Leaf Cutter Bee: All You Need to Know in a Nutshell

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Leafcutter bees are fascinating native pollinators that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. These gentle insects are known for their unique behavior of cutting leaves from plants to create their nest cells, while also being an important contributor to the pollination process. As a non-aggressive species with a mild sting, they coexist peacefully with humans and other creatures in their environment.

These bees typically make their nests in soft, rotted wood or within the stems of large, pithy plants, such as roses source. Their size is comparable to honey bees, with the females being larger than the males. Leafcutter bees are not only beneficial for the ecosystem, but they’re also fascinating creatures that display remarkable behaviors and abilities.

In their role as efficient pollinators, leafcutter bees have drawn the attention of researchers and garden enthusiasts alike, enhancing our understanding of the various species within the bee family. Appreciating leafcutter bees’ unique characteristics and pollination abilities can help us better support their populations and ensure the continued health of our environment.

Leaf Cutter Bee Basics


Leafcutter bees are a type of solitary bee belonging to the family Megachilidae. They are about the size of honey bees, but can have varying appearances. Some common traits include:

  • Black or metallic body colors
  • Female leafcutter bees usually larger than males
  • Dense hairs on the underside of the abdomen

Distinctive Features

Leafcutter bees have a unique behavior of cutting circular pieces of leaves to build their nests. These bees are efficient pollinators, with mild stings that are used only when handled. Their nesting habits are different than other bees:

  • Nest in soft, rotted wood or pithy plant stems
  • Construct cigar-like nests with several cells
  • Each cell contains pollen and a single egg

Leafcutter bees play a crucial role in pollination, and their non-aggressive nature makes them safe for humans and the environment. Learning to identify them and co-exist with them can aid in preserving these important pollinators.

Life Cycle and Reproduction

The Bee’s Life Stages

Leafcutter bees have a unique life cycle, with four major stages:

  • Eggs: Female bees lay eggs in specially prepared cells.
  • Larvae: The eggs hatch into larvae, which feed on stored pollen and nectar.
  • Pupae: Larvae form cocoons and develop into pupae, transforming into adult bees.
  • Adults: Adult leafcutter bees emerge from cocoons, ready to mate and start the cycle anew.

Nesting Behavior

Leafcutter bees are solitary insects. They create individual nests in soft, rotted wood or plant stems, such as roses1.Here’s what their nesting process looks like:

  1. The female bee gathers leaf fragments.
  2. She uses the leaf fragments to construct a cell in her nest2.
  3. The bee deposits an egg in the cell.
  4. She gathers pollen and nectar, packing it in the cell as food for the larva.
  5. The cell is sealed with leaves, protecting the developing bee.

Their unique nesting habits make leafcutter bees fascinating pollinators, an essential part of the ecosystem.

Pollination and their Role in the Environment

Importance in Agriculture

Leaf cutter bees are essential pollinators that benefit agriculture. They help in the pollination of various fruits and vegetables, which:

  • Increases crop yield
  • Enhances produce quality
  • Supports biodiversity

For example, they’re efficient pollinators of alfalfa, a vital livestock feed crop. Their contribution leads to increased agricultural productivity and food security.

Comparison Table: Leaf Cutter Bees and Honeybees

Characteristic Leaf Cutter Bee Honeybee
Pollination Efficiency High Lower
Social Behavior Solitary bees Live in colonies
Pollination Style Belly-rubbing Leg-rubbing
Aggressiveness Less aggressive More aggressive

Coexistence with Other Bees

Leaf cutter bees coexist with other bee species, such as honeybees, in diverse ecosystems. They have different nesting habits and foraging patterns, which reduce competition for resources.

Both bee types can be found near wildflowers and agricultural crops. This coexistence fosters a healthy environment and benefits ecosystems by:

  • Supporting plant diversity
  • Maintaining a balance between pollinator populations
  • Encouraging sustainable agriculture

Nesting and Habitat Requirements

Choosing the Right Materials

Leaf Cutter Bees require specific materials for a successful nesting environment. They need:

  • Stems: Hollow or soft stems provide nesting tunnels1.
  • Tree branches: They prefer wooden stems with pith1.
  • Wood: Favored for constructing their nests1.

Additionally, they use leaf materials to line their nests, hence the name1.

Constructing and Maintaining Nests

  1. Nesting in stems: Bees may use existing holes or create new ones themselves1.
  2. Wood nesting: Bees deposit pollen and nectar mixture in their tunnels to feed their larvae1.
  3. Using leaf materials: Bees cut small pieces of leaves, then carry them back to their nests1.

Comparison of nesting materials:

Material Pros Cons
Hollow stems Natural, easy for bees to burrow Weaken over time
Tree branches Abundant, renewable resource Require more space
Wood Durable, preferred by Leaf Cutter Bees May rot or decay

Keep in mind that providing a variety of nesting materials will benefit the bees and ensure better survival chances. It’s essential to check and maintain the nesting sites1.

Protecting and Encouraging Leaf Cutter Bees

Preventing Pests and Diseases

To protect leaf cutter bees from pests and diseases, avoid using insecticides in your garden. Instead, opt for natural pest control methods like introducing predator insects.

One common threat to leaf cutter bees is the parasitic wasp. To prevent wasps from entering the bees’ nesting sites, you can use a physical barrier like cheesecloth or netting. This allows the bees to access their nests while keeping wasps out.

  • Pros of natural pest control: Safe for bees, beneficial insects thrive
  • Cons of natural pest control: Might require more effort, not as effective against severe infestations

Example: Encourage ladybugs in your garden to prey on aphids, preventing the need for insecticides.

Pest Control Method Bee-Friendly Effectiveness Effort Required
Insecticides (e.g., Sevin, Malathion, or Permethrin) No High Low
Natural predators (e.g., ladybugs, mantises, lacewings) Yes Medium High

Supporting their Population in Your Garden

To encourage leaf cutter bees in your backyard, create a welcoming habitat for them by planting flowers they enjoy and providing nesting sites.

Flowers: Choose native flowering plants to attract leaf cutter bees. Examples include:

  • Asters
  • Coneflowers
  • Sunflowers

Nesting sites: Become a bee raiser by creating nesting sites for leaf cutter bees. You can do this by:

  1. Leaving hollow plant stems in your garden.
  2. Providing bee houses made from bundles of hollow tubes.

Always inspect nests for parasites and diseases. Remove and discard infected nests to maintain a healthy bee population. By taking these simple steps, you’ll help protect and support leaf cutter bees in your garden.

Additional Information and Tips

Common Questions and Concerns

Do leaf cutter bees sting?

Leaf cutter bees are generally not aggressive and rarely sting, making them safe to be around for most people.

What plants do leaf cutter bees pollinate?

Some plants that leaf cutter bees pollinate are squash, peas, and ornamentals.

How to protect plants from leaf cutter bee damage?

To protect your plants, try placing alternative nesting materials around your garden to distract the bees.

Getting Started with Leaf Cutter Bees


Comparing leaf cutter bees with other similar species, like mason bees, is essential.

  • Leaf cutter bees: Cut pieces of leaves to line their nests
  • Mason bees: Use mud to build nests

For a beginner’s guide to leaf cutter bees, consider the following seasonal reminders and tips:

  • Spring: Be aware of emerging leaf cutter bees and observe their pollination activity on plants.
  • Summer: Keep an eye out for leaf cutter bee nests and protect your plants.
  • Fall: Safely remove and store any leaf cutter bee nests found in your garden.
Leaf Cutter Bees Mason Bees
Nesting Material Leaves Mud
Aggression Level Low Low
Pollination Activity Squash, peas, etc. Fruit trees
North America Widespread Widespread

To successfully incorporate leaf cutter bees into your garden, consider these tips:

  • Provide a variety of flowering plants to support their pollination needs.
  • Offer nesting sites made from wood or hollow stems.
  • Avoid using pesticides that may harm bees.

Remember to consult additional resources for a comprehensive understanding of how to care for leaf cutter bees in your garden.


  1. Leafcutter Bees – 5.576 – Extension 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  2. Leafcutter Bees | NC State Extension Publications

Reader Emails

Over the years, our website, whatsthatbug.com has received hundreds of letters and some interesting images asking us about these insects. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.

Letter 1 – Female Leafcutter Bee


Every once in awhile, the What’s That Bug? editorial staff needs to dust off the camera to get a photo just to prove we can. While gardening today, we were observing a pretty little bee we have seen in the summer in the past, but are unsure as to its identity. It flies very rapidly, and in flight, it looks pale blue. It has a striped abdomen and the ventral surface is bright yellow. There are not noticeable pollen sacs and we are wondering if the bee collects pollen on the hairs of the abdomen. If flies very quickly and erratically, and is difficult to capture photographically. After about a half an hour, our efforts were rewarded. Now we hope Eric Eaton can tell us what this beauty is.

Within minutes, Eric wrote back: “Daniel, Yes, it is a female leafcutter bee, genus Megachile, and yes, she does collect pollen in a dense brush of hairs on the underside of her abdomen. Leafcutter bees nest in pre-existing tunnels in wood (some species do make burrows in the ground). They fashion individual, barrel-shaped cells from plant cuttings. A leafcutter can shear a perfectly oval (or round) piece from a leaf in under 30 seconds! The round pieces cap the finished cell. Inside each cell she packs a ball of pollen and nectar for a single offspring. She lays an egg in the finished cell, caps it, then begins a new cell stacked atop the first, repeating this for the length of the tunnel. These are amazing insects, and vital pollinators of both wild and cultivated plants. Eric”

Letter 2 – Leaf Cutter Bee


Subject: Leafcutter Bee?
Location: Grand Rapids, MI
May 31, 2014 4:11 pm
Hi –
Our neighbor’s front yard hill appears to have been colonized by bees. After doing some research, I think they are leafcutter bees, as they very diligently drag small circles of leaves into tunnels just barely big enough to admit them, and as they ignore the people around them, even when walking past carrying stuff as new renters move in, or even once going down the hill, burying some of the tunnels.
The entire hill in the first picture is riddled with holes, seems like 100’s of them. The tunnels fill the space between the stairs and our lower yard, but they stop there, and I do not see any holes in our yard. There are a few beyond the stairs, by the low retaining wall, above the mulched area. In between the houses is a stand of Japanese Knotwood that I keep intending to go after, but they are very stubborn, and I wonder if those are the draw for the bees?
I hope you can confirm this (or give me another possibility), and I hope you have some suggestions to encourage them to find other nesting / denning locations, as the landlord is determined to exterminate them with a spray come Monday.
I’ve included a shot of the whole hill, one picture that has the bee (it was tough to get a good pic, both because my iTouch camera is not the greatest, and bc they move fast!), and in the last pic I finally caught one of the leaves that was being dragged into the tunnel – it’s in the upper left, curled to the left rather in a rather conical shape.
They are fascinating to watch, and I hate to see them go, but I understand the desire not to have the colony so close to the front door of the house. I just want to know if there’s a way to discourage them from living there, without killing them.
Signature: Pioden

Leaf Cutter Bee
Leaf Cutter Bee

Dear Pioden,
The behavior you describe is exactly that of solitary Leaf Cutter Bees in the family Megachilidae (see BugGuide), but we are unable to determine the species based on your images even though the images document the behavior you have described.  We cannot think of any way to deter the Leaf Cutter Bees from their nesting site.  Though solitary in nest construction, these bees are will often nest in close proximity to others of the species.  We are sorry to hear about your landlord’s eradication plan.  The Leaf Cutter Bees do not live in the nest as the nest is strictly provisioned for the progeny.

Leaf Cutter Bee taking leaf into nest
Leaf Cutter Bee taking leaf into nest

Thanks for your reply! I’m hoping to get out there today with a better camera, see if I can get a few good shots of them.
Where do the bees then “sleep”, or overnight?  There is a large stand or Japanese knotwood nearby, do you think that has anything to do with them?
Natalie Beversluis

Hi Natalie,
The Leaf Cutter Bees will seek shelter in shrubbery and other locations during the night.  The stand of Japanese knotwood might have some bearing on the presence of he bees.


Letter 3 – Leaf Cutter Bee


Subject: Perhaps a Leaf Cutter Bee?
Location: Coryell County, Texas
June 5, 2014 12:41 pm
Hello, I was photographing flowers in the yard when I noticed this bee. It has bright yellow under its abdomen. I wondered if it is pollen? I saw the beautiful leaf cutter bee posted last week and wondered if this one is similar.
Signature: Ellen

Leaf Cutter Bee
Leaf Cutter Bee

Hi Ellen,
We are jealous that you are getting to spend so much time in the garden.  We are still dealing with final examinations and presentations from our students.  You are correct.  This is a Leaf Cutter Bee in the genus
Megachile, and they do collect pollen on the underside of the abdomen.

Leaf Cutter Bee
Leaf Cutter Bee

Letter 4 – Cuckoo Leaf Cutter Bee


Subject: Daniel – Bee or Wasp or Bee Wasp?
Location: Hawthorne, CA
October 15, 2013 9:33 pm
Hi Daniel,
This was on the Cosmos blooms in back today. I think it’s not the same sand wasp that we submitted a while back, but is it in the same family?
Signature: Thanks, Anna Carreon

Possibly Scarab Hunter Wasp
Cuckoo Leaf Cutter Bee

Hi Anna,
Your recent photos are inspiring us to plant cosmos in the garden again.  We planted them many years ago, and one year they were about six feet tall.  They naturalized, but over the years, they have stopped coming up on their own.  We may have to plant a pack of seeds this winter.  This wasp reminds us of a male Scarab Hunter Wasp,
Campsomeris tolteca, that we photographed on native baccharis in Elyria Canyon Park several years ago.  The photo on BugGuide is much clearer than the photos we took.  We will check with Eric Eaton to see if this is a closely related species or if we are totally in left field.

Possibly Scarab Hunter Wasp
Cuckoo Leaf Cutter Bee

Eric Eaton Provides a Correction:  Cuckoo Leaf Cutter Bee
This is way smaller than a Campsomeris.  It is a cuckoo leafcutter bee, genus Coelioxys.  This one is a female.  Males have a blunt tip to the abdomen, though there are often teeth or spikes on the tip.

Hi Daniel,
I’m glad you are thinking of planting cosmos.  We make it a point to keep it around, as it attracts many “new to us” bugs.  Additionally, the Lesser Goldfinches and American Goldfinches hungrily partake of the seeds.  Our cosmos are about my height this year, 5′ 8″.  We can send you seeds if you wish . . .
I’m most likely incorrect, but I don’t think this wasp is Campsomeris tolteca.  It’s coloring is more that of the sand wasp in the family Bembix, and it doesn’t seem to have as “hairy” a body as the Campsomeris tolteca.  2013/10/04/sand-wasp-8/.  We hope Eric Eaton has time to respond, and thank you once again.

Hi Anna,
It would be so sweet of you to send cosmos seeds.  We think we will take you up on the offer.

Daniel and Eric,
Oh, joy!  I’m excited to have an id for a “new to us” bug.  Thank you.

Hi Daniel,
I will start collecting soon.  You are most kind.



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Leafcutter Bees

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