Eastern Tailed Blue: Essential Facts and Fascinating Insights

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The Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly is a charming, tiny creature that graces various habitats with its delicate presence. Found in fields, pastures, roadsides, and other open, sunny areas, it is the most commonly encountered blue butterfly in regions like Alabama, where it is the only tailed blue species. With several generations occurring throughout the season, their population continues to grow and thrive as summer progresses.

Adult Eastern Tailed-Blues have pale gray undersides adorned with numerous small dark spots. Their hindwings feature two, and occasionally one or three, orange spots near the thin tail. Males stand out with their vibrant blue upper sides, while females showcase a mixture of blue and dark gray, with blue being dominant in spring and dark gray taking over later on. These captivating butterflies are an important part of our ecosystem, and their presence enhances the natural beauty of any environment they inhabit.

Eastern Tailed-Blue Overview

Scientific Classification

The Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly, also known as Cupido comyntas, is a part of the Lycaenidae family.

Physical Characteristics

Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies are small in size, with wingspans typically ranging from 0.75 to 1.25 inches.


  • Males: Iridescent blue on the upper side of the wings
  • Females: A mixture of blue and dark gray, with blue more predominant in the spring and dark gray later in the season

The underside of the wings is pale gray, adorned with numerous small dark spots. Both sides of the hindwings display 2 (occasionally 1 or 3) orange spots by the thin tail.

Here is a brief comparison of Eastern Tailed-Blue and other small butterflies:

Feature Eastern Tailed-Blue Other Small Butterflies
Wingspan 0.75 to 1.25 inches Varying
Underside Wing Pattern Pale gray, dark spots Varying
Hindwing Orange Spots 1 to 3 Varying
Trailing Tail Thin Varying

The trailing tail of the Eastern Tailed-Blue is a thin and delicate feature, which distinguishes it from other small butterflies. This tail, coupled with its unique coloration and markings, make it a remarkable species in the world of butterflies.

Habitat and Distribution


The Eastern Tailed-Blue is a butterfly species commonly found throughout North America, extending from Canada to Central America. Some specific regions where this butterfly thrives include the Eastern United States, Washington, California, Texas, New Hampshire, and even parts of Mexico1.

Common Habitats

Eastern Tailed-Blues prefer open, sunny spaces. Key habitats where these butterflies can be found are:

  • Fields: Both cultivated and wild fields are attractive to Eastern Tailed-Blues, as they often have an abundance of flowers and host plants2.
  • Roadsides: These butterflies frequent roadside vegetation, taking advantage of the sun and the plentiful nectar sources3.
  • Meadows: Grassy areas with flowers provide the perfect environment for Eastern Tailed-Blues to feed and lay eggs4.

In conclusion, Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies have a wide distribution across North and Central America, with a strong presence in the United States and Canada. They commonly inhabit open spaces like fields, roadsides, and meadows and are easily identifiable by their blue color and distinctive tails.

Life Cycle

Eggs and Caterpillars

  • Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies lay their eggs on host plants like wild peas and clover.
  • Eggs are usually round and pale green.

Caterpillars hatch from the eggs and are either green or brown in color. They have downy bodies and a darker brown line that runs down their sides. Examples of host plants that caterpillars feed on include:

  • Wild peas
  • Clover
  • Alfalfa

Pupa and Adult Butterfly

Eastern Tailed-Blue caterpillars transform into pupae after completing their growth. Pupae are:

  • Brown
  • Well camouflaged
  • May be attached to the host plant or found in nearby debris

After completing the pupal stage, adult Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies emerge. Males have blue wings, while females have a mix of blue and dark gray.

Generations and Broods

Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies have multiple generations each year. The number of generations can vary depending on the location and conditions.

Spring Brood: Typically emerges in May.

Summer Brood: May overlap with the spring brood, appears from July through September.

  Spring Brood Summer Brood
Emergence May July through September
Key Characteristics Males predominantly blue, females with more blue on the upper side of wings Males predominantly blue, females with more dark gray on the upper side of wings

In summary, the Eastern Tailed Blue has a life cycle that consists of eggs laid on host plants, caterpillars that feed on these host plants, pupae that transform into adult butterflies, and multiple broods of adults that emerge each year. The adult butterflies differ in wing appearance between males and females and between broods, with the spring brood having more blue in the female wings compared to the summer brood.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Floral Preferences

The Eastern Tailed Blue butterfly primarily feeds on nectar from various plants and flowers. Some of their favorite flowers to draw nectar from include:

  • Asters
  • Wild strawberry
  • Winter cress
  • Cow vetch
  • Wild pea
  • White clover
  • Cinquefoils
  • Shepherd’s needle

Eastern Tailed Blues also visit other flowers like bean, vetches, and alfalfa to supplement their diet.

Caterpillar Host Plants

Eastern Tailed Blue caterpillars feed on host plants, which typically belong to the legume family. Some of their preferred host plants include:

  • Bean
  • Vetches
  • Alfalfa
  • Wild pea

Comparison Table

Attribute Nectar Source Host Plants
Plant Categories Flowers Legumes
Examples Asters, White clover, Winter cress Bean, Wild pea, Alfalfa

Eastern Tailed Blues exhibit a diverse diet depending on their life stage, with adult butterflies relying on flower nectar, while their caterpillars consume host plants from the legume family.

Behavior and Interactions

Mating and Reproduction

  • Males are blue, while females have a mixture of blue and dark gray
  • Mating increases during summer months

Eastern Tailed-Blues exhibit unique mating behaviors. Males are a vivid blue color, whereas females display a mixture of blue and dark gray, with the blue being more predominant in the spring and dark gray later on. Mating activity tends to increase as the summer progresses and temperatures rise.

Ant Symbiosis

  • Larvae may attract ants through their honeydew secretions
  • Ants protect larvae from potential predators

An interesting aspect of Eastern Tailed-Blue’s lifecycle is its relationship with ants. It has been suggested that the butterfly’s larvae produce honeydew secretions, which attract ants. In return for the sweet treat, ants provide protection to the vulnerable larvae against potential predators.

Predators and Threats

  • Predators include birds, spiders, and other insects
  • Sightings in yards, gardens, ponds, and streams are common

As with many butterfly species, Eastern Tailed-Blues have their share of natural predators. These include birds, spiders, and other insects. Despite these threats, Eastern Tailed-Blue sightings are common in yards, gardens, ponds, and streams, showcasing their ability to thrive in various environments.

Comparison between males and females

Feature Male Female
Wing color Blue Mixture of blue and dark gray
Predominance Less visible in early summer More visible as summer progresses
Presence near Yards, gardens, ponds, and streams Yards, gardens, ponds, and streams

Overall, Eastern Tailed-Blues display fascinating behaviors and interactions within their environment, as well as with other species. They contribute to a diverse ecosystem and can often be spotted in a variety of habitats.

Conservation and Human Impact

Endangered Species Act Status

The Eastern Tailed-Blue (ETB) butterfly is not currently listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This small butterfly, belonging to the Lepidoptera order and the family Lycaenidae, is quite common in the U.S., thriving in various habitats such as meadows, fields, and along wooded edges.

Importance in Ecosystem

Eastern Tailed-Blues play a vital role in the ecosystem. Here are some key characteristics of their importance:

  • Pollination: Like other butterflies, ETBs act as pollinators, helping in the reproduction of various plants.
  • Prey: ETB larvae and adults serve as a food source for birds, spiders, and other insect predators in the ecosystem.
  • Indicator species: Changes in ETB populations can serve as early-warning signs for detecting shifts in ecosystem health.

Comparison of Eastern Tailed-Blue and Other Lycaenidae Butterflies

Feature Eastern Tailed-Blue Other Lycaenidae Butterflies
Size Small (wingspan of 0.75-1.25 inches) Varies (small to medium-sized)
Color Males: Blue above, pale gray with dark spots below; Females: A mixture of blue and dark gray Varies (sometimes brightly colored)
Tails Two thin tails (occasionally one or three) on hindwings Presence or absence of tails
Habitat Meadows, fields, wooded edges Wide variety, including forested areas, grasslands, and wetlands

In conclusion, although the Eastern Tailed-Blue butterfly is not listed under the ESA, it serves crucial roles in the ecosystem. Conservation efforts should continue to protect their habitats and overall well-being for maintaining a healthy, balanced ecosystem.

Creating a Butterfly-friendly Environment

To create a butterfly-friendly environment for Eastern Tailed Blue butterflies, focus on providing suitable host plants and flowers. Here are some important features to consider:

  • Host plants: Caterpillars need specific plants to feed on. Eastern Tailed Blue caterpillars prefer clover, which is found in areas like Jefferson and Waits.
  • Flowers: Adult butterflies feed on nectar from a variety of flowers. Selecting flowers that are native to your area will be beneficial to local butterfly populations.

Remember to group flowers of similar colors, as this can attract more butterflies. In addition to hosting plants and flowers, consider these aspects:

  • Zones: Be mindful of which plants are suitable for your local climate zone, as this can impact the butterflies’ ability to thrive.
  • Puddles or damp areas: Providing shallow puddles or damp areas can help attract groups of certain butterflies, as they need water to survive.

Avoid using broad-spectrum pesticides, as these can harm butterflies and their caterpillars. Instead, opt for organic methods to deal with pests. Now let’s compare the pros and cons of creating a butterfly-friendly environment:

Pros Cons
Attracts beautiful butterflies May require more upkeep
Promotes biodiversity Potential for some plant damage from caterpillars
Encourages pollination Limited to specific host plants and flowers

By following these tips, you can create a welcoming environment for Eastern Tailed Blue butterflies and enjoy the beauty they bring to your garden.

Fun Facts and Observations

Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies can be easily spotted due to their distinct appearance. Some interesting features include:

  • Pale gray undersides with numerous small dark spots.
  • Males have blue upper sides, while females have a mix of blue and dark gray.
  • Both sides of the hindwings usually have 2 orange spots near the tail but may have 1 or 3 occasionally.

Eastern Tailed-Blues are commonly found in fields, pastures, roadsides, and other open, sunny areas throughout places like Alabama. These butterflies are known for their unique tails, which differentiate them from other Blue species.

As they are small and delicate creatures, Eastern Tailed-Blues are not suitable pets. However, observing them in their natural habitat is a delightful activity for nature enthusiasts. They can often be seen close to the ground, making it easy for people to appreciate their beautiful details.

Eastern Tailed-Blues aren’t the only species of butterflies with interesting features. Comparing them with another species, for example, Monarch butterflies, can be insightful:

Feature Eastern Tailed-Blue Monarch Butterfly
Size Small (15-25 mm wingspan) Large (93-105 mm wingspan)
Color Blue, gray, and orange spots Bright orange-black pattern
Habitat Open, sunny areas Meadows, fields, marshes
Tails Present Absent

In summary, the Eastern Tailed-Blue butterflies are fascinating creatures with unique features, such as their distinct orange spots, tails, and gender-based color differences. Though they are not pets, they can provide natural beauty and enjoyment when observed in open, sunny areas.


  1. Alabama Butterfly Atlas
  2. Missouri Department of Conservation
  3. Alabama Butterfly Atlas
  4. Missouri Department of Conservation










  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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