How to Get Rid of Fly Pupa: Effective Tactics for a Pest-Free Living Space

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Fly pupa is a fascinating stage in the life cycle of flies that holds many secrets and unique characteristics. The pupal stage is crucial for the development of adult flies, as it is during this phase that the larva undergoes metamorphosis and transforms into an adult insect. This intriguing stage not only allows for a better understanding of the insect’s biology but also provides insights into various applications, such as pest control and forensics.

Some common flies that go through the pupal stage include yellow flies and deer flies. The latter belongs to the genus Chrysops, while the former is known scientifically as Diachlorus ferrugatus 1. In general, it takes about a year for the life cycle of a fly to progress from egg to adult, with the pupa being a nonfeeding, resting stage2.

In the world of forensic entomology, researchers examine fly pupae for clues about the time and circumstances of a corpse’s discovery. The age and species of the fly pupa can be determined by analyzing the chemicals within its cuticle 3. This information can serve as valuable evidence in criminal investigations and even provide crucial assistance in solving cases.

Fly Pupa: Life Cycle and Stages

Eggs and Larvae Development

  • The life cycle of a house fly begins with eggs.
  • Female house flies lay eggs in a moist environment, like decaying organic matter.

These eggs hatch into larvae, commonly known as maggots. House fly larvae go through three molting stages before they reach the pupa stage:

  • First instar larva: Eats organic material around egg; grows for 1-2 days.
  • Second instar larva: Eats more, grows larger (2-5 days old).
  • Third instar larva: Continues feeding, becoming a fully grown maggot (4-7 days old).

Pupation and Metamorphosis

  • During pupation, house fly maggots develop into fly pupae.
  • The pupal stage lasts approximately 4-6 days.

Inside the pupal case, the maggot undergoes metamorphosis. Some changes include:

  • Developing wings
  • Forming adult body structure
  • Hardening of exoskeleton

Adult Flies and Reproduction

Adult house flies emerge from the pupal case, ready to mate:

  • Fly life cycle repeats after mating.
  • Adult female flies can lay hundreds of eggs in their short lifespan (2-4 weeks).

A comparison table for the life cycle stages of house flies:

Stage Duration Characteristics
Egg < 12 hours Laid in moist environment
Larva (Maggot) 4-7 days Feeds on organic matter; molting
Pupa 4-6 days Undergoes metamorphosis in case
Adult 2-4 weeks (avg) Capable of mating; lays eggs

In summary:

  • House flies undergo a complete life cycle, which consists of eggs, larvae (maggots), pupae, and finally adult flies.
  • Female adult flies lay eggs in moist environments, and the resulting maggots feed on organic matter and molt through various stages.
  • Pupation occurs before the adult stage, where the maggots develop into adult flies within a pupal case.
  • Once adult flies emerge, they are ready to mate and reproduce, continuing the life cycle.

Anatomy and Physiology of Fly Pupae

Abdomen and Spiracles

The abdomen of fly pupae contains most of their internal organs, like the digestive and reproductive systems. One key feature of the abdomen is the presence of spiracles. Spiracles are tiny openings that allow the pupa to breathe.

  • Spiracles – small tubes for respiration

Legs and Wings

Fly pupae are in a transformative phase, where their legs and wings are developing. These appendages begin as rudimentary structures but will eventually give the adult fly its ability to move and fly.

  • Legs – used for locomotion in adult flies
  • Wings – used for flying in adult flies

Eyes and Other Features

As the pupae develop, their eyes become more pronounced. These eyes will allow the adult fly to see and navigate its environment. Other features such as antennae and mouthparts also develop during this stage.

  • Eyes – gives the adult fly vision
  • Antennae – sensory organs for detecting smells and tastes
  • Mouthparts – used for feeding in adult flies
Structure Purpose in Pupae Purpose in Adult Fly
Spiracles Respiration Respiration
Legs Developing Locomotion
Wings Developing Flying
Eyes Developing Vision
Antennae Developing Smelling, tasting
Mouthparts Developing Feeding

Habitats and Breeding Grounds

Water and Compost Sites

Fly pupae can be found near water and compost sites. These habitats are attractive because they provide a rich source of organic material for larval growth. For example:

  • Pond edges: Ideal for the larvae of some fly species to thrive.
  • Compost piles: Fruit flies are known to breed in fruit, dirty garbage containers, or slime in drains, feeding on yeasts that grow on organic matter source.

Manure and Organic Material

Manure and other organic materials offer excellent breeding grounds for fly pupae, such as:

  • Cattle dung: Provides ample resources for fly larvae, who help break down the manure for decomposition.
  • Kitchen scraps and coffee grounds: Support black soldier fly larvae, which plays a crucial role in breaking down waste for composting source.

Temperature and Seasonal Factors

Temperature and seasonal factors affect fly pupae survival. Here are a few points to consider:

  • Spring: An abundance of water and organic materials attracts breeding insects, creating ideal conditions for fly pupal growth.
  • Hot temperatures: Can boost the metabolism of some flies, like black soldier fly larvae, when fed with coffee grounds source.
Factor Ideal Condition Example
Water Availability Near ponds, drains, and wet compost Pond edges, compost piles
Organic Material Manure, fruit, and kitchen scraps Cattle dung, fruit peels
Temperature and Season Warm temperatures and spring season Boosted metabolism in black soldier fly larvae

In summary, fly pupae thrive in habitats with water, organic matter and suitable seasonal and temperature conditions. Examples include pond edges and manure piles, with spring being a prime season for fly pupal growth.

Flies in the Ecosystem

Predators and Prey Relationships

  • Flies serve as a food source for various predators
  • Predators include birds, spiders, and other insects

For example, birds and spiders are common predators of flies. Flies play a crucial role in their ecosystem by being a source of food for these animals, helping maintain a balance in populations.

Nutrient Recycling and Decomposition

  • Flies assist in decomposition by consuming decaying organic material
  • Their larvae break down waste, releasing nutrients back into the environment

Flies and their larvae contribute to nutrient recycling in the ecosystem by feeding on decaying organic matter. As they consume decaying matter, they break it down and release nutrients back into the environment, promoting the growth of plants and microorganisms such as bacteria.

Comparison between flies and butterflies in decomposition:

Flies Butterflies
Role Decomposition, nutrient recycling Pollination
Larval Feeding Decaying organic matter, waste Leaves of specific host plants
Cocoon Stage Pupates in dry place, without cocoons Forms a cocoon (chrysalis) for metamorphosis
Impact Directly contributes to nutrient recycling Indirectly contributes through pollination

By understanding the various roles that flies play in the ecosystem, it becomes clear that they are important for maintaining the balance of life and promoting healthy environments.

Fly Fishing and Fly Patterns

Dry Flies and Surface Film

Dry flies are designed to imitate insects floating on the water’s surface, mainly during hatching periods. These flies can be highly effective as they prompt trout to rise and take them from the surface film. Examples of popular dry flies include:

  • Adams
  • Elk Hair Caddis
  • Blue-Winged Olive

Caddisflies and Mayflies

Caddisflies and mayflies are two primary insects that fly fishers try to imitate with their patterns. These insects have distinct life stages, and their appearance changes as they transition through these stages. Key attributes that set caddisflies and mayflies apart:

Caddisflies Mayflies
Tent-shaped wings Upward-pointing wings
Antennae shorter than body Long, hair-like antennae
Two or three tails Usually three tails

Examples of successful caddisfly and mayfly patterns include:

  • X-Caddis (caddisfly)
  • Parachute Adams (mayfly)

Emergence and Dead Drift

During the emergence stage, aquatic insects rise from the water’s bottom to the surface, transforming into their adult forms. Fly patterns that imitate emerging insects can be highly effective. Some examples are:

  • Klinkhamer Special
  • RS2 Emerger

The dead drift technique involves presenting the fly in a natural manner, letting it drift motionlessly with the current. By doing so, fly anglers give the appearance of an insect floating in the water, attracting the attention of fish. Pros and cons of the dead drift technique:


  • Realistic imitation of insect behavior
  • Effective in various water conditions


  • Requires accurate presentation
  • Might be challenging for novice anglers

By understanding and incorporating these concepts and techniques, you can enhance your fly fishing experience. Experiment with various fly patterns and presentation methods to find what works best in your fishing environment.

Comparing Fly Pupae with Other Insects

Butterfly Cocoons and Caterpillars

Butterfly pupae are often called cocoons, which are made of silk spun by caterpillars. Caterpillars transform into butterflies within the cocoon. Fly pupae, on the other hand, don’t use silk and are found in decaying organic material.

  • Butterfly cocoons
    • Silk covering
    • Caterpillars transform inside
  • Fly pupae
    • No silk covering
    • Found in decaying organic material

Moths and Metamorphosis

Moths are similar to butterflies in their metamorphosis process. Like butterflies, moths spin silk cocoons. However, fly pupae don’t use silk and have a distinct appearance.

  • Moths
    • Silk cocoons
    • Similar to butterflies
  • Flies
    • No silk cocoons
    • Distinct appearance

Caddisflies and Pupation

Caddisflies create cases using materials like leaves and twigs during pupation. Unlike flies, caddisflies have four wings and don’t share the same life stages as houseflies.

  • Caddisflies
    • Create cases for pupation
    • Four wings
  • Houseflies
    • No cases for pupation
    • Two wings

Comparison Table

Insect Pupation Type Number of Wings Cocoon/Case Material
Butterfly Cocoon 4 Silk
Moth Cocoon 4 Silk
Housefly Pupa within organic material 2 None
Caddisfly Case 4 Leaves and twigs


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Fly Pupa

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13 Comments. Leave new

  • wings look wrong for rufifacies IMO…seems like a bee-fly to me…amateur guess

    • Thanks for that observation. Perhaps someone will be able to provide a correct ID on this one.

  • Sort of remind me of Fanniidae larvae. Might they be immature flies of some kind?

  • I think you’ve got a Root-Maggot Fly here, Anthomyia oculifera most likely based on region! A cute little fly, but nothing particularly remarkable to talk about for him.

  • Curious Girl
    August 5, 2013 9:55 am

    Yay! Didn’t realize this little lady had been identified so I was googling and saw my own picture! I am wondering though if she maybe is not “Anthomyia pluvialis” rather than “Anthomyia puella”?

    Here’s a picture of one nearly identical but better photo:

    Thanks to both of you Eric & Daniel

  • Curious Girl
    August 5, 2013 9:55 am

    Yay! Didn’t realize this little lady had been identified so I was googling and saw my own picture! I am wondering though if she maybe is not “Anthomyia pluvialis” rather than “Anthomyia puella”?

    Here’s a picture of one nearly identical but better photo:

    Thanks to both of you Eric & Daniel

  • freakythings
    August 7, 2014 1:15 am

    I was flipping through posts looking for my mystery bug (turns out it’s Soldier Fly larvae, I had no idea they lived in Alaska!) when I found this…and went, ‘well, fellow poster, yes, bot and blow flies most certainly do that!’ I don’t know if you’re around anymore, but yeah, as a young child, I was ALSO traumatized by flesh-eating fly larvae.

    In Oregon, this is a common summer problem, especially on dogs and rabbits (even guinea pigs!). I’ve seen even seemingly healthy rabbits die from bot fly maggots within a day, they are just that horrid. Fly eggs can be laid and the maggots hatch in a matter of hours, and it takes them far less than that to devour their way into your nightmares. I’m even afraid of worms because of them, you just don’t get over that kind of thing as a young kid.

    The really interesting thing about these flies is just how tenacious they are. You actually have to hand it to them for being one species that just does not quit. That said, as a rabbit raiser, I also did not quit. I’m so glad I live in a place now where the fly population is minimal, having to watch out for my animals on those hot days always worried me!

    • We believe the culprits were either Blow Flies or Flesh Flies, but from what we have read about Bot Flies, you would not see external maggots. Thanks so much for providing this comment.

  • It’s the pupa of a robber fly (Asilidae):

  • Hi, I too saw an ear worm in my sanitary pad, what should I do?


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