Do Carpenter Bees Make Honey? Uncovering the Truth

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Carpenter bees are fascinating insects with some unique features. Known for their wood-boring habits, they often spark curiosity about their honey-making abilities.

Unlike their distant relatives, the honey bees and bumble bees, carpenter bees are considered “solitary bees,” which means they do not form colonies with worker bees to maintain a nest or care for offspring.

The female carpenter bees feed on plant nectar, construct new tunnels, and care for their young on their own.

Do Carpenter Bees Make Honey
Male Carpenter Bee: Xyclocopa caffra

Due to their solitary nature, carpenter bees do not produce honey in the same way honey bees and bumble bees do.

While they consume nectar and pollen, they do not store it in large quantities as honey. As a result, carpenter bees do not make honey as we know it from honey bees. 

Carpenter Bees: A General Overview

Species and Identification

Carpenter bees are solitary bees characterized by their large size and shiny, black abdomen. There are several species, with the most common being Eastern carpenter bees.

  • Large size (approx. 0.75-1 inch long)
  • Shiny and black abdomen
  • Thorax covered with yellow fuzz
  • Females have black faces and a dense brush of black hairs on their hind legs
  • Males have yellow faces

Eastern carpenter bees are excellent pollinators of eggplant, tomato, and other vegetables.

Comparing Carpenter Bees and Honey Bees

Feature Carpenter Bees Honey Bees
Abdomen Shiny, black Furry, banded
Colonies Solitary Social, with thousands
Nesting Wood tunnels Waxy comb
Pollination Buzz pollination Active pollen gathering
Honey Production No Yes
Sting Rare, females only Yes, worker bees event

Carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumblebees due to their similar appearance. However, carpenter bees have a shiny black abdomen, whereas bumblebees have a furry abdomen with yellow or white bands.

Furthermore, while honey bees are generally more aggressive and can sting multiple times, carpenter bee stings are rarer and only occur with females.

While both carpenter bees and honey bees are pollinators, they differ in the way they pollinate plants.

Carpenter bees use a method called buzz pollination, while honey bees actively gather pollen.

Lastly, unlike honey bees, carpenter bees do not produce honey.

Carpenter Bee, we believe

Do Carpenter Bees Make Honey?

Nectar Storage and Consumption

Carpenter bees, unlike honey bees, are solitary insects that do not form colonies with worker bees to maintain a nest or care for offspring.

As a result, they have a different approach to storing and consuming nectar. Carpenter bees primarily feed on nectar and pollen, which they collect from flowers.

  • Pros: Important plant pollinators
  • Cons: No honey production, create structural damage in wood

Honey Production Absence

Carpenter bees differ from honey bees in the following aspects:

Aspect Carpenter Bees Honey Bees
Social Structure Solitary Live in colonies
Nectar Consumption Directly consume nectar and pollen Transform nectar into honey
Nest Structure Tunnel in wood Build honeycomb cells in hives

Due to their solitary lifestyle, carpenter bees do not have the need nor the ability to produce honey.

Honey production is a result of honey bees’ unique social structure, where they store nectar sugars in honeycomb cells to feed the colony. Honey bees transform nectar into honey through a process that involves:

  • Evaporation of excess moisture content
  • Fermentation with the help of enzymes

To summarize, carpenter bees are solitary insects that directly consume nectar and pollen from flowers, without any honey production.

Their habits and lifestyle are distinct from those of honey bees, which produce honey to support the needs of their colony.

Male Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee Biology and Behavior

Nesting and Reproduction

Carpenter bees are solitary insects that don’t have hives like honeybees. They create nests in wood by excavating galleries to provide safe zones for laying their eggs.

Examples of nesting locations include eaves, wooden beams, and porch rails 1. Some key features of their nests are:

  • Presence of a single entry hole
  • Tunnels excavated within the wood
  • Divided chambers for storing eggs and food 2

Males have the role of guarding the nesting sites, while females excavate tunnels and lay eggs 2. The size of these bees can vary from 12 to 25 mm, with males being generally smaller than females3.

Carpenter Bee

Diet and Pollination Patterns

Carpenter bees are important pollinators in the ecosystem, as their diet consists of pollen and nectar obtained from flowers. Some of the characteristics of their feeding habits include:

  • Preference for open-faced flowers
  • Use of their hairy bodies to collect pollen
  • Ability to pollinate multiple types of flowers 3

A notable behavior of carpenter bees is buzz pollination, a method where they dislodge pollen by vibrating their wings at a high frequency4.

They not only contribute to the growth of different plants in the garden but also provide food for predators such as woodpeckers and mites 5.

Despite not producing honey or forming colonies, carpenter bees are essential pollinators that play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

By understanding their nesting and feeding habits, we can better appreciate their contributions to our gardens and the environment as a whole.

Carpenter Bee Impact on Humans and Ecosystems

Structural Damage and Prevention

Carpenter bees are known for causing structural damage to wooden structures, such as homes and decks, by tunneling into softwoods. They prefer:

  • Pine
  • Cedar
  • Redwood
  • Spruce

One way to prevent damage: Apply a citrus spray or paint the surfaces of the wooden structures.

Male Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bees as Pollinators

Carpenter bees, like honeybees and bumble bees, are important pollinators in the ecosystem. They are efficient in pollinating plants such as:

  • Eggplants
  • Blueberries
  • Softwood trees

Comparison table between carpenter bees, honeybees, and bumble bees:

Feature Carpenter Bee Honeybee Bumble Bee
Body appearance Shiny black abdomen Furry body Large, hairy body
Pollination ability Efficient High Generalist
Damage to structures Yes No No
Aggressiveness Less aggressive May attack if threatened May attack if nest is threatened

Carpenter bees’ key characteristics:

  • Belong to the Hymenoptera family
  • Part of the Apidae species
  • Non-aggressive, but can cause structural damage
  • Males can have a yellow face while females have a black face

While carpenter bees don’t produce honey like honeybees, their role in pollinating plants is crucial for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Homeowners should be aware of their potential negative impact and take necessary steps to prevent any structural damage.

Carpenter Bee Control Methods

Natural Predators and Pests

Carpenter bees (Xylocopinae) are non-aggressive to humans and spend most of their time pollinating flowers and gathering pollen.

Although they don’t form complex colonies like honeybees, they can cause damage to wooden structures due to their nesting behavior.

Predators such as birds and bee-eaters can help in controlling the carpenter bee population. Some examples of natural predators include:

  • Woodpeckers
  • Wasp parasitoids
Carpenter Bee

Chemical and Non-Chemical Solutions

There are several solutions to reducing carpenter bee damage and preventing further infestation in wooden structures. Some common methods are:

  1. Fill holes with wood putty: Sealing the holes created by carpenter bees using wood putty can prevent further nesting and discourage new bees from inhabiting the area.
  2. Bee houses: Providing an alternative nesting place like a bee house can encourage carpenter bees to nest away from the wooden structures in your home.
  3. Chemical treatments: Applying chemical insecticides specifically formulated for carpenter bees can help deter and eliminate these insects. However, there could be possible risks and environmental impacts.

Pros and Cons:

Method Pros Cons
Fill holes with wood putty Non-toxic, inexpensive, easy to apply May not fully deter new bees
Bee houses Eco-friendly, promotes pollination Requires maintenance, may not attract all bees
Chemical treatments Effective in reducing infestations Potential risks to environment, other insects

Remember that carpenter bees are important pollinators and their aggression levels are low. However, taking steps to reduce their damage to wooden structures is still essential.

Consider using a combination of the above control methods to ensure effective results while minimizing harm to these beneficial insects.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?


In conclusion, carpenter bees do not make honey. The article sheds light on their solitary nature, distinctive characteristics, and vital role as pollinators, while also addressing the potential structural damage they can inflict.

By exploring control methods and emphasizing ecological balance, the article provides a well-rounded perspective on coexisting with these essential yet often misunderstood insects.


  1. Carpenter bees may cause damage to homes and wooden structures
  2. Carpenter Bees | Ohioline – Ohio State University 2
  3. Carpenter Bees | NC State Extension Publications 2
  4. What’s the Difference in Carpenter Bees and Bumble Bees?
  5. Carpenter bees: destructive home invader – MSU Extension


Eastern Tent Caterpillar Emerald Moth


Carpenter Bee


Carpenter Bee


Sonoran Carpenter Bee



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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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