Do Weevils Bite Humans? Uncovering the Truth

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Weevils are small beetles commonly known for their elongated snouts and the damages they cause to plants and stored grains. These insects can be found in various environments, from gardens to homes, feeding on plant material and sometimes seeking shelter indoors during unfavorable weather conditions.

When it comes to weevils and humans, a common concern is whether or not these tiny beetles bite. Fortunately, weevils are generally not known for biting humans. Their primary food source is plant material, and they use their mouthparts to feed on plants, not to bite or harm people.

That being said, it’s important to remember that there are numerous species of weevils, and their behavior might vary. However, the likelihood of weevils biting humans is minimal, and they are usually considered harmless pests rather than a direct threat to our health.

Do Weevils Bite Humans

Harmful or Harmless

Weevils are small beetles with a distinctive snout and are generally considered harmless to humans. They primarily feed on plants and do not typically bite humans. Instead, weevils may cause damage to plants and crops as they consume leaves and roots.

Some examples of common weevils include:

Biting Vs. Chewing

Weevils possess strong chewing mouthparts, which they use to feed on plant materials. Instead of biting, weevils will chew on plants. Their larval stage, or grubs, may also feed on roots and cause damage to plants.

Comparison Table

Feature Weevils Humans
Primary food Plants (leaves, roots) No
Possibility to bite Rare Not Applicable
Harmful effect Damage to plants and crops None

In summary, weevils are not known for biting humans, and their primary focus is on consuming plant materials. They can be categorized as harmless to people but can cause damage to plants and crops through their feeding habits.

Types of Weevils

Rice Weevil

Rice Weevil is a small beetle with a noticeable snout and is roughly 1/8 inch long. They have a dull reddish-brown color and 4 faint reddish to yellowish markings on their wing covers. Adults can fly and are attracted to light.

Granary Weevil

The Granary Weevil is slightly larger than the Rice Weevil, measuring around 3/16 inch in length. With a reddish-brown color, this weevil lacks the markings found on Rice Weevils and does not have the ability to fly.

Flour Weevil

Flour Weevils, also known as Confused Flour Beetles, infest flour and other stored grains. They are a small beetle measuring up to 1/8 inch in length, with a flat, elongated, and reddish-brown body.

Wheat Weevil

Wheat Weevils, like Rice Weevils, target stored grains and are similar in size and appearance. However, they have a preference for wheat rather than rice.

Boll Weevil

Boll Weevils are a devastating pest of cotton crops. They are distinguished by their long snout and measure about 1/4 inch in length. These pests enter cotton bolls to lay their eggs, causing significant crop loss.

Vine Weevils

Vine Weevils are notorious pests for a broad range of ornamental plants, fruits, and rhododendrons. The adult weevils are flightless and nocturnal, with a matte black color and measure around 3/8 inch in length. Newly emerged females lay up to 500 eggs near host plants.

Grain Weevil

Grain Weevils predominantly attack stored whole grains like wheat, corn, barley, and oats. These weevils are reddish-brown in color and have a cylindrical body, making it easier for them to burrow into grains.

Maize Weevil

Maize Weevils primarily infest corn but can also be found in other stored grains. They closely resemble Rice Weevils in appearance, size, and behavior but are more likely to be found in corn storage facilities.

Weevil Type SIZE (in inches) Color Primary Targets
Rice Weevil 1/8 Reddish-brown, markings Stored grains, rice
Granary Weevil 3/16 Reddish-brown Stored grains
Flour Weevil 1/8 Reddish-brown Flour, stored grains
Wheat Weevil 1/8 Reddish-brown Wheat, stored grains
Boll Weevil 1/4 Grayish-brown Cotton
Vine Weevil 3/8 Matte black Ornamental plants, fruits
Grain Weevil 1/8 Reddish-brown Whole grains
Maize Weevil 1/8 Reddish-brown, markings Corn, stored grains

Weevil Infestation and Damage

Food Sources

Weevils are small beetles with distinctive snouts. They infest a variety of food items, majorly grains, seeds, and beans. Common targets for these pests include:

  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Rice
  • Stored grains
  • Nuts
  • Fruits

Weevils can also be found feeding on plant roots and furniture in homes.

Signs of Infestation

Identifying weevil infestations can be done by observing the following signs:

  • Notched or damaged leaves on plants
  • Small holes in grains or seeds
  • Presence of adult weevils or their larvae
  • Fine powder around stored food items

Common Damage

Weevils can cause significant damage to infested food items and plants. Here is a list of damages they cause:

  • Consuming and contaminating stored foods
  • Damaging crops and decreasing their yield
  • Damaging furniture and house structures

For example, rice weevils can cause more damage, as they can fly and easily infest new grain storage areas.

  Rice Weevils Granary Weevils
Can fly Yes No
Infests grains Yes Yes
Causes structural damage No No

Preventing Infestation

To prevent weevil infestations, here are some tips:

  • Store grains and seeds in airtight containers
  • Regularly clean the pantry and other food storage areas
  • Inspect food items for signs of infestation before purchasing
  • Dispose of infested food items promptly
  • Seal any cracks and openings in your home to prevent entry

Remember, it is essential to maintain cleanliness and proper storage practices to keep these pests at bay.

Weevil Behavior and Characteristics

Physical Features

Weevils are small insects belonging to the Curculionidae family, characterized by their elongated snout and hard, winged exterior. Some weevil species, like root and acorn weevils, have developed flight capabilities, while others, such as black vine weevils, remain flightless1. Most weevils are harmless to humans and pets, posing no significant threat.

Feeding Habits

Weevils generally feed on plants, making them a nuisance to farmers and gardeners. Major weevil pests include:

  • Cotton boll weevils 2, which attack cotton crops
  • Corn weevils, known for infesting stored cereals
  • Bean weevils, causing damage to beans in storage
  • White pine weevils, which feed on the bark of certain trees3

Weevil larvae are grub-like and also feed on plant material. Adult weevils have a preference for grains like flour, rendering them a common household pest.

Habitat and Breeding

Weevils can be found in a variety of habitats, typically where their preferred food sources are available. For example, cotton boll weevils are found in cotton fields, while bean weevils prefer bean storage facilities. In households, they can be found in pantries, particularly amongst flour and other grains.

To manage a weevil infestation, the following steps are recommended:

  • Vacuum the infested area and store food in airtight containers
  • Try freezing infested food in the freezer for a few days, which will kill both adult weevils and larvae
  • Utilize pesticides if necessary, but keep in mind they should be used carefully and only when deemed essential

Overall, it’s important to understand that weevils are not dangerous or poisonous. They do not bite humans, but rather employ a defensive mechanism wherein they play dead when feeling threatened. Though they can damage plants and infest stored grains, simple preventative measures can keep weevil populations under control.

How to Get Rid of Weevils

Natural Solutions

  • Freeze: Store grains, lentils, and oats in the freezer for a few days to kill any weevil eggs or larvae.
  • Sunlight: Expose infested items to sunlight. Weevils dislike sunlight and heat, which can help in getting rid of them.
  • Herbs: Use bay leaves or clove to repel weevils. Place these herbs in pantry shelves and storage containers to keep weevils at bay.

Chemical Treatments

  • Pesticides: Apply pesticides to control weevil infestations on plants and shrubs. Follow the label instructions for proper usage and safety guidelines.


  • Effective in reducing weevil numbers
  • Can prevent damage to plants and stored food items


  • May pose health risks if not used correctly
  • Not suitable for all infestations

Preventative Measures

  • Seal cracks: Caulk any cracks or openings in walls, especially in the pantry and bedroom, to prevent weevils from entering your home.
  • Proper storage: Use plastic or glass containers with tight-fitting lids to store grains, wheat, and other attractive foods for weevils.
  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean environment and dispose of any infested items to reduce the chances of having a weevil infestation.
  Natural Solutions Chemical Treatments
Effectiveness Moderate High
Health & Safety Risk Low Depends on proper usage
Environmental Impact Low to none Can be harmful if misused

Remember to keep your home clean and take preventative measures to ensure weevils stay away. These simple tips should help you effectively manage and get rid of weevils in your home.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?





  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Weevils

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