Scorpion Fly Life Cycle: A Fascinating Journey Revealed

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Scorpion flies are fascinating insects with a unique life cycle. They capture the interest of scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. In this article, you’ll learn about their intriguing life stages and gain a deeper appreciation for their existence.

The life cycle of a scorpion fly starts with eggs laid by the female. Once hatched, the young larvae go through a period of growth and development, during which they molt multiple times. These phases, known as instars, allow the scorpion fly to grow into an adult.

As an adult scorpion fly, you’ll find them seeking mates, laying eggs, and providing fascinating opportunities for observation in their natural habitats. With this knowledge, you can now explore and appreciate these amazing insects even more.

Scorpion Fly Basic Information

Scorpion flies, belonging to the Mecoptera order of insects, are a fascinating group of species. They have distinct characteristics that set them apart from other insects.

You might be interested to know that scorpion flies are named so due to their unique appearance. Their elongated, curved abdomens resemble a scorpion’s tail. Despite the name and intimidating look, these insects are harmless to humans.

An important aspect of scorpion flies is their life cycle. It undergoes four main stages:

  • Egg: A female scorpion fly lays her eggs in the soil or leaf litter.
  • Larva: The larvae resemble caterpillars, feeding on decaying plants and small insects.
  • Pupa: Scorpion fly larvae pupate in a cocoon before metamorphosing into adults.
  • Adult: Adult scorpion flies have a short lifespan, usually lasting a few weeks.

Some fascinating features of scorpion flies include:

  • Long, beak-like mouthparts for feeding on dead or dying insects and nectar
  • Large, compound eyes improving their vision for mating and navigation
  • Well-developed wings aiding in their agile flight

Mecoptera contains various species, with distinct appearances and features. Often, they are grouped into three main types based on their tail appendages:

  1. Panorpidae: Resembling scorpions, with upturned, stinger-like tails
  2. Bittacidae: Also called hangingflies, with elongated bodies and tails lacking a stinger-like appearance
  3. Meropeidae: A rare family, with only one known species in North America and no pronounced tail appendage

In summary, scorpion flies are unique insects with an interesting life cycle and diverse species. Their distinct features and appearance make them worth studying further.

Scorpion Fly Appearance

Body Structure

Scorpion flies, belonging to the genus Panorpa, are moderate-sized insects with a body length of about 3/8 inch1. Their body consists of three main parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen2. The head houses their compound eyes and elongated beak, while the thorax supports four long wings and three pairs of legs3. The abdomen contains the digestive and reproductive systems4.

Distinctive Features

Scorpion flies have a few distinctive features that make them stand out from other insects:

  • Beak: Scorpion flies have a long beak-like structure, which extends from their head and houses their chewing mouthparts5.
  • Wings: Their wings are typically yellowish-brown with black bands or spots6. At rest, they hold their wings in a V position7.
  • Male abdomen tip: Males have an abdomen tip that looks like a scorpion’s stinger due to their modified genitalia8. This curved “tail” may look intimidating but is completely harmless9.

Scorpion Fly Life Cycle

Egg Stage

During the Egg Stage, female scorpion flies lay their eggs in moist habitats such as soil and moss. This provides a safe and nurturing environment for the eggs to develop.

Larval Stage

The Larval Stage starts when the eggs hatch into larvae, which resemble small caterpillars. These larvae typically live in mosses and leaf litter, where they continuously feed on decaying plant matter to grow and develop. Your choice of habitat should consist of:

  • Mosses
  • Leaf litter
  • Decaying plant matter


In the Pupation stage, the scorpion fly larvae form a protective case called a pupa. The pupa, concealed within the habitat, provides a secure environment for the larvae to metamorphose into adults. Factors to consider during this stage include:

  • Suitable habitat
  • Pupa protection
  • Metamorphosis duration

Adult Stage

The final stage in the life cycle is the Adult Stage. Once the scorpionflies emerge from their pupae, they begin searching for mates. Males, with their distinct genitalia, use it to attract females for mating. It’s essential to note:

  • Mating behavior
  • Male and female appearance
  • Lifecycle completion

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Scorpion Fly Diet

Scorpion flies primarily consume dead insects, making them an important part of natural decomposition. They help keep ecosystems clean by feeding on these insect carcasses. Some scorpion flies also feed on nectar, plants, and pollen, which adds an element of diversity to their diet.

Fruits are another part of a scorpion fly’s diet. When fruits begin to decay, a scorpion fly can be found feasting on them to fulfill its nutritional needs. You may find these tiny insects hovering around garden patches.

Scorpion flies are also known for preying on soft-bodied insects. They use their long, beak-like mouthparts to inject saliva into their prey, breaking down their victim’s internal structures before consuming them. A few examples of prey include aphids and caterpillars.

To help you understand how scorpion flies differ in their diet according to the food they consume, here’s a comparison table:

Food Source Scorpion Fly’s Role
Dead Insects Decomposers
Nectar Pollinators
Plants Herbivores
Pollen Pollinators
Fruits Frugivores
Soft-bodied Insects Predators

In summary, scorpion flies have a diverse diet that consists of dead insects, nectar, plants, pollen, fruits, and soft-bodied insects. This variety in their feeding habits benefits their environment by supporting natural decomposition, pollination, and pest control.

Scorpion Fly Behavior

Scorpion flies exhibit unique behaviors, especially in their mating rituals. They use pheromones to communicate with potential mates and engage in fascinating practices.

When a male scorpion fly finds a suitable female, he releases pheromones to attract her. These chemical signals are vital in the mating process as they assist in identifying compatible partners.

Once the female approaches, the male performs an intricate mating ritual. This typically involves wing flapping and other body movements. The goal is to impress the female and earn her acceptance for mating.

During sperm transfer, the male uses its abdomen to deposit a sperm packet called a spermatophore. This is an efficient method, ensuring successful reproduction.

Scorpion flies also serve as natural pest control agents. They feed on dead insects and help keep the ecosystem balanced.

To summarize, scorpion fly behavior includes:

  • Using pheromones for communication and mate attraction
  • Performing complex mating rituals
  • Transferring sperm via spermatophores
  • Acting as natural pest control agents

Remember, when observing these fascinating creatures, always respect their habitat and allow them to thrive in their natural environment.

Scorpion Fly Ecology

Habitat and Distribution

Scorpion flies, belonging to the genera Bittacus and Hylobittacus, are fascinating insects found in a variety of habitats. These insects prefer marshy areas and cool environments, often near vegetation. For example, you might find them near:

  • Woodlands
  • Streams
  • Dense shrubs

These habitats provide ample vegetation for scorpion flies to thrive since it helps them maintain a cool living environment.

Predators and Threats

Scorpion flies, like many other insects, face various threats from predators in their ecosystem. Some of their common predators are:

  • Spiders
  • Birds
  • Larger insects

Among the scorpion fly species, Snow Scorpionflies are particularly vulnerable to predators due to their small size and limited mobility in cold environments.

To protect themselves from predators, scorpion flies employ multiple defensive strategies like:

  • Camouflage: their coloration helps them blend into their surroundings
  • Swift flying: their large wings allow them to escape quickly

In conclusion, understanding scorpion fly ecology gives you valuable insight into their habitat, distribution, and predator interactions.


  1. Common Scorpionflies | Department of Entomology
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Ibid.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Common Scorpionflies | Missouri Department of Conservation
  7. Ibid.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Ibid.







  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Scorpion Flies

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • I had just come to the same conclusion about the scorpionflies, thanks to your recommended website. I wish I had had my camera today because I got to see the forked projections on the backside of the male, they can raise and fold them back down flat, and he has a sort of single “Mercury wing” coming off the back of his head. Thank you and Chen so much for your help. Daniel, you certainly don’t need to apologize to me for being busy and forgetting a few things! Thank you again.

  • I am involved in writing an Animal Behavior textbook that will be published by Oxford University Press USA. I am seeking permission to reprint your three images of a hangingfly transferring a nuptial gift to a female.
    Thanks in advance for your help.


    • Hi Tom,
      Trevor from Australia contributed these images and we will gladly contact him regarding permission to use his images. We reserve the right to reproduce content from our website in approved publications, but whenever it is possible to contact the photograph copyright holder, we always defer permission. We will contact Trevor with your request.

  • Hi Daniel,
    Thanks for letting me know about Tom’s request. Happy for him to single use the photos in his book as per my email.

  • heyyyy….bless your little bug observant hearts. now I can refuse to take lip off those morons who give me the stink eye when I tell them we have gnats in/on our snowbanks. And they BITE. I have one little hound with tender skin who is getting chewed UP by these things. please respond if you have observed similar.


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