Do Thrips Live in Soil? Discover the Truth About Their Habitat

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Thrips are tiny, slender insects known for their fringed wings and feeding habits. Most thrips species feed on fungi and live in leaf litter or on dead wood, while others cause damage to plants by puncturing the outer layer of tissue and sucking out the contents. Understanding where thrips live, particularly in soil, is essential for effective pest management strategies.

Some thrips spend their preparatory and pupal stages in the soil, which allows them to complete their life cycle. For instance, the eggs of flower thrips are inserted into plant tissue, and they overwinter as pupae in soil under plant litter. This rapid life cycle of about 18 days makes management especially challenging.

To control thrips populations, both chemical and biological methods can be employed. Sticky traps, for example, can be used to monitor and help manage adult thrips. The choice of control measures depends on factors such as infestation levels and potential damage to plants.

Do Thrips Live in Soil?

Soil-Dwelling Thrips

  • Thrips spend some of their life stages in soil, particularly the prepupal and pupal stages1.
  • This period in the soil helps protect thrips from predators and adverse environmental conditions.

Non-Soil-Dwelling Thrips

  • Adult thrips and other life stages can be found on various parts of plants2.
  • They feed on plant cells, leading to potential damage to leaves, flowers, and fruits3.
Comparison Soil-Dwelling Thrips Non-Soil-Dwelling Thrips
Life stages Prepupal and pupal stages1 Adults, larvae, and eggs2
Habitat Soil1 Leaves, flowers, and fruits3
Feeding behavior Not applicable Feed on plant cells3


  • Thrips infesting flowers can complete their entire life cycle in around 18 days1.
  • Thrips can affect a wide range of plants, including crops like cotton4 and soybean5.


  • Some thrips species are beneficial, as they can help with pollination.


  • Thrips can cause significant damage to plants, affecting yield and quality3.
  • They can transmit plant viruses, further impacting plant health3.

Life Cycle of Thrips


Female thrips lay their eggs within plant tissues using their sharp ovipositor. The eggs hatch in about 6 days. Here are some key features of thrips eggs:

  • Oblong shape
  • Pale white to translucent color
  • Found inside plant tissues


Larval development consists of two stages, lasting around 6 days combined. Thrips larvae feed on plant sap, leading to distorted or discolored foliage. Relevant characteristics:

  • Usually found on flowers, buds, and terminal foliage
  • Feed on plant sap
  • Complete two larval stages before transitioning to pupae


Pupation occurs in the soil, plant litter, or a protected area on the plant. Thrips develop through two non-feeding pupal stages before emerging as adults. Pupal development:

  • Takes place in protected environments
  • Lasts around 4 days
  • Involves no feeding


The total life cycle of thrips, from egg to adult, ranges from 12 to 44 days depending on the temperature and environmental factors. Adult thrips can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Some important aspects of adult thrips:

  • Can reproduce sexually or asexually
  • Live in various conditions
  • Multiple generations per year

In summary, the thrips lifecycle consists of the egg, larval, pupal, and adult stages. Eggs are found in plant tissues, larvae feed on sap, pupae develop in protected environments, and adults reproduce both sexually and asexually. Temperature and environmental factors influence the lifecycle duration.

Damage Caused by Thrips

Signs of Infestation

Thrips are small insects with fringed wings that can cause significant damage to various crops and plants. Key signs of infestation include:

  • Deformed or distorted leaves
  • Discolored flowers and leaves
  • Silvery or bronze-colored scars on leaves

Effects on Plants

Thrips use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed on plant tissue, which can lead to various issues on the affected plants:

Thrips can also transmit plant diseases, posing a serious threat to certain crops. For example, they are known for spreading the tospoviruses which can lead to significant crop losses.

Damage Caused by Thrips Impact on Plants
Leaf curling and scarring Reduced photosynthesis and stunted growth
Discolored or distorted flowers Reduced aesthetic and commercial value
Disease transmission Crop losses and lower yields

Important note: While thrips can cause severe damage to certain plants, not all species of thrips are harmful, as some are predatory and feed on other pests. Careful identification of thrips species is essential in determining the appropriate control measures.

Types of Thrips

Onion Thrips

Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) are small, black or yellowish insects that feed on various vegetables and fruits, such as onions, cabbage, and lettuce. Damage caused by onion thrips includes deformed leaves, reduced plant growth, and low-quality produce.

  • Features:
    • Small and black or yellowish
    • Prefer vegetables like onions and cabbage
    • Cause deformation and reduced growth

Insecticidal soap or other chemical control methods can be used to manage onion thrips populations.

Western Flower Thrips

Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) are a common species that attack a wide range of plants, including fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamentals. These thrips have two color forms: pale yellow and dark brown.

  • Features:
    • Pale yellow or dark brown
    • Attack various plants like fruit trees and ornamentals
    • Can transmit plant viruses

Western flower thrips can cause deformation of flowers and fruit. Effective management strategies include introducing natural predators, such as predatory mites, as well as using chemical controls.

Citrus Thrips

Citrus thrips (Scirtothrips citri) are small, yellowish-orange insects that mainly feed on citrus fruit trees. They can cause cosmetic damage to fruits or affect the quality of leaves.

  • Features:
    • Yellowish-orange in color
    • Mainly feed on citrus fruit trees
    • Cause cosmetic damage to fruits and leaf quality

Controlling citrus thrips can be done through several means, including releasing natural predators like lady beetles or lacewings, and applying insecticidal products.

Comparison Table:

Thrips Type Color Damage Common Host Plants
Onion Thrips Black/Yellow Deform / Reduced growth Onions, Cabbage, Lettuce
Western Flower Thrips Yellow/Brown Deformation / Plant viruses Fruit Trees, Vegetables, Ornamentals (e.g., Roses)
Citrus Thrips Yellowish-Orange Cosmetic / Leaf quality Citrus Fruit Trees

Managing thrips populations can be achieved through a combination of chemical controls, such as insecticidal soap, and the release of natural predators like lady beetles, lacewings, or predatory mites.

Preventing and Controlling Thrips

Cultural Controls

Cultural controls are essential in preventing thrips infestations. Some ways to control thrips include:

  • Pruning: Regularly pruning your plants can help remove thrips and their eggs.
  • Sanitation: Maintain proper hygiene in your greenhouse or garden. Remove any debris or dead leaves where thrips could hide.
  • Color Traps: Thrips are attracted to certain colors, like yellow and blue. Use sticky traps to capture them and reduce their numbers.

Biological Controls

Biological control involves the use of beneficial predators to manage thrips populations. Examples of predatory insects:

  • Ladybugs: Known to feed on thrips, aphids, and mites.
  • Lacewings: Attack thrips, aphids, and whiteflies.
  • Minute Pirate Bugs: Effective against thrips and spider mites.
  • Thripobius parasitic wasp: These tiny wasps lay their eggs inside thrips, killing them as the larva develop.

When introducing predators, ensure they target the specific kind of thrips causing problems.

Chemical Controls

Using chemical controls should be a last resort, as they can harm beneficial insects or result in thrips resistance. If necessary, use the least toxic pesticides:

Pesticide Pros Cons
Neem Oil Natural, less harmful to beneficial insects, antifungal and antiviral properties May need multiple applications
Spinosad Derived from a naturally-occurring bacterium, toxic to thrips and other pests Toxic to some beneficial insects, like bees
Diatomaceous Earth Non-toxic, mechanical action against thrips (damaging their exoskeleton) Requires dry conditions, needs reapplication after rain

Use chemical controls at low thrips population levels and apply at least twice, five days apart. Once thrips are under control, continue treatments at 7-10 day intervals.

Monitoring and Managing Thrips in Gardens

Monitoring Techniques

To protect your houseplants and garden plants from thrips, it’s important to monitor them regularly for signs of infestation. Key indicators of thrips presence include:

  • Silver or bronze-colored streaks on leaves
  • Distorted or discolored flower buds and leaves
  • Prematurely dropped leaves
  • Black, shiny specks (thrips feces)

Common monitoring techniques involve checking the undersides of leaves, as thrips often congregate there. Additionally, place yellow or blue sticky traps near indoor plants or garden plants, as these colors attract thrips.

Managing Infestations

When dealing with a thrips infestation, it’s essential to act promptly to minimize plant damage. Here are some methods to manage and control thrips:

  • Prune and destroy: Remove and destroy infested leaves, flower buds, and entire plants if necessary to prevent the spread of thrips.
  • Encourage predators: Introduce beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which can help control thrips populations.
  • Chemical controls: Use insecticidal soaps or neem oil to target thrips. Apply to the entire plant, focusing on the undersides of leaves and flower buds.

Pros and Cons of Managing Thrips

Method Pros Cons
Prune and destroy Cost-effective, targeted control Time-consuming, may need to remove affected plants entirely
Encourage predators Natural, eco-friendly approach May not be effective in heavy infestations
Chemical controls Fast-acting, efficient control method Potential harm to non-target organisms, may require repeated applications

Remember to remain vigilant when gardening, as the early detection of thrips and other pests can make a difference in preserving the health and beauty of your indoor and outdoor plants.


  1. Thrips Found on Flowers and Foliage 2 3 4
  2. Managing Thrips in Greenhouses 2
  3. Soybean Thrips 2 3 4 5
  4. Best Management Practices for Thrips in Cotton
  5. Thrips in Soybean



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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