How Big Do Jumping Spiders Get? Unraveling the Mystery of Their Size

folder_openArachnida, Araneae
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Jumping spiders are fascinating creatures known for their incredible ability to leap significant distances relative to their size. They belong to the Salticidae family, which is home to over 6,000 described species, showcasing a wide range of diversity in size and appearance.

These lively arachnids vary in size, typically ranging from 1/10 to 1/4 inches in length. For example, the daring or bold jumping spider, commonly found in South Carolina, features three white to red dots on its abdomen and falls within this size range. Another familiar species is the zebra jumping spider, often found indoors, sporting white stripes against a blackish-brown background.

Jumping spiders show impressive visual capabilities, making them successful predators in their respective habitats. A study conducted at Harvard involving the Menemerus semilimbatus species demonstrated that these tiny spiders can even identify biological motion cues, hinting at their complex visual system.

Jumping Spider Overview

Characteristics of Jumping Spiders

Jumping spiders belong to the largest family of spiders, Salticidae, which hosts over 6000 described species as of 2019, and are distinguishable by their small-to-medium body size covered with a dense layer of iridescent scales or hairs1. Key features include:

  • Excellent vision with four pairs of eyes
  • Incredible jumping ability, covering up to 50 times their body length
  • Stout and compact bodies, typically 1/10 – 1/4 inches long2
  • Vibrant, diverse colors and patterns3

Taxonomy and Species Diversity

Jumping spiders are classified as true spiders belonging to the phylum Arthropoda, class Arachnida, and order Araneae4. Their vast species diversity is exemplified by the following examples:

  • Phidippus audax, known as the bold or daring jumping spider, frequently found in gardens and around homes3
  • Habronattus pyrrithrix, displaying striking contrasts in coloration1
  • Zebra jumping spider, commonly found indoors, characterized by white stripes on a blackish-brown background2
Common Name Species Habitat Appearance
Bold jumping spider Phidippus audax Gardens, homes Black with irregular orange to white spot
Habronattus pyrrithrix Habronattus pyrrithrix Various Striking contrasting colors
Zebra jumping spider Salticus scenicus Indoors White stripes on blackish-brown background

Jumping spiders not only showcase an impressive array of sizes, colors, and patterns, but also exhibit remarkable abilities to jump impressive distances and possess exceptional vision. They are a fascinating and diverse group within the Arachnida class.

Physical Appearance and Anatomy

Body Length and Size

Jumping spiders are small creatures, with body lengths ranging from 1/10 to 1/4 inches. The largest jumping spider in eastern North America, Phidippus regius, is aptly named due to its size1. Some examples of common jumping spiders are:

  • Daring or bold jumping spider: three white to red dots on the abdomen3
  • Zebra jumping spider: white stripes with a blackish-brown background3

Colors and Patterns

Jumping spiders exhibit a variety of colors and patterns, including:

  • Black with distinct irregular orange to white spots5
  • Iridescent green or blue on their cephalothorax4
  • Stripes, spots, and other intricate patterns4

These colors and patterns aid in camouflage and attracting mates.

Eyes and Vision

Jumping spiders are known for their exceptional vision, thanks to their four pairs of eyes2:

  • Two large, forward-facing principal eyes
  • Two smaller, forward-facing secondary eyes
  • Two lateral pairs of eyes for peripheral vision

Their vision is essential for hunting prey and navigating complex environments.

Habitat and Distribution

Geographical Range

Jumping spiders are found all around the world. Some notable locations include:

  • Australia
  • Tropical forests
  • Deserts
  • Temperate forests
  • Scrubland

Their adaptability allows them to thrive in various environments, from tropical forests and deserts to temperate forests and scrubland. One exceptional jumping spider, Euophrys omnisuperstes, even inhabits Mount Everest, at extremely high altitudes.

Types of Habitats

Jumping spiders are known for their ability to adapt to diverse habitats, examples as follows:

  • Forests: These spiders often inhabit leaves, tree trunks, and branches in both tropical and temperate forests.
  • Urban environments: They can also be found in houses, gardens, and other man-made structures.
  • Deserts: Despite harsh conditions, some jumping spiders have adapted to thriving desert life.

Jumping spiders are quite versatile, making them a fascinating subject when examining their habitat and distribution. Their quick jumps enable them to navigate various environments, making them a successful species in different parts of the world.

Behavior and Hunting

Prey and Diet

Jumping spiders are carnivorous predators with a diverse diet consisting primarily of insects, but they are also known to occasionally consume other spiders. Some examples of prey they might hunt include:

  • Flies
  • Grasshoppers
  • Crickets
  • Moths

Hunting Techniques

Jumping spiders use their exceptional eyesight and stealthy movements to actively hunt their prey during the day. These hunters have eight eyes, which provide unparalleled vision, crucial for detecting and stalking their targets.

Jumping Ability

A notable feature of jumping spiders is their ability to leap impressive distances, which is useful in both hunting and evading predators. Here are some key characteristics of their jumping ability:

  • They can jump up to 50 times their body length
  • Their muscles and hydraulic systems propel them to great heights

Jumping spiders rely on their remarkable agility and do not produce venom to subdue their prey.

Feature Jumping Spider Other Spiders
Hunting strategy Active hunters Mostly passive, using webs
Eyesight Excellent, with eight eyes Varies, generally not as sharp
Jumping ability Can jump up to 50 times body length Limited or none

In summary, jumping spiders are skilled hunters known for their diverse diet, remarkable eyesight, and impressive jumping abilities. Their unique set of characteristics sets them apart from many other spider species.

Life Cycle and Reproduction

Courtship and Mating

Jumping spiders exhibit unique behaviors during courtship and mating. Males usually perform elaborate dances to attract females. These performances may include displaying bright colors, waving their legs, and vibrating their bodies. If successful, the male and female will mate.

Egg Laying and Development

After mating, female jumping spiders lay their eggs inside a carefully constructed silk sac. The number of eggs can vary greatly depending on the species. The eggs go through several developmental stages before emerging as spiderlings. As they grow, spiderlings will molt multiple times, shedding their exoskeletons to accommodate their increasing size.

Here are some important characteristics of jumping spiders’ life cycle and reproduction:

  • Adult size: 1 mm to 23 mm (most between 5 mm to 10 mm)
  • Male size: 8 to 9 mm (in some species)
  • Female size: 8 to 10 mm (in some species)
  • Reproduction period: fall to spring

Comparison of male and female jumping spiders:

Feature Male Female
Size 8 to 9 mm (in some species) 8 to 10 mm (in some species)
Coloration Sometimes brighter Less vibrant
Role in courtship Performs dances to attract Observes male’s performance

Pros and cons of jumping spiders’ reproductive habits:


  • Elaborate courtship ensures successful mating
  • Silk sac provides protection for eggs


  • Male spiders must perform well to be accepted by females
  • Silk sacs can be susceptible to predation if not well-hidden

Notable Jumping Spider Species

Hyllus Giganteus

  • Location: Southeast Asia
  • Size: Females up to 18-19mm, males 10-12mm

Hyllus Giganteus is the largest jumping spider in its family. It is found in Southeast Asia and is known for having colorful patterns on its body. The size of Hyllus Giganteus varies between males and females, with females growing larger.

Phidippus Regius

  • Location: Southeastern United States
  • Size: Females up to 15mm, males 10-12mm

The Regal Jumping Spider, or Phidippus Regius, is primarily found in the southeastern United States. Known for its striking color and bold patterns, this species can often be found in gardens.

Salticus Scenicus

  • Location: North America, Europe
  • Size: 5-7mm

The Salticus Scenicus is smaller in size but is well-known for its impressive visual acuity and ability to discern colors. This species is found in North America and Europe, commonly near human habitation.

Bagheera Kiplingi

  • Location: Central and North America
  • Size: 5-8mm

Bagheera Kiplingi is unique among jumping spiders as it exhibits a predominantly vegetarian diet. This spider can be found in Central and North American environments, feeding on nectar and plant matter.

Maratus Volans

  • Location: Australia
  • Size: 4-5mm

The Peacock Spider, or Maratus Volans, is known for its stunning display of color and courtship rituals. This small species hails from Australia and is remarkable for its ability to “fly” short distances due to leg flaps.

Philaeus Chrysops

  • Location: Europe, Asia, and North Africa
  • Size: 5-9mm

Philaeus Chrysops is characterized through its bright colors and its ability to maintain its vibrant pigmentation in UV light. It can be found in habitats across Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

Plexippus Paykulli

  • Location: Worldwide
  • Size: Up to 12mm

The Plexippus Paykulli is a pantropical jumping spider that can be found throughout the world. This spider demonstrates impressive agility and is known for being easily adaptable to various environments.

Unique Facts and Trivia

Jumping spiders are an incredibly diverse group in the animal kingdom, belonging to the family Salticidae which has over 600 genera and more than 6000 species. They’re known for their compact bodies and keen visual abilities, which contribute to their impressive jumping skills.

These arachnids have a fascinating brain-to-body size ratio. Despite their small size, ranging from 1/10 to 1/4 inches in length, they possess highly developed brains. As predators, they are also skilled carnivores, feeding on insects and other spiders.

Some unique features include:

  • Eight eyes, providing them with great visual perception
  • Silk thread production, which helps in creating safety lines
  • Ability to jump up to 50 times their body length

One astonishing species is the Himalayan jumping spider, which can be found at elevations of up to 22,000 feet above sea level. This makes them the highest-living spider species.

Jumping spider species also have unique courtship rituals, with many engaging in intricate courtship dances. This behavior is especially striking in the Peacock Spider (Maratus).

A common type found in homes is the Zebra Jumping Spider, characterized by:

Comparison of two common jumping spiders:

Feature Daring/Bold Jumping Spider Zebra Jumping Spider
Size 6-19 mm (females), 6-13 mm (males) 1/10 – 1/4 inches
Color and markings Black, with white/yellow/orange spots Blackish-brown with white stripes
Habitat Gardens, around homes Indoors, urban environments

With their unique abilities, jumping spiders provide valuable insight into the world of arthropods and continue to fascinate researchers and enthusiasts alike.


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Regal Jumping Spider


Jumping Spider mimics Mating Blues






Possibly Jumping Spider


Zebra Jumping Spider




  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Jumping Spider

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19 Comments. Leave new

  • This is an adult female Phidippus clarus, not P. regius.

  • Looks like a young Epeus spider.

  • That is a brilliant idea! The lines along the wings can read as legs, and the little sticky-off bits at the back of wings could look like pedipalps… Seriously, write a paper! Do more research! This could be a pretty significant scientific discovery!

  • Steve Woodhall
    April 10, 2013 11:01 am

    Sorry to burst your bubble here – but why would they mimic such a small predator as a Salticid spider? The purpose of the false heads on lycaenid hind wings seems to be to trick birds into pecking the wrong end of the butterfly. Any such bird would probably relish a Salticid spider even more than a butterfly – more meat!

    • Dear Steve,
      Our bubble is not burst. We understand the accepted explanation of the oculi and filaments on the hindwings of Gossamer Winged Butterflies, but even the most jaded reader can’t deny the resemblance between the mating Blues and the Jumping Spider, even if it is purely coincidental.

  • Steve,

    Thanks for the input and there is definitely no chance of bursting my bubble, as no bubble exists at the moment.

    This was just purely an observation that I made when I saw these butterflies recently. The configuration of the pair whilst mating immediately gained my attention. Initially they were dancing round the flower, and it was two to three minutes before they actually settled into this pattern and remained stationary in this position for well over 10 minutes, enough time for me to head to the house a hundred meters away and change the lens to a macro. Which I why I thought I would post here, as to see what others with more knowledge and experience thought of this particular case.

    The allusion to a jumping spider was only apparent from a horizontal viewpoint and when the butterflies were in a vertical stance and now on reflection I can’t help but wonder if this was not also a reflex reaction to my presence, as the jumping spider configuration was definitely directed at where I was kneeling. Not only the oculi and filaments gave this impression but the irregular pattern on the underside of the wings as well as coloration also immediately drew similarities to some of the few jumping spiders I have seen here.

    In trying to name this species I did do some research over the last few days and did note that it is accepted that the oculi and filaments on the extremities of the wings are to confuse predatory birds and thus in losing only a small portion of the extremity of the wing can escape relatively unharmed.

    Although after taking this photo, I did have a couple of thoughts on that. Firstly if this mimicry was to protect against birds only, then it actually would fail because most birds would be observing from above the horizontal plane and at acute or obtuse angle, hardly any predatory birds would be on the plane where this mimicry would have greatest affect. Although I have noticed that the Brown-headed Tchagra seems to be the most dangerous for flying insects here and these do hunt on the ground and from low bushes and tree branches, but as you have mentioned I don’t know if this posture would deter the Tchagra from a quick butterfly snack.

    I also noted in some of the reading I have done over the last few days of other butterflies mimicking jumping spiders, in particular metalmark moths of the Brenthia genus mimicking jumping spiders, which is one of their predators, and jumping spiders responding to Brenthia with territorial displays, indicating that Brenthia were sometimes mistaken for jumping spiders, and not recognized as prey. These were individuals though whereas in this case it was apparently a pair of Cacyreus lingeus coordinating the deception.

    I have seen other butterflies taken by spiders, as per the photo here, which triggered the thought process that this configuration was aimed at deterring predatory jumping spiders whilst the mating Cacyreus lingeus were at their most vulnerable, and being stationary for over ten minutes would seem to be that case, hence the observation that this could be a deterrent against jumping spiders rather than birds.


    • Very nice Simon. We are ready for that paper from you. It is truly in the spirit of early naturalists who learned so much from patient observation.

  • Steve,
    I thought of that too. The thing is, there’s really not much that a tiny butterfly could do to keep a comparatively large predator like a bird away. However, even if a bird did attack what it thought was a jumping spider, it would still end up with a mouthful of wings, meaning the mimicry would have served the purpose you stated. Additionally, this mimicry could be effective against smaller predators, such as spiders.

  • Your site has displayed a related post which also appears to have spider eyes, “Mating Reakirt’s Blues”:

    • This eyespot pattern is visible on many Blues and Hairstreaks. The mating position is similar, so this visual similarity to the eyes of a Jumping Spider will be evident in many mating Gossamer Winged Butterflies.

  • Interesting.
    Check Mantisatta longicauda
    Much doubt about the front legs.

  • Interesting.
    Check Mantisatta longicauda
    Much doubt about the front legs.

  • How very cool!! I’d been reading posts from a knitting page, so was pleasantly surprised to find this a spider and not a sweater!!

  • Curiosity drove me to bring this ‘unusual jumping spider’ [same photo] to my own collection. I’ve added front legs a time or three. I have chopped off the elongated ‘tail.’ If it was originally the ‘Mantisatta longicauda’ – The photo is doctored/shopped, and was before you or I ever saw it. – I dare anyone to find another photo anything like this one, with a tail like that. [The tail seems to be a LEG fron a different spider? – No credentials here, but I am suspicious.

  • I threw it out . Looks fake to me. Combination? Maybe. Photo must be OLD.

  • This appears to be Tutelina similis or Tutelina elegans. The juveniles are apparently indistinguishable between the two subspecies and I’m not an expert, but I would say it is a female Thick Spined Jumping Spider, Tutelina similis.


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