How to Get Rid of Roaches: Quick and Effective Methods for a Pest-Free Home

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Roaches can be more than just a nuisance; they can also pose health risks as they carry various pathogens. In order to maintain a clean and healthy living environment, it’s essential to implement strategies to get rid of these pests. One of the most effective methods of controlling roaches is by denying them access to the three things they need to survive: food, water, and shelter.

There are numerous ways to keep your home roach-free, such as maintaining proper sanitation and using home remedies like boric acid mixed with powdered sugar or flour to eliminate them. In addition, professional treatments might be necessary for severe infestations. Keep in mind, prevention is always the best approach to keep these unwelcome guests out of your living space.

Some tips for roach prevention include:

  • Regularly cleaning and vacuuming your living spaces
  • Sealing gaps, cracks, and crevices with caulk
  • Keeping food properly stored and your kitchen clean
  • Fixing plumbing leaks to eliminate sources of water

Identify Roach Species

When dealing with a roach infestation, it’s essential to identify the specific roach species you’re dealing with. This will help you choose the most effective pest control methods. Common domestic roach species include German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, and Brown-Banded Cockroaches.

German Cockroaches

  • Most common in the United States
  • Size: 12 to 17 mm (1/2 to 5/8 inch) long
  • Color: Tan to light brown
  • Identifying marks: Two dark brown stripes on the body region (pronotal shield) just behind the head

German Cockroaches reproduce quickly, with females producing four to eight egg capsules during their lifetime, each containing about 30 to 48 eggs. These roaches are commonly found in residential areas and prefer warm, humid environments, making them a challenge to control in kitchens and bathrooms.

American Cockroaches

  • Second most common household roach in the United States
  • Size: 1.5 inches long on average
  • Color: Reddish-brown
  • Identifying marks: Yellow band behind the head

The American Cockroach prefers warm, damp environments such as basements, sewer systems or outdoors in piles of leaves and wood. They are peridomestic roaches, meaning they can easily move between indoor and outdoor environments.

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

  • Less common than German or American roaches
  • Size: 10 to 14 mm (3/8 to 1/2 inch) long
  • Color: Light brown to brown
  • Identifying marks: Two lighter bands across their wings

Unlike the previously mentioned species, Brown-Banded Cockroaches prefer drier environments and are often found higher up in buildings, such as in cabinets, closets, or near the ceiling.

Roach Species Size Color Identifying Marks Habitat
German Cockroaches 1/2 to 5/8 inch Tan to light brown Two dark brown stripes on the body behind the head Warm, humid environments
American Cockroaches 1.5 inches Reddish-brown Yellow band behind the head Warm, damp environments
Brown-Banded Roaches 3/8 to 1/2 inch Light brown to brown Two lighter bands across the wings Dry, high-up locations

Keep in mind that knowing what type of roach you’re dealing with can help ensure that you’re using the right methods and strategies to eliminate them from your home successfully.

Prevention and Exclusion

Sealing Entry Points and Crevices

To keep roaches from entering your home, it’s crucial to seal all entry points and crevices. Use caulk or other sealants to close gaps around doors, windows, and utility lines.

Examples of common entry points:

  • Cracks in the walls
  • Gaps around doors and windows
  • Holes around plumbing and electrical lines

Addressing Plumbing Leaks

Plumbing leaks should be addressed immediately since they can attract roaches, who prefer damp and humid environments. Repair any leaking faucets or pipes and ensure you’re maintaining good drainage in your home.

Here are some ways to detect plumbing leaks:

  • Check for signs of dampness near plumbing fixtures
  • Monitor your water bill for unusual spikes

Maintaining a Clean Home

Keeping a clean and tidy home is essential to prevent roaches. Vacuum regularly and avoid leaving dirty dishes or food out, as these can attract pests.

Simple tips to maintain a clean home:

  • Wipe down surfaces after cooking
  • Dispose garbage promptly
  • Store food in sealed containers

Especially important for households with children and pets:

  • Clean up spilled food and drinks immediately
  • Secure pet food in sealed containers

It’s also crucial to take care of your home’s exterior, such as properly maintaining the landscaping.

  • Trim overgrown plants near your home
  • Remove debris and garbage from your yard

By following these simple prevention and exclusion steps, you can decrease the chances of a roach infestation in your home.

Effective Roach Control Methods

Baits and Traps

Baits are a highly effective method for controlling roaches, particularly for German cockroach species. Some popular bait options include:

  • Gel bait: Easy to apply in cracks and crevices where roaches hide.
  • Bait stations: Enclosed, safer for children and pets.

Traps are also helpful in controlling infestations and monitoring pest activity, such as:

  • Glue strips: Capture roaches walking on them.
  • Sticky traps: Attract roaches with pheromones or food.

Insecticides and Home Remedies

Insecticides can be useful for immediate roach control but should be used responsibly:


  • Fast-acting, kills on contact.
  • Covers large areas quickly.


  • Can be toxic, especially around children and pets.
  • Requires repeated applications.

Home remedies may be less toxic and inexpensive alternatives, such as:

  • Boric acid: Low toxicity, effective when ingested by roaches.
  • Diatomaceous earth: A natural, non-toxic powder that damages the roach’s exoskeleton.
  • Essential oils: Natural repellants (e.g., peppermint, lavender) may deter roaches but have limited effect on established infestations.

Seeking Professional Help

For severe or persistent infestations, it may be necessary to seek professional help from exterminators. Exterminators can:

  • Identify specific roach species, tailoring treatments accordingly.
  • Employ more potent, professional-grade chemicals.
  • Offer guarantees or follow-up treatments, ensuring effective results.
Method Effectiveness Toxicity Cost
Baits & Traps High Low Moderate
Insecticides Moderate High Moderate
Home Remedies Low-Moderate Low Low
Professional Extermination High Varies High

Consider which method best suits your situation, and always practice good sanitation and exclusion practices to keep roaches at bay.

Natural Remedies and Non-Toxic Solutions

Household Products

  • Boric Acid: A powder that can be applied to areas where roaches enter and leave, such as along baseboards and electrical outlets. It sticks to roaches’ bodies and poisons them when they try to lick it off1.

Pros of boric acid:

  • Non-toxic to humans and pets in small amounts
  • Inexpensive and readily available

Cons of boric acid:

  • Less effective in damp or humid environments
  • Can cause skin and eye irritation if mishandled
  • Inorganic Dusting Powder: Silica gel is another option, and can be used in conjunction with boric acid1.

Plant-Based Repellents

  • Citrus: Roaches are repelled by the smell of citrus fruits. You can create a simple repellent spray by combining water and lemon or orange peels.
    • Simply mix peels from desired citrus fruits with water
    • Spray the mixture around potential entry points and hiding spots in your home

Comparison of Household Products and Plant-Based Repellents:

  Household Products Plant-Based Repellents
Effectiveness Moderate to High Low to Moderate
Safety Generally Safe Safe
Availability Easy Easy
Cost Low Low

Keep in mind that roaches thrive on food, water, and shelter, so eliminate these necessities for long-term control. Remember to:

  • Store all food, pet food, and garbage in bug-proof containers
  • Clean up food spills and crumbs
  • Remove hiding spots by decluttering and vacuuming regularly

Safety Tips and Considerations

Protecting Children and Pets

  • Keep food and water covered: Prevent children and pets from consuming contaminated food or water by storing them in sealed containers.
  • Store chemicals out of reach: Ensure all pesticides and chemicals are stored in locked cabinets.
  • Watch out for toxic solutions: Using natural remedies like baking soda can be a safer option around children and pets.

Proper Use of Chemicals

  • Follow instructions carefully: Read and adhere to the product’s label to ensure proper usage.
  • Ventilate the area: Open windows and doors to provide enough air circulation while applying chemicals.
  • Wear protective gear: Wear gloves and masks to minimize exposure to harmful substances.

Example: If you opt for chemical treatments, you may choose between two common products:

Product Pros Cons
Roach spray Quick effect, easy application Can be toxic to humans and animals, leaves residue
Roach bait Discreet, lures roaches to the poison May take longer to see results, can still be harmful to pets if ingested

Remember to prioritize safety when trying to get rid of roaches in your home.

Dealing with Severe Infestations

Identifying the Source

A severe cockroach infestation is not only a nuisance but can also threaten your health. To ensure the fastest ways to get rid of roaches, first, identify the source. Typically, these pests seek refuge in areas with access to food, water, and shelter. For example:

  • Kitchen: Crumbs, spills, and garbage
  • Bathroom: Leaking pipes, standing water
  • Living areas: Clutter, dust, and electronics

Roaches love to hide in electronics and cluttered environments. Keep your living space tidy and inspect your home for possible entry points.

Contacting an Exterminator

When the situation gets out of hand, it’s wise to call in professional exterminators who will help with proper pest control. Here’s a quick comparison of DIY methods and hiring an exterminator:

  DIY Method Exterminator
Cost Low High (but one-time)
Effectiveness Varies with method Guaranteed success
Time taken Longer Faster
Health risks Possible (due to chemical exposure) Minimal (trained professionals)

Pros of hiring an exterminator:

  • Expert knowledge and experience dealing with cockroach infestations
  • Customized treatment plan
  • Faster results and long-term solutions

Cons of hiring an exterminator:

  • Higher initial cost
  • Inconvenience of scheduling appointments and vacating house during treatment

Keep in mind that severe infestations may require multiple treatments, especially when roaches have established a foothold in your electronics, shelter, and other areas. Working with a professional exterminator ensures the best results and long-term control over the infestation.


  1. Safe, non-toxic way to get rid of roaches? | Go Ask Alice! 2






Green Banana Cockroach









Immature Cockroach







Green Banana Cockroach


Green Banana Cockroach



Cockroach from Costa Rica






Cockroach Nymph












  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Cockroaches

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34 Comments. Leave new

  • I’m pretty sure that’s a Panchlora Nivea, the Green Banana Cockroach. Nice little critters, my friend keeps one as a pet.

  • I think you are right Eric; that does look closer. Thanks for the correction. K

  • I live in Newfoundland Canada, and I found one of these on a bunch of bananas my hubby brought home. I have it kept in a jar because I know it wouldnt survive the cold climate outside. Im really amazed!!

  • I’m no expert, but that looks like a rubber model of a roach. If you look closely, the wings look fused together and have no point where they connect to the body. The way that some of the legs are positioned looks fishy as well.

    • Thanks for the opinion Salamander. We also doubt that it is a real insect, but we did not want to accuse Hope of trying to pull a fast one. We actually believe it is carved from wood, but the photo is of low resolution which does not allow close scrutiny.

  • That is not a german cockroach, german cockroaches are much skinnier and lighter in color and vary in color from nymph to adult. I think its more likely an asian cockroach late nymph stage. These pest usual come from the outside in and tend to not infest the inside, if you had a serious german cockroach infestation, you would know it, you would have feces stains in or around your cabinets, and food storage areas. I would check your garage or storage area for places were these pests could be make a nest or home and then make a plan to exterminate them from there.

  • Yeah, if I had to have roaches, these would be the ones I’d pick. Pretty!

  • I LIVE IN BUSHKILL PA, on a mountain, been living here for 15yrs and in the last 2 years ALOT of people have moved in our neighborhood, i also have noticed that i’VE been seeing alot of light brown flying bugs about an inch or so long and look like a cockaroach, alot of people have moved here from NY and im worried that they brought the cockaroaches from the city to the mountain, it sort of resembles a german cockaroach but without the black bands around the body, im freaking out only problem i ever had up here were carpenter ants and once the woods behind us where cleared it did slow the ants down tremendously! and BORAX REALLY DOES WORK FOR CARPENTER ANTS JUST SPRINKLE IT AROUND THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR HOME AND BY ANY ENTRY WAY INTO THE HOME, EVEN WINDOWS AND IT YOU HAVE ANY TREES HANGING OVER YOUR HOUSE YOU WANT TO REMOVE THEM, THATS HOW THEY R GETTING INTO YOUR HOME. THEY CLIMB THE TREE AND DROP ON TO YOUR HOUSE AND CREATE MORE HAVOC THAT TERMITES IF YOU HAVE A NEST AND I HAD 3 WHEN I MOVED IN. FIRST NIGHT HOME ALONE HOUSE WAS DORMANT FOR OVER A ;YEAR AND MY FIRST NIGHT HOME ALONE IN THE HOUSE WITH MY 9 MONTH OLD DAUGHTER WAS SITTING WATCHING TV AND AN ANT CRAWLED ACROSS MY ARM I LOOKED UP AND MY WHOLE CEILING WAS MOVEING THEN I NOTICED THE CARPET WAS TOO, RAN UPSTAIRS TO FIND MY DAUGHTER IN HER CRIB WITH AT LEAST 20-30 ANDTS CRAWLING IN HER BED

  • How do you get rid of the Harliquin cockroach?

  • Yuck!! Roaches bug me!!

  • Costa Rica, bug capital of the Americas.

  • Maybe, you can teach them tricks.

  • We have found a nasty looking individual in our kitchen this evening, possibly one as well in the laundry room. Help, we don’t know what it is! We lived in Michigan

  • Nicola fernie
    June 6, 2016 6:41 am

    Got one in Scotland this week, my dad accidentally ate one as it crawled up his banana, currently got another in a tub with some banana skin and flesh. What do we do with it? Would anyone like it? Can it be kept as a pet

  • I found a cocoon on a banana I bought at a WalMart in Indiana..what could it be?

  • Heather Bingham
    August 9, 2016 10:41 am

    Hi. We live in East Sussex, England and my husband bought some prepacked bananas on Saturday from our local supermarket. I took a banana out of the bag and this “bug” fell out and started running all over my kitchen worktop. I am not a fan of insects at all, am actually terrified. I rang our Pest Control who said it was a Green Banana Cockroach and that they weren’t harmful and wouldn’t breed. He told me just to squash it. I haven’t but I have got it in a jam jar and am taking it back to the supermarket tomorrow for them to deal with. It is actually quite attractive.

  • Jennifer Warren
    August 30, 2016 4:05 am

    Hi,we encountered these as well while in Costa Rica. My sister owns a vacation home there. The locals call them bat guano cockroaches. Grow up to 5″ and yes,they eat bat guano. Nasty! Usually live in caves or dark places where there are bats.

  • Best way to rid my home of these guys?

    • Colette illies
      December 27, 2016 8:48 pm

      Recently had a mature cockroach in bath tub. Since I have found worm like things on floor. I have sprayed with roach spray and have put out roach traps. Will this stop them or do I need to get it sprayed. I am renting only

  • Thanks for the identification! I just found one myself here in the Jaco area. Ewwww. I pet it with a stick and it didn’t move. It’s legs are all tucked in and it is still so the EEEK factor is low…for now.

  • Colette illies
    December 27, 2016 8:51 pm

    I have recently had a mature cockroach in bath tub since then I have found worm like things on floor. I have sprayed with roach spray and put out roach traps. Will this solve it or do I have to get sprayed insid also.

  • We had them in Springtime, TX. Since we had an aerobic septic system that would spray the lawn with treated water, they hung out all over the yard by the water. Never found any indoors.

  • Found one of these in a pack of bananas bought at Morrison’s Stockport UK. My 1 year old loves bananas. Are they still safe to eat? What do I do with it? It’s currently hiding somewhere in the inside bin.

    • We suspect both the Green Banana Cockroach and the bananas are both still safe to eat. Based on your location and climate, we don’t believe this exotic import will live to reproduce.

  • Josephine Ansaldo-Nixon
    March 28, 2017 2:43 am

    Hi, I have six of them as pets hunni and they are truly gorgeous. Have you looked at their lovely little eyes, all big and brown?

  • Shelia Gill Rogers
    May 16, 2017 8:46 am

    Found one on Sunday in Shreveport Louisiana

    • Melynda Keenon
      July 24, 2023 1:27 pm

      I found one today in my kitchen. I caught it in a small hummingbird feeder. It began laying eggs. I made a video of it. The babies took off. I still have the Momma.

  • Gretchen Anderson
    February 9, 2019 6:53 pm

    Found one today pretty sure!! Can’t post a pic.

  • I came across one in PA this week. Startled me and creeped me out. Could not buy the bananas that day.


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