How Many Legs Does a House Centipede Have? Discover the Surprising Answer!

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House centipedes are fascinating creatures that often make their way into our homes. These arthropods have elongated bodies with one pair of legs per segment, making them easily recognizable. So, how many legs does a house centipede have?

A house centipede typically has 15 pairs of legs. These legs are long, slender, and encircled by dark and white bands. Interestingly, the number of legs a centipede has can change throughout its life stages, as it gains more pairs through a series of molts.

While house centipedes may appear unnerving, they are mostly harmless and can help control other pests in your home. Their numerous legs, matched with their speed and agility, make them efficient predators of insects and other small arthropods.

House Centipedes: Basics and General Characteristics

What are House Centipedes?

House centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata) are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda and order Scutigeromorpha. They are a common species often found inside homes.

Appearance and Markings

These unique insects have a yellowish-brown body with:

  • Three dark stripes running along the top
  • 15 pairs of white-banded long legs, increasing in length towards the back

Their body size can reach up to 1½ inches long. The legs are barbed, aiding in capturing prey.

Classification and Morphology

House centipedes belong to the phylum Arthropoda, class Chilopoda, order Scutigeromorpha, and species Scutigera coleoptrata. Key morphological features include:

  • Body: Flattened and segmented
  • Eyes: Faceted and well-developed
  • Legs: One pair per segment, totaling 15 pairs of slender legs

Here’s a comparison table between house centipedes and other centipedes:

Feature House Centipedes Other Centipedes
Body Color Yellowish-brown Varying
Leg Count 15 pairs 10 to 50+ pairs
Eye Development Faceted and well-developed Typically less developed
Body Size Up to 1½ inches long Varying

In summary, house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata) are common arthropods with 15 pairs of long, white-banded legs, and a distinct yellowish-brown body with three dark stripes. Their unique appearance and classification make them an intriguing species among centipedes.

Lifecycle and Reproduction of House Centipedes

Reproduction Process

House centipedes reproduce by laying eggs in their preferred habitats, such as damp and protected spaces in homes or outdoors. The male centipede deposits a spermatophore on the ground or on a web, which the female later picks up and uses for fertilization1.

Growth and Development

  • Eggs: Female house centipedes lay about 60 eggs at a time2.
  • Larvae: House centipede larvae hatch from the eggs and have fewer legs than adults3.
  • Molt: As the larvae grow and develop, they go through several molts, gaining more legs during each stage4.
  • Life stages: House centipedes have a slower growth rate compared to spiders or other insects5.

A comparison table of house centipede life stages:

Life Stage Description Legs
Eggs Laid by females in damp, protected areas None
Larvae Hatch from eggs with fewer legs than adults Varies
Molt Growth stage; additional legs are gained Varies
Maturity Fully grown adult house centipede 15 pairs

These insects have fascinating growth and development characteristics. With each molt, they become closer to their final adult form, ultimately sporting 15 pairs of long, slender legs6. Observing the life stages of house centipedes truly reflects the unique traits of these arthropods.

Habitats and Distribution of House Centipedes

Natural Habitats

House centipedes inhabit damp and dark environments:

  • Outdoors: They can be found in leaf litter and unexcavated areas.
  • Indoors: They prefer basements, bathrooms, and crawl spaces.

These arthropods need humidity to survive, so they are commonly found in damp urban environments1.

Urban Environments

In urban settings, house centipedes can be found in various moist areas:

  • Bathrooms
  • Basements
  • Crawl spaces
  • Crevices and cracks

To control their presence and prevent infestations, it’s essential to reduce household dampness and seal openings.

Geographical Distribution

House centipedes’ habitat ranges from the southern United States to Pennsylvania2. They are native to the Mediterranean region but have spread worldwide.

Here is a comparison of their habitat preferences:

Location Natural Habitat Urban Environment
US and Worldwide Damp areas Bathrooms, basements, and crawl spaces

Dietary Habits and Prey

Carnivorous Behavior

House centipedes are carnivorous, preying on other insects and spiders. They are known for their speed, able to quickly capture their prey. Some key features of their predatory behavior include:

  • Barbed legs to help hold prey
  • Fast and stealthy hunting style
  • Nocturnal activity

Common Prey Items

House centipedes have a diverse diet, targeting various insects and arthropods. Some examples of their prey include:

  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Silverfish
  • Termites
  • Millipedes

Comparing different prey items:

Prey Item Vulnerability to House Centipedes Impact on House Centipede Diet
Ants Medium Moderate contributor
Cockroaches High Major contributor
Silverfish High Major contributor
Termites Medium Moderate contributor
Millipedes Low Minor contributor

House centipedes’ carnivorous diet benefits homeowners, as they help control populations of unwanted pests. However, it is important to note that they would not solely rely on these insects as their only food source.

House Centipede Bites and Dangers

When do Bites Occur?

House centipede bites are rare. They usually occur when the centipede is mishandled or feels threatened. These creatures are more interested in finding prey, like insects and spiders, than biting humans.

Are Bites Harmful to Humans?

House centipede bites are not considered dangerous for humans. The pain from a bite can be compared to a bee sting. Some people may experience redness, swelling, and itchiness around the bite area.

Comparing Venom: House Centipedes vs. Other Arthropods

House centipedes inject venom to paralyze their prey, but it is not very potent. When compared to other arthropods, their venom is less concerning. For example:

  • House Centipedes:
    • Mild pain, similar to a bee sting.
    • Minimal swelling and redness.
    • Low risk to humans.
  • Bee Stings:
    • Moderate pain and swelling.
    • Potential for severe allergic reaction.
    • Can be life-threatening in some cases.
  • Spiders:
    • Venom potency varies depending on the species.
    • Some bites may require medical attention.
Arthropod Venom Potency Pain Level Risk to Humans
House Centipede Low Mild Low
Bee Moderate Moderate Moderate
Spider (varies species) Variable Varies Varies

In conclusion, house centipede bites are uncommon and not a significant concern for humans. Their venom is less dangerous when compared to other arthropods, and the bites are generally mild and manageable.

Infestation and Pest Control

Identifying Infestations

House centipedes are yellowish-brown creatures with up to 15 pairs of long legs. They prefer damp, dark areas and can be found in basements, bathrooms, and other moist environments. Signs of infestations include:

  • Seeing live or dead centipedes
  • Finding centipede droppings or molted exoskeletons

Natural and Chemical Control Methods

When dealing with house centipedes, consider the following control methods:


  • Seal entry points (windows, doors, and cracks)
  • Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture
  • Introduce natural predators like spiders


  • Apply appropriate pesticides in affected areas
  • Use insecticidal sprays on potential centipede hiding spots

Pros and Cons of Natural vs Chemical Methods:

  Natural Methods Chemical Methods
Pros * Environmentally friendly * Fast-acting
  * Long-term prevention * Effective at killing
Cons * Can be time-consuming * Harmful to other species
  * May not work quickly * Potential health risks

Preventing Future Infestations

To keep house centipedes at bay:

  • Maintain a clean, clutter-free home
  • Fix plumbing leaks and reduce excess moisture
  • Use dehumidifiers in damp areas
  • Apply sticky traps near potential hiding spots

By implementing these control methods, you can manage and prevent house centipede infestations in your home.


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  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Centipedes

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • You might try telling your child that he’s a good bug who is running around protecting your food by eating the bad bugs that want to eat your food, and he won’t hurt you unless you try to grab him. Sometimes knowing something is a good bug can reduce the fear of it.

  • Aaawh… I killed one of these while I was on vacation. Now I know better. May bring a few home next time we are at the lake. Thanks for letting me know.


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