top of their burrows for prey to approach
  • When prey comes close enough, they quickly snatch it with their mandibles3

While in the burrows, larvae experience some threats like hister beetles, birds, and ants1. Additionally, they get parasitized by bombyliids (bee flies) and several wasps1.

Pupa Stage

After completing their larval development, tiger beetles enter their pupa stage. During this period, they remain inside the burrows, where they transform into their adult form[^5^].

Adult Stage

Adult tiger beetles are renowned for their speed and agility. They are known as some of the fastest insects in the world. As predators, they use their powerful jaws to catch and eat their prey4.

When it comes to mating, after the adult tiger beetles find a partner, they perform the following actions:

  • The male clings to the female’s back during mating2
  • After mating, the female digs a hole in the ground and lays an egg into it2

In the end, the life cycle of the tiger beetle continues as the adult lays its eggs in the soil, allowing a new generation to begin.

Habitat and Distribution

Geographical Range

Tiger beetles can be found in various regions across the world. They are known to inhabit every continent except Antarctica. For example, the Miami Tiger Beetle is native to Florida in the United States.

Habitat Types

Tiger beetles occupy diverse habitats based on their species. They thrive in areas with particular soil types, land formations, and vegetation.

  • Soil: You’ll often find tiger beetles in areas with sandy or clayey soil. Some species, like the Carolina Tiger Beetle, prefer sandy environments.
  • Land formations: These beetles are commonly found in sand dunes, clay banks, and along lakeshores. They take advantage of open spaces with sparse vegetation where they can quickly run and catch their prey.
  • Vegetation and ecosystem: The presence of tiger beetles often indicates a healthy ecosystem. They typically live near water sources and require specific plant species for cover and egg-laying.

In summary, tiger beetles have a vast geographical range and diverse habitat preferences. Their presence in various ecosystems is indicative of their adaptability to different environments, making them efficient predators and an essential part of biological control strategies.

Diet and Predatory Behavior

Feeding Habits

Tiger beetles are known to be predatory insects, as both their adult and larval stages feed on other insects. Their diet mainly consists of insects like ants, spiders, and other small organisms. Some examples of their prey are:

  • Ants
  • Spiders
  • Small insects

Hunting Techniques

These beetles are fast runners, and they rely on their speed and powerful jaws to hunt down their prey. However, they often run so fast that their eyes can’t process the changing images quickly enough, causing them to be momentarily blind. When this happens, they need to stop and relocate their prey before resuming the chase.

Defense Mechanisms

Tiger beetles have various ways to defend themselves against predators like birds, ants, and wasps. Their larvae have hooks on their abdomen, which they use to anchor themselves to the burrow walls as they subdue large prey. Adult tiger beetles can deliver painful bites with their sickle-like mandibles, making them difficult for predators to handle.

Conservation and Threats

Tiger beetles face various threats that could affect their survival, and understanding these challenges is essential for their conservation.

Habitat Loss: One major problem these beetles face is habitat loss, often caused by urbanization and development. Without suitable environments to live and hunt, the populations of these remarkable insects will decline. Fortunately, many tiger beetle species live in diverse habitats like sea and lake shores, sand dunes, and woodland paths, which might offer some resilience against habitat degradation.

Pesticides: The use of pesticides can negatively influence tiger beetles and their prey, disrupting the delicate balance of their ecosystems. By reducing their food sources or directly harming their populations, pesticides pose a significant threat to the health and success of these predators.

Climate Change: Climate change and its effects on global weather patterns can lead to changes in the beetles’ habitats. Alterations in temperature and precipitation may force the species to adapt or risk declining populations.

To protect these fascinating insects, you can support conservation efforts that focus on preserving habitats, reducing pesticide use, and mitigating climate change’s effects. This way, future generations can also marvel at the incredible speed and agility of tiger beetles.

Role in Ecosystem

Tiger beetles play a crucial role in their ecosystem, acting as both predators and prey. They contribute to keeping the populations of tiny insects and spiders in check. With over 100 species found in North America alone, they are an essential part of many landscapes, including sea and lake shores, sand dunes, stream edges, and woodlands 1.

Tiger beetles are viewed as beneficial insects due to their predatory nature. The adults are fast runners, and with their powerful jaws, they can efficiently hunt their prey 3. The larvae also exhibit predatory behavior, catching insects using hooks on the back of their abdomen 4. This dual predatory behavior in both adult and larval stages makes tiger beetles effective natural pest controllers.

However, tiger beetles are not only predators; they also serve as food for other species, such as birds, ants, and hister beetles 4. Additionally, they act as hosts for parasitic wasps and bee flies 4. This makes them an essential link in the food chain, showing that even the most formidable predators in the insect world, like the tiger beetle, have their vulnerabilities.

Their adaptability has allowed them to thrive in various environments. Some species, like the ones found in the deserts of Australia, have impressive speed, ranking them among the fastest insects in the world 2. This adaptability and importance in their ecosystems should remind you of the vital role even small creatures, such as ground beetles, play in maintaining the natural balance.

Specific Tiger Beetle Species

When exploring the world of tiger beetles, you may come across various species, many of which exhibit fascinating characteristics and behaviors. Two notable species are the subspecies of the Ohlone tiger beetle, and the six-spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela sexguttata).

Ohlone Tiger Beetle

The Ohlone Tiger Beetle is a unique species discovered in the early 1990s. Initially thought to be a variant of the Cow Path tiger beetle, this beetle gained recognition as a separate species due to structural differences in the genitals. This diurnal predatory beetle displays intriguing traits as part of its life cycle.

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata)

Another species worth examining is the six-spotted tiger beetle. This vibrant, green beetle is commonly found in the United States, and catches your eye with its metallic appearance and six white spots. As with other tiger beetles, it’s known for its fast running speed and impressive predatory instincts.

Here’s a brief comparison of these two species:

Characteristic Ohlone Tiger Beetle Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
Subspecies Ohlone Cicindela sexguttata
Discovery Early 1990s Well before the Ohlone species
Color Greenish-bronze with black markings Metallic green with six white spots
Habitat Grasslands Woodlands, lawns, gardens, etc.
Predatory Behavior Diurnal Diurnal

These are just a few examples of the diverse and fascinating tiger beetle world. As you explore further, you’ll discover even more unique species and their intriguing traits.


In this section, we will cover some references about the tiger beetle life cycle, giving you essential information about this fascinating insect.

Tiger beetles are known for their unique biology and behavior. As a predator, both adults and larvae play a vital role in the ecosystem. The University of Nebraska offers essential insights into their life cycle and interactions with other species.

Another valuable resource is Ask A Biologist, which provides an overview of the habits and lifestyle of over 2,760 species of tiger beetles. Here, you’ll discover how they search for their prey and interact with other beetles during their lifetime.

For a more specific look at tiger beetles, consider the North Carolina State University’s Extension page. This guide offers a detailed description of their features and highlights their importance as predators in the biological control of other pests.

When talking about the Ohlone tiger beetle, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provides an excellent resource for understanding this particular species, which was only recently discovered and described in the early 1990s.

Lastly, the Texas A&M University presents a broad overview of tiger beetles, emphasizing their diverse habitats and life cycle stages, as well as their overwintering behaviors.

To help you visualize and compare the characteristics of tiger beetles, here is a simple table of their features:

Feature Tiger Beetle
Life cycle stages Egg, larva, pupa, and adult
Habitat Sea and lake shores, sand dunes, stream edges, clay banks, saline flats, or woodland paths
Predatory behavior Active during day or night, depending on species
Prey items Tiny insects and spiders
Reproductive strategy Males searching for females, females avoiding or getting rid of males

Remember, these sources are valuable resources in understanding the incredible life cycle of tiger beetles, their individual behaviors, and their roles in the ecosystem.

Care in Captivity

Caring for tiger beetles in captivity requires attention to their specific needs. First, let’s focus on their habitat. You’ll want to provide a terrarium with a suitable substrate, such as sand or soil. Keep in mind that their natural habitats include sandy and dry areas, so aim to replicate those conditions.

In terms of temperature, tiger beetles do well in warm environments. Aim for a temperature between 75-85°F (24-29°C) during the day and slightly cooler temperatures at night. A heat lamp or pad can help you maintain these conditions.

Here are a few key elements to consider for optimal care:

  • Food: Tiger beetles are predators, so providing them with appropriate live prey is vital. Feed them small insects like crickets, fruit flies, or mealworms every day or two, depending on their size and how often they eat.
  • Water: Be sure to provide a shallow dish of water, but don’t let it become too deep or overflow. Tiger beetles can drown if subjected to deep or standing water.
  • Space: Make sure there is enough room for your beetles to roam and hunt for prey. A 5-10 gallon terrarium should be sufficient for a few beetles.
  • Hiding spots: Tiger beetles are known to be shy and appreciate having places to hide, so add some small rocks, wood, or plants to your terrarium.

Remember to keep the terrarium clean and well-ventilated, replacing the substrate as needed. By providing the appropriate environment and meeting their dietary needs, you can successfully care for tiger beetles in captivity.


  1. Tiger Beetle – Texas A&M University 2 3 4
  2. Tiger Beetle Adaptations | Ask A Biologist 2 3 4
  3. Tiger Beetle | NC State Extension – North Carolina State University 2
  4. Tiger Beetle Biology, Life Cycle, & Behavior – University of Nebraska 2 3 4


















  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Tiger Beetles

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15 Comments. Leave new

  • What’s cool about this pic is that the female has got some food, most likely supplied by the male as a token. In other words, sex for food. Other kinds of animals do this — I don’t know how many, but I know that roadrunners to it. Pretty fascinating, when you consider the possibility that there are some vague analogies in our species.

  • mardikavana
    May 11, 2011 3:36 pm

    This is indeed C.campestris.

  • This is Cicindela trifasciata , the S-banded Tiger Beetle.

  • Beauties!

  • This does seem to be a Big Sand Tiger Beetle, Cicindela formosa. Cicindela tranquebarica has more reduced maculations; see A Field Guide to the Tiger Beetles of the United States and Canada. (Pearson, et. al)

  • These are likely members of Cicindela purpurea Olivier, the Cow Path Tiger Beetle, probably from the the subspecies C. purpurea audubonii LeConte. This species’ range extends northwards into British Colombia and Alberta. Sources: Pearson, D. L., et al. 2006. A field guide to the tiger beetles of the United States and Canada. Oxford University Press, New York, New York .
    Bugguide: http://bugguide.net/node/view/8994#range

    • Hi Austin,
      Thanks so much for the identification. We would like nothing better than to be able to stay home all day and more thoroughly research all of the identification requests that we receive, however, we need to go to our day job in order to pay the bills. We will update the posting with a new subject line.

  • These are likely members of Cicindela purpurea Olivier, the Cow Path Tiger Beetle, probably from the the subspecies C. purpurea audubonii LeConte. This species’ range extends northwards into British Colombia and Alberta. Sources: Pearson, D. L., et al. 2006. A field guide to the tiger beetles of the United States and Canada. Oxford University Press, New York, New York .
    Bugguide: http://bugguide.net/node/view/8994#range

  • I grew up in west Texas and we had several different color variations of beetles like these. I dont see them nearly as much anymore and was wondering why that might be. Just curious.

  • Timothy P Friedlander
    March 14, 2019 2:30 pm

    This is actually a very interesting tiger beetle, Apterodela unipunctata, and a good find. They are most active in late May, through June, into July, and prefer sandy woods. They seem to be mostly nocturnal, and less active in the day, and frequently “play dead” when disturbed. They resemble fast, black spiders as they run through the forest litter, and will hide under leaves.

    • Dear Timothy,
      Thank you so much for the correction and what sound to us like first-hand observations.


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