Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds

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Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds

We discuss some common bugs that resemble sesame seeds and what to do if you find them in your house.

Did you find your sesame seeds moving around and get the shock of your life? Don’t worry; there are no ghosts in your house. But you might have a bug problem on your hands.

There is no dearth of pests that tend to infest homes. Homeowners often have a hard time identifying the bugs invading their properties.

In this article, we will examine five bugs that resemble sesame seeds and some bugs whose eggs might also resemble them.

We will also discuss whether these bugs are dangerous and how you can eliminate them.

Bug Control Recommendation Tool

What type of pest are you dealing with?

How severe is the infestation?

Do you require child/pet/garden safe treatments (organic)?

Are you willing to monitor and maintain the treatment yourself?

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds


If you find tiny bugs that look like black sesame seeds in your home, there’s a high chance that you’re looking at bed bugs. With a flattened and oval body, these pests resemble dark brown sesame or apple seeds.

Bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites. They will suck blood on anything that they can find, be it humans or animals.

Bed bugs hide in the smallest of crevices in your home, such as the seams of mattresses or cracks in the bed frames; they can be quite hard to find.

One of the key signs of bed bug infestation is the reddish-brown excrement they leave behind. Another sign is blood stains on the bed.

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds

Do they bite or harm humans and pets?

Bed bugs bite and suck human blood. While pets aren’t ideal hosts for bed bugs, they can still bite them.

Can they spread disease?

Bed bugs can be a huge problem due to their itchy bites, but they don’t spread any diseases. However, bed bug bites can cause secondary skin infections and or trigger an allergic reaction among the hosts.

Can they get in the house?

Yes, they mostly live indoors. They move from one host to another by getting carried on clothes, towels, or other shared objects.

How to get rid of them?

You may use a steam cleaner to eliminate these pests from your bed, but ending a bed bug infestation often requires a professional exterminator.

Where do they lay eggs?

Bed bugs lay eggs in small crevices on your bed, such as the joints and the seams of the mattress.

What are they attracted to?

Warmth, carbon dioxide, and blood attract bed bugs.

Drugstore Beetles

This is a bug you’d most likely find in the pantry, so if your sesame seeds are moving around, it’s probably drugstore beetles in the jar.

As you might guess from their habitat preference, they feed on stored food. These pests are quite a menace despite measuring only 0.07 to 0.11 inches.

They can easily bore through tough packaging and even aluminum foils. They can even attack your pills and drug bottles, which is where they get their names from.

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds


Do they bite or harm humans and pets?

Don’t worry; drugstore beetles don’t harm or bite humans and pets. They feed on stuff found mostly in the kitchen.

Can they spread disease?

They do not vector any known diseases to humans or pets.

Can they get in the house?

Drugstore beetles frequently invade homes and commercial spaces with food, such as food processing plants and granaries.

How to get rid of them?

You can heat or refrigerate infected materials at extreme temperatures for long periods to kill drugstore beetles.

Clean up your pantry thoroughly and rope in professional pest control if necessary. Keep the place clean to prevent future infestations.

Where do they lay eggs?

These bugs usually lay eggs in a food source, so you might find them even in packaged food.

What are they attracted to?

Drugstore beetles are attracted to lights and areas with ample food sources.

Rice Weevils

This is another common pantry bug that looks like sesame seeds. Most grain weevil species are named after their preferred food or habitat, which means you’d usually find rice weevils among rice grains stored in the kitchen.

These bugs infest and feed on rice grains, making them unfit for consumption. Like all weevils, rice weevils have a snout that makes up about one-third of their length.

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds



Do they bite or harm humans and pets?

Rice weevils don’t bite humans and pets. The only harm they cause is the destruction of food grains.

Can they spread disease?

No, these pests do not spread diseases of any type.

Can they get in the house?

Rice weevils can get into the house by hitching a ride in a package of grains they were already in.

How to get rid of them?

You can kill rice weevils by leaving the infested food in the freezer for a few days.

However, it’s best to throw away weevil-infested food, especially if there are too many. Clean your storage cupboards thoroughly to get rid of the weevils hiding there.

Where do they lay eggs?

Rice weevils bore holes in grains and lay their eggs in the kernel.

What are they attracted to?

Apart from food, rice weevils are attracted to light.

Saw-toothed Grain Beetles

The saw-toothed grain beetle is a pantry bug with a flat, elongated body with short antennae.

About 1/0th of an inch long, these pests can spread quickly through your pantry, destroying all your food.

Although their name only mentions grain, these bugs also feed on pasta, cereals, flour, spices, tea, pet food, and a variety of other stuff.

Do they bite or harm humans and pets?

Although their name might make them sound scary, saw-toothed grain beetles neither bite nor sting humans and pets.

Can they spread disease?

These pests don’t spread diseases, but you shouldn’t eat any food that they infest.

Can they get in the house?

These pests can get carried into your home in a package of food that was already infested.

How to get rid of them?

Throwing away all the infested food will get rid of most of them. Clean and vacuum your pantry to eliminate the rest. Store all your food in secure containers to prevent a new infestation.

Where do they lay eggs?

Saw-toothed grain beetles lay eggs in their food, either one by one or en masse.

What are they attracted to?

These pests are attracted to all potential food sources but especially cereal products.


Tapeworms are a huge concern for pet owners. Your pets can get tapeworms when they accidentally ingest their eggs.

Afterward, the eggs hatch and the larvae attach themselves to the host’s intestine. These larvae suck out nutrients from all the food eaten by the host.

While they don’t look like sesame seeds, small sections of their bodies may break off and get expelled when your pet poops.

These bits and pieces look like rice grains or sesame seeds and may get deposited all over your home. Although it’s rare, humans can get tapeworms from pets too.

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds



Do they bite or harm humans and pets?

Tapeworms drain away nutrients from their hosts, which can be both humans or animals. If you or your pet has tapeworms, you will need immediate medical help to get them out.

Can they spread disease?

Besides a parasitic infection known as taeniasis, tapeworms might cause issues like:

  • Digestive blockage,
  • Organ function disruption, and
  • Brain and CNS impairment in humans.

In pets, tapeworm infection can result in gastrointestinal issues, unpredictable appetite, irritability, etc.

Can they get in the house?

Tapeworms need a host to survive and move about, which are usually fleas. Your pet might get tapeworms if it eats an infected flea.

How to get rid of them?

As tapeworms live inside the host’s body, getting rid of them requires medical treatment.

Where do they lay eggs?

The seed-like segments mentioned earlier are the egg sacs of an adult tapeworm. They lay the eggs inside the host’s body, but the egg sacs may end up outside.

What are they attracted to?

Tapeworms are attracted to raw and undercooked meat. That’s usually how they enter into humans and pets.

Sesame Seed Like Bug Eggs

Bed bugs

Bed bug eggs are also very much like sesame seeds. These bugs lay their tiny white eggs in clusters, and you won’t notice them because the bugs hide them very well.

Usually, bed bugs lay eggs in places such as cracks and crevices in the bed or the seams of the mattress.

If you aren’t sure what’s leaving itchy bites on your skin at night and you find such tiny eggs in your bed, you may have a bedbug infestation.

Although the eggs are initially pearly white, they develop an eye spot after about five days.

Bed Bug



The problem with bed bug eggs is that the egg-bearing females move around a lot, spreading the eggs across different locations.

This spreads the infestation and makes it harder to find and eliminate all the eggs. A steam cleaner is a good idea as high temperatures can kill bedbugs in any life stage, including eggs.

Deer tick

Eggs of deer ticks look like sesame seeds, and they can easily spread them all over your property. You need to find and eliminate the eggs as quickly as possible because ticks seriously threaten humans and pets.

Unlike most bugs we discussed, ticks are notorious for spreading severe diseases, including Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, and Lyme disease.

While there are different species of ticks, deer ticks are particularly dangerous as vectors and carry more diseases than other common tick species.

Bugs That Look Like Sesame Seeds



Thankfully, ticks don’t build nests or seek out hiding spots for their eggs – they tend to lay eggs on open surfaces. This makes it relatively easy to find eggs.

Common spots where you might find these eggs include relatively undisturbed corners of your home, dog kennel, shed, or garage.

However, be careful when eliminating tick eggs – touching them may infect you with a disease. You may vacuum up the eggs, seal the vacuum bag, and dispose of the bag safely.


Aphids are mostly a headache in homes with gardens or indoor houseplants. They are among the most dangerous pests that might attack your plants and can even spread viral plant diseases.

Pests Destroying Your Garden? Learn the secrets to eliminating pests in your yard or garden in the most earth friendly way possible.

Fortunately, aphid eggs aren’t too hard to find. These pests spend almost all their lifetime on plants, including the egg stage.

Giant Conifer Aphid

You’ll usually find aphid eggs in the crevices of the bark or branch terminals. The easiest way to eliminate aphid eggs is to spray the infected plant with a high-pressure stream of water.

The water will dislodge and wash away the eggs immediately. However, don’t try this for delicate plants that might get damaged from the high-pressure jet. You can also use insecticidal soaps to destroy the eggs.

Termite Pellets

Not exactly insects but Termite Pellets (termite droppings or fecal matter) can also look like sesame seeds. In fact, over the years, we have received numerous images of termite pellets that look very much like sesame seeds to the naked eye.

Image of Termite Pellets sent in by a reader
Termite Pellets
Termite Pellets, probably

Here is a helpful guide on how you can identify drywood termite droppings.

Termites inside the house is a fairly big problem. So if you suspect what looks like sesame seeds might be termite droppings, you might want to take steps to protect your home from termites.

Wrapping up

If you come across bugs or bug eggs looking like sesame or flax seeds in your home, you should try to identify and remove them as soon as you can.

Apart from the five bugs we covered, other dangerous bugs resembling gain seeds can invade your home as well. Please make sure you remove these bugs from your home, or else take a professional exterminator’s help.

Thank you for reading!


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. whatsthatbug.com is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: bug eggs that look like sesame seeds, bugs that look like sesame seeds, Insect Description

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147 Comments. Leave new

  • Anon, I love your response. I could totally see myself doing this.

  • Hi we live in vegas and recently have the same issue with these eggs. My husband asked an orkan man who does most of the hotel rooms here in vegas what he thought it was, and without a doubt he is sure they are carpet beetle eggs. and believe it or not after locating these eggs we now have a black carpet beetle infestation. They are not as bad as bed bugs since they dont bite you however they are putting some holes in my daughters clothing and they like fibers or grains to eat. all you can do is dispose of the eggs and kill the black beetles when you see them. We spray outside and inside the house and they still manage to survive so hope this helps.

  • LOVE the steps to self-deception. Hilarious!

  • I’m not going to say I know for sure what your issue is, because I am not an expert. However, I can tell you I had something similar to what you are describing several years ago. I found out that those little sesame seeds were coming from my cats rectum. He slept on my bed, and yes they were all over my bed, including up by my head on my pillow. Can you say grossed out? They are segments of some sort of intestinal worm that is transmitted to the animal via fleas. I can’t recall exactly what parasite worm it is, but I took the cat to the vet and got him on some medicine and low and behold the sesame seeds stopped. Good luck. Repost when you find out for sure what it is. I’d be interested to see if I am right on this.

    • Thank you for your perspective and experience in this matter. We hadn’t even considered the possibility of sloughed off segments of a parasitic, intestinal worm. The photos are not perfectly focused and that might be a good possibility. We still favor the sesame seeds in this case, but it will be interesting to see if the person who submitted the question follows up with us.

    • Definately tapeworm segments. Sorry, gross but easily treated with broad spectrum wormer. Good luck! Darcy

    • They are indeed your cats new Uninvited friend the tapeworm thanks to their nemesis,the Flea! PLEASE do not mistakenly eat them assuming its a sesame seed!!! Luckily i never did either lol. Eww! Actually,i 1st assumption about those were Flea eggs! I was close,but wrong! You and I are apparently not the 1st or only ones questioning wth are these tiny seeds/grains of looking rice im finding in my bed or etc.? Your pet will need to get the appropriate De- worming/worm medication and then they will no longer expel these things around your home and bed hun.

  • Periodically our inside/outside cat picks up a tapeworm, which results in him shedding segments occasionally in locations where he sleeps a lot. They tend to look more like dried up rice grains than sesame seeds, though.

    • Omg …..I have it

      How do you think i got it

      I knew that I am not fckn crazy but my husband has been saying that I am going through a series of events that may have made me think that it was real

    • Omg …..I have it

      How do you think i got it

      I knew that I am not fckn crazy but my husband has been saying that I am going through a series of events that may have made me think that it was real

  • Sauermk97 is exactly right! These are the dried up segments of worm more often found in cat areas, but also with dogs. Yep, disgusting! I’ve had a lot of past experience with this.

    Have your dog de-wormed!

  • My vet saved me $90. I had the same fear and instantly called a pest control company. I made an appt for them to come out to do the inspection. Luckily, my puppy had a vet appt the next day. Per the vet, my puppy had an intestinal worm. The droppings are eggs from the worm which produce fleas when hatched. 1 pill will clear it up.

    • I may not be an expert in science, but I am pretty sure that no matter what circumstances it may be the “egg in droppings” will not produce a flea. Only a flea can produce a flea and that is generally in the fur, not in the intestinal track.

  • I”m having the same problem started in the middle of march I got an exterminator he said he had no idea and then I paid $175.00 for a bed bug dog to come and the exterminator said the dog gave a positive bed bug determination my son had a viral rash at the time it now shows but I thought he was getting bit by bugs my kids been back in their room for 5 days no bites those egg things are still showing up on my daughters bed in bunks the cat sleeps with her and I know the cat did have worms when we first got her so its probably right some kind of worm thank you so much I’m taking the cat to the vet tomorrow

  • i have been finding a few of these in my bathroom as well. I do not have sesame seeds even in my house. I have some sort of tiny bug infestation and a history of termites (the treatment of the first is still being neglected by the ‘handyman,’ the second has been treated, but there is still evidence of termites in said bathroom). I have collected a few of these to show to the bug person if one ever shows up. Then I thought if people can self diagnose things like brain tumors and tapeworms why not sesame seed looking bugs.
    So here we go- I am totally grain free, live alone (in central-ish California)- no animals either (well except for my bug and insect friends). These show up mostly near the door crevice -there is a crack here and peeling paint- also along the wall. A few times on the moist and peeling window sill (again along the crevices) and only once or twice have I found them in the middle of the floor. I don’t remember them ever being found in the bathtub or on the shelves, but then it is the bathroom and there were other things on my mind.
    I hope you can help, if you can’t maybe you can direct me to someone who can?
    Who knows maybe it is all a hallucination- too much bug spray and no bread and cake for proper emotional eating!?
    Here’s hopin’………
    Elle in California

    • Being bugged but will go down swinging
      June 15, 2018 1:17 am

      I have the “sesame seeds” all over my house and just found them on my body. I never had them before my house became infested with fungus gnats (drain flies). They are everywhere, although I haven’t yet found them in my bed. Hurts when I find them on my body! One derm doc said “get rid of the bugs and we treat the symptoms” (like itching, etc.). That makes no sense, so after I present to my main derm doc, I’m heading to an infectious disease doctor because they are in my system. Meanwhile, I’m taking Diflucan (a yeast prescriptive that is rather hard on the GI system and gives me headaches, but I have to try something). I am college-educated, married to a doctor (no help there) and fairly reasonable and intelligent. It’s funny that I could only describe these things as “sesame seeds” in Google and the search led me here, so I know I’m not crazy. The drain flies I’ve been treating with Drain Gel in all the drains (with plunging and boiling water first), and also I was advised that when vacuuming, to change the bag or dump the canister, etc., do it AWAY from the house. Also, I put cut-up flea collars in the vacuum cleaners (I have 3). I have never vacuumed so much in my whole life. I am spraying various strong insecticides both on the hardwood floors and carpets, as the “seeds” are everywhere. From what I have read, the “seeds” most likely are some sort of insect pupae stage, and either are carpet beetles, drain flies or bedbugs. I think they are drain flies or carpet beetles, which is also what my bug man says they are. I think both Bayer insecticides (strong) and Adams (the one that has a sticker on the top part that says “now for bed bugs”) are the strongest, but also I am going to add Siphotrol Plus II Premise spray, which is an insect growth regulator. The drain gnats in my house were so bad that some of them even had a colony going IN the kitchen sink’s sprayer arm. I also hooked up bug lights under two cabinets that were way infested, and I have a Pest Reject device behind my bed. There also is a special shampoo (prescription) that has helped with scalp itching. You lather it and leave in for 5 mins–called Ketoconazole (on the order of the Diflucan taken orally @ one dose/week). Also, keep all drains closed and tape over shower drains. All these things have helped a lot; I was being bitten in my bathroom. Currently, I am raking up the debris with the angled point of scissors around each ceramic tile after spraying with Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaner (the only thing than softens the muck) because there are “grout worms” (I believe they are the larvae of the fungus gnats). Don’t just cover the dirty grout!

      • I experience the same thing. I believe they are carpet beetles or fungus gnats , maybe both. I feel once infected we must release a pheromone that says “Here guys
        is a great spot to lay your eggs” or something to that effect. It’s a vicious ongoing cycle. I do also 00have Morgellons. Nothing seems to help.

    • I know these post are very old. But if you hadn’t figured it out yet, these ARE IN FACT FROM TAPE WORMS They can be from YOU or YOUR PETS. Parasites is not this sites specialty. So they would look like sesame seeds to most people. You can catch these parasites several way. If your have these and your have skin issues too you have MORGELLONS. It not a delusional illness. It SLOWLY being understood fit a fungal disease AND 5ERE R intestinal parasites. Often tape worms. All of you and your pets need to be treated. Treatment is long. Longer than most doctor here in the US realize. You will have the best luck seeing a Lyme literate MD. Also check your home for mold. It’s all related.

  • Something similar was happening to me, and it ended up being beans from a stuffed animal that was leaking.

  • They are without a doubt from worms. We have 3 kittens and it is in their bedding. They have been dewormed and are inside kittens and yet they keep coming back. But yes, they’re from worms.

  • Anon, your response was lovely and SO very true. I have to add that after finding dried up tapeworm segments on our cats at various times they do look very much like sesame seeds. Which means any sesame seeds in our house are examined closely!

  • Those are eggs from Tapeworms. I foster dogs and see this often. The litter I have now where infested with flease. The dogs bite at the fleas, ingest them which causes the tapeworm. The worming medicine (which you can get from your vet), will kill the tapeworm and cause the eggs to shed when they poop. If the dogs are inside, clean the area were they have pooped very well. 🙂

  • I got news for you these are bugs. Mario needs to check his hairline at the base of his neck. Look for anything that looks like sore or scab. Are you starting to loose hair Mario? My guess is yes. They roll up your skin so slowly you may not notice it for months. Please don’t let it just go, go to a dermetalogist right away. Have a biopsy taken. It will come back as fungus at first, but ask them to do a more intense look at the sample of skin they take. This bug whatever origin also makes your fame of mind have mood sings. Please don’t let it go.

    • No Comment.

    • Could you tell me what bug do you suggest that is?

    • Debra… any ideas what this is? I’m going for my second dermo app soon because the first one thought I was delusional. This is exactly what happens… sores at the back of the neck moving up and hair loss. These yellow things are all over and look very similar to the pic but not exact – I am going to insist on a scrape and biopsy but worried it gets brushed off again as nothing. What should I tell them to look for?

    • Debra, what you are describing does not exist on our planet. There are no “bugs” that “roll up your skin” or come from “fungus.” You are describing a fictional alien mutant that does not fit into any evolutionary line in existence.

  • I had a similar finding that turned out to be tapeworm eggs excreted from the anus of my chihuahua that sleeps with me. This was confirmed by a veterinarian and she was promptly treated. I was promptly freaked out. Endless to say, I now always on the lookout for telltale signs of a re infestation.

  • My dog has these little red seed things in his bed he sleeps in between my husbands and my pillows can we get these things? Im getting a vet appt soon

  • Randy Isenberg
    June 13, 2014 1:55 pm

    i have recently been finding a seed in my bed as well. they look like flax seeds. The first time i found it, i wasn’t aware if it was something i ate. since then i have not eaten in the room and they keep popping up. Am I shedding seed, or is it a sign from spirit? very strange phenomena happening. i do keep my window open, but it has a screen on it, so i don’t know what is going on.

  • Bugs no Bunny
    July 8, 2014 7:55 pm

    Anon: that was about the level of a Bart Simpson comment. Why would anyone think it is funny or cute to send sesame seed photos to a bug site and then pretend he didn’t know what kind of bug eggs they were. There are people who are seriously interested in getting answers and you just want to see if you can make the bug site look stupid. It wasn’t the bug people who wound up looking silly. Bug man shows way more patience than I would. You are wasting our time. Just go back to your video games and pulled pork on a sesame bun.

    • I don’t think he was wasting our time. It WAS funny AND I have been doing the very same thing.

      One of our cats gets on my bed when I get up in the morning and before I can get back to make the bed, she looks like she is asleep, so I don’t bother here. I notice later that she is bathing herself.

      When she gets up, I go to make my bed and because this cat sheds badly, I use a lint roller on where she laid. There were a dozen or more sesame seeds right there yesterday. Today there were 6.

      Since I have recently been bitten, I am wondering if they are eggs and I just don’t know what they are!!!

      My doctor said yesterday that my bites are Oak mites, which are very bad in the Midwest this year.

      I think he was making light of himself and I am VERY GRATEFUL for the response Lianng that they are carpet beetle eggs, who got the info from an Orkin man.

      I will breath a little easier now.

    • I don’t think he was wasting our time. It WAS funny AND I have been doing the very same thing.

      One of our cats gets on my bed when I get up in the morning and before I can get back to make the bed, she looks like she is asleep, so I don’t bother here. I notice later that she is bathing herself.

      When she gets up, I go to make my bed and because this cat sheds badly, I use a lint roller on where she laid. There were a dozen or more sesame seeds right there yesterday. Today there were 6.

      Since I have recently been bitten, I am wondering if they are eggs and I just don’t know what they are!!!

      My doctor said yesterday that my bites are Oak mites, which are very bad in the Midwest this year.

      I think he was making light of himself and I am VERY GRATEFUL for the response Lianng that they are carpet beetle eggs, who got the info from an Orkin man.

      I will breath a little easier now.

  • Our cat loves the windowsill and when I found sesame looking seeds all over the windowsills where I never eat sesame anything, I took them to the vet and sure enough, tapeworm. Which is odd to me because she is a housecat and I’ve not seen any fleas. : (

  • How can a worm egg hatch and make a flea??!! That is very confusing to say the least. Anyway, I find these exact looking things in my poop. But every time my doctor sends poop to lab. Everything comes back negative. Even when you can visually see them in the poo. Symptomss are constipation, dull belly ache , weight loss, fatigue, mucus in poop. This has been going on for a year. And my doctor just acts like its all in my mind. I had a doctor give me a one time dose of biltricide about 1500 mg. next day I had diary ah . Then everything was quite, no stomach rumbling, no ache. That lasted about a month.and returned with a vengeance . Somebody please help me. Any knowledge will be greatly appreciated. Raydio12@comcast.net

    • A worm is not making the fleas. Fleas are a carrier of the tapeworms which get into the animas intestines where they shead the tapeworm eggs out through the animals stool.

    • I am not a dr. but oil of oregano and/or Diatomaceous earth (food grade) is anti- parasitic and dies wonders in a natural way to eliminate intestinal parasites, D.E. can be used in animals mixed in their food, i wouldn’t use oil of oregano in animals though. Humans can take both.

  • Ray, you need to see a GI specialist. Please look at the article below, it covers this whole topic.
    Good luck!

  • Ray, you need to see a GI specialist. Please look at the article below, it covers this whole topic.
    Good luck!

  • Hello everyone, just wanted to update you. Those sesame seed looking things turned out to be flea tapeworm eggs. After sending specimens to quest diagnostics twice and both times getting a negative (even though eggs were in plain site) I insisted my doctor send another specimen to a different lab. And Lo and behold . Positive flea tape worm diagnosis!! They say some how that I ingested a flea. That flea had a tapeworm egg. Now my doctor has given me a prescription for 1200mg of biltracide ( praziquantel ), problem is, I was once given this exact drug and dose. It seemed to get better for a month or so then gurgling ,constipation ,dull belly ache, returned. Is it the wrong dose? Should I have taken it with food? As I write this I am looking at the pills. And I just want them to work. Any suggestions guys? Awaiting your reply – Ray

    • Sorry I have no idea about human treatment. It’s been a while so hopefully you got that sorted out.

      I just wanted to chime in to clarify for others. You’re wasting your time trying to get a positive tapeworm diagnosis with a fecal exam. The best way to identify a tapeworm infection is when you see the segments being passed in the stool. Sometimes you can even see them moving before they dry out. Which I have. Ew.

      That’s because the eggs are not released directly in the intestines, it’s all confined inside that tapeworm segment that looks like sesame seeds, or rice. If it bursts they’ll spread throughout the stool and they’ll be easy to see under a microscope. Never happened in my experience, but I guess it could. Other parasite eggs (like hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms) are easier to find under a microscope because the eggs are released directly in the intestine.

      So folks, next time you see sesame seeds or rice in your dog’s or cat’s poop, it’s tapeworms. Don’t waste your time with lab tests. Unless you see spaghetti, those are roundworms. Don’t ask me why all the nasty things in the vet world are compared to yummy food! 😛

    • Sorry I have no idea about human treatment. It’s been a while so hopefully you got that sorted out.

      I just wanted to chime in to clarify for others. You’re wasting your time trying to get a positive tapeworm diagnosis with a fecal exam. The best way to identify a tapeworm infection is when you see the segments being passed in the stool. Sometimes you can even see them moving before they dry out. Which I have. Ew.

      That’s because the eggs are not released directly in the intestines, it’s all confined inside that tapeworm segment that looks like sesame seeds, or rice. If it bursts they’ll spread throughout the stool and they’ll be easy to see under a microscope. Never happened in my experience, but I guess it could. Other parasite eggs (like hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms) are easier to find under a microscope because the eggs are released directly in the intestine.

      So folks, next time you see sesame seeds or rice in your dog’s or cat’s poop, it’s tapeworms. Don’t waste your time with lab tests. Unless you see spaghetti, those are roundworms. Don’t ask me why all the nasty things in the vet world are compared to yummy food! 😛

  • A few weeks ago i found little things that look like seeds in my bed also that look just like the picture that is posted on here. I do not eat in my bed, but i do have a small dog who sleeps with me at night. But these things have popped up recently like 2 weeks ago or so. I am very concerned on what they are, if they are bugs what kind of bugs and how do you get rid of them? Can they harm? I really didnt think about them at first much because they were so small and looked like little seeds so i would just dust them off and didnt pay much attention to them. Does anyone know more about these and how to get rid of them???????

    • Since making several posts that appeared to be sesame seeds, it seems in some cases they may be related to intestinal parasites.

    • Me too! Let me know if you find out. Look like flax seeds. Dark, not white and hard.

    • I have a few seeds in my bed now and again and wonder if it’s when you break wind they come out. I do eat brown seeded bread and have cereal containing seeds.

    • Hello, I was wondering if you ever found out what these sesame looking like seeds you found in your bed were. I have been finding them in my daughters bed and I am puzzled. Can you please help?

  • Wow… gross…… wow. I’ve woken up with one of these coming out of a broken tooth TWICE in the last two weeks. I have a cat (a rescue) who I have been fairly certain has at least one parasite if not more. Problem is I lost my home AND job in a shady sale with my boss. Have spent over $6,000 on hotel rooms trying to keep my cat & get both of us into good health. My ENTIRE college fund is gone. My family are all deceased. And my best friend & roommate of 8 years I’m no longer even friends with over him insisting I was being crazy & all this was in my head. Went to the ER 3 MONTHS AGO to have them say it was in my head as well! When all I needed was to run across your website. Uuugh! I knew it wasn’t “in my head”! Good luck Ray & Josh. Thank you guys SOOOO MUCH for the candor! Had you not been so candid I’d still be hopeless!

  • I hate to break it to you but these are tapeworm eggs. The very first picture the large one with the cap on top and “polar plugs” the 2 small balls on each side of the top Go get an O and P test and get the 3 day one where samples over several days are collected

  • Correct

  • @Ray Hi Ray, tapeworm infections are relativly easy to treat, especially outside the united states. You can take Mebendazole, a cheap over the counter drug, 100mg twice a day for 3 days.

  • ‘@Ray Hi Ray, tapeworm infections are relativly easy to treat, especially outside the united states. You can take Mebendazole, a cheap over the counter drug, 100mg twice a day for 3 days.

  • I had this problem with very similar looking seed and was similarly worried. However, after looking around online and thinking about the source of the seeds I realized I had a seed-filled pillow that was leaking the seeds into the bed very slowly. Some stuffed animals are filled with similar seeds and if either form a small hole they will disperse throughout the bed. If you have a similar pillow or stuffed animal check it out because this is likely the source, not tape worms or bed bugs.

  • Linda McEleney
    April 4, 2015 4:03 pm

    Every few months for a couple of years, I have woken up with typically 3 clustered round, raised bumps that become very itchy. They are or turn red and are the size of mosquito bites, but for several reasons, definitely are not. The itch is also very slightly sore and each bump has a pin-sized hole in the center. They eventually turn into tiny scabs. I had never seen an actual bug. Fearing bedbugs, I had a pest control company come out. They saw no signs of bedbugs , debri or staining. They put a couple of glue traps under my bed. Nothing has ever appeared in the traps in the past 8 months. After getting “bitten” again, I went to a Dermatologist and was told they were not bites but rather bumps from dry skin. I find that difficult to believe. Anyways, last night, in bed, I felt something on my arm. After seeing what it was, I realized I had seen dead ones in my bed before. I had brushed them off before as seeds, likely from dog cookies. They look like the photo above except they are very dark brown, almost black. It is very difficult to see, but they may indeed have horizontal lines on them. Of course, I have no idea if they are related to my “bites”. From what I understand, if I had bedbugs, I would have tons more bites than 3 every few months. I would also see either them or staining. What could these bugs be and do you think they are biting?

  • experienced A.
    April 12, 2015 11:05 pm

    Hate to say, but I cook with sesame seeds, have had pets carry infestations of tapeworms and lived through a nightmare year and a half with a building heavily infested with bedbugs (so bad that they crawled on my walls in daylight – inspected and verified, I’m not crazy.) The pic above shows tapeworm segments. I’ve actually seen a “live” segment “crawl” off my cat’s rear and dry up into that hard little thing that is almost sesame seed like. Moderator, please don’t be so ready to say people are spreading paranoia.

  • ‘@Bugs no Bunny Don’t have a cow man!

    This response was hilarious and I appreciate the humor since I plague my children with doing stuff like this sometimes. Dr. Internet is not very competent and we all know it. We just want answers (cheap ones) fast! So we keep going to him only for him to tell us EXACTLY what we want to hear an reinforce that we are suffering from (you name it) and about to die a horrible death. Or in my case get rid of my camellia cuttings, (which I already did so why am I still looking for this info) and never pour a drink with sugar in it in them again. So long!


    I probably really won’t be back on here since I have a TON of other work to do so there is no need to post some grouchy and really critical comment. I won’t see it.

  • @Bugs no Bunny Don’t have a cow man!

    This response was hilarious and I appreciate the humor since I plague my children with doing stuff like this sometimes. Dr. Internet is not very competent and we all know it. We just want answers (cheap ones) fast! So we keep going to him only for him to tell us EXACTLY what we want to hear an reinforce that we are suffering from (you name it) and about to die a horrible death. Or in my case get rid of my camellia cuttings, (which I already did so why am I still looking for this info) and never pour a drink with sugar in it in them again. So long!


    I probably really won’t be back on here since I have a TON of other work to do so there is no need to post some grouchy and really critical comment. I won’t see it.

  • I’m going through this right now with a puppy I just adopted last week! So gross…waiting on fecal results even though you can clearly see something in her stool samples, plus I brought in what is being left on the bed at night but the vet through the rescue didn’t care to look which I thought was weird.

    Does anyone know why the “seeds” only migrate out at night? I’ve checked the areas she lays in during the day and nothing, but for 3 days in a row I’m waking up to those nasty worm things around where she’s slept.

  • I’m going through this right now with a puppy I just adopted last week! So gross…waiting on fecal results even though you can clearly see something in her stool samples, plus I brought in what is being left on the bed at night but the vet through the rescue didn’t care to look which I thought was weird.

    Does anyone know why the “seeds” only migrate out at night? I’ve checked the areas she lays in during the day and nothing, but for 3 days in a row I’m waking up to those nasty worm things around where she’s slept.

  • 1stproject16
    June 9, 2015 5:35 am

    Wow, I can’t say that I have never made this kind of mistake, but still super funny!!!

  • I know this may sound unbelievable…but after a 15 months of being called a liar I just don’t care anymore….here goes, I have these exact same seed like things in my bed too, the difference is no pets in my bed.
    These things are always present along with other unknown hard little pieces varying in color size and shape. My life is a tortuous nightmare.
    Oh and there are definitely symptoms . Tingling crawling burning stinging… The whole gamete of agonizing discomfort of which I’ve found no relief. In addition….I’ve been through every available resource which includes the major pest control industry,medical doctors,and two separate entomologists. It’s been disappointing to say the least. Although I have learned its not bed bugs…that fact brought no comfort.
    Truthfully I thought the professionals I sought out would have shown a little more enthusiasm to the prospect of unraveling my mysterious problem.
    I apologize to you all,but I guess finding this site offered some glimmer of hope to find the answers I desperately need.

    • I hate to tell you this, and I hope I’m wrong, but your symptoms sound like Morgellons. Morgellons is absolutely not Delusions of Parasitoses, but no one knows definitively what it is. I have those same things that look like sesame seeds around my house. One brole open and out came an irregularly shaped ivory stick with red dots on it, and the black cap was something associated with Morgellons.

  • I know this may sound unbelievable…but after a 15 months of being called a liar I just don’t care anymore….here goes, I have these exact same seed like things in my bed too, the difference is no pets in my bed.
    These things are always present along with other unknown hard little pieces varying in color size and shape. My life is a tortuous nightmare.
    Oh and there are definitely symptoms . Tingling crawling burning stinging… The whole gamete of agonizing discomfort of which I’ve found no relief. In addition….I’ve been through every available resource which includes the major pest control industry,medical doctors,and two separate entomologists. It’s been disappointing to say the least. Although I have learned its not bed bugs…that fact brought no comfort.
    Truthfully I thought the professionals I sought out would have shown a little more enthusiasm to the prospect of unraveling my mysterious problem.
    I apologize to you all,but I guess finding this site offered some glimmer of hope to find the answers I desperately need.

  • please let me know what you have found out, ive been having same thing, plus they seem to have migrated to my body

  • I’m experiencing the same symptoms. I’ve found various species of mites on my own body, ear mites and am another unknown on my cats and then demodex mites along with these sesame seed things on my dog. Talk about infestation. I have also lost friends and been told it’s in my head. The crawling and itching is agonizing. I pick them off and it’s humiliating. I believe I suffer from morgellons and a fungal infection that attracts all sorts of parasites. I believe I have also found some larvae or worms on my skin. I want to jump in a fire or roll in something toxic to rid myself and my home of these ungodly pests. With so many pets, I find it nearly impossible to clear my environment completely. Menthol and cedar oil help as does salt baths nightly and coconut oil.

  • ok something weird is going on over here. I just found out my indoor cat has fleas. Since she is indoor I never knew what to look for. Anyways, I noticed flea or bed bug dander under my mattress pad and some rice like particles. My mom also noticed rice like particles at her house too and my cat was there for a few months. So bed bugs or flea tape worm eggs…the mystery continues. I am having a bed bug sniffing dog come tomorrow.

  • This is quite interesting and entertaining. I like the steps for self deception.

  • How do you get these eggs if no animals ever present?

  • Humans CAN get tapeworms from eating raw or undercooked meat, fish, etc. It’s not common in first world countries but of course it can happen.

    I found this page because I saw something questionable today. Between working near all sorts of parasites for years, to the hair-raising tapeworm infestation all over my bed thanks to my darling cat about a year ago, and eating an ungodly amount of (also questionable) sushi a few days ago and also a few weeks ago, I don’t like my chances. I don’t care if I’m being a hypochondriac, I’m asking my doc for meds tomorrow. o_O

  • Humans CAN get tapeworms from eating raw or undercooked meat, fish, etc. It’s not common in first world countries but of course it can happen.

    I found this page because I saw something questionable today. Between working near all sorts of parasites for years, to the hair-raising tapeworm infestation all over my bed thanks to my darling cat about a year ago, and eating an ungodly amount of (also questionable) sushi a few days ago and also a few weeks ago, I don’t like my chances. I don’t care if I’m being a hypochondriac, I’m asking my doc for meds tomorrow. o_O

  • I have been having symptoms for 7 months I have found rice like things in my bedding I have also black thing in bed no bites at all I have seen when I wipe after going don’t mean to be blunt
    I have seen several dr all saying I am crazy now I am seeing same stain in my 7 yr underpants we were treated for pinworm in December everything settled down only to start again I do not do drugs and I am not a hypochondriac
    I am losing my mind
    I am terrified something is inside me
    My repro system is completely out of sync please advise me
    I am growing more desperate

  • I have been having symptoms for 7 months I have found rice like things in my bedding I have also black thing in bed no bites at all I have seen when I wipe after going don’t mean to be blunt
    I have seen several dr all saying I am crazy now I am seeing same stain in my 7 yr underpants we were treated for pinworm in December everything settled down only to start again I do not do drugs and I am not a hypochondriac
    I am losing my mind
    I am terrified something is inside me
    My repro system is completely out of sync please advise me
    I am growing more desperate

  • Thank you anyone who can help me
    I would rather die than live like this
    Also my child and I have bathed in same water can it have transferred that way

    • You need to keep looking for a doctor who will take you seriously, or ask one of them to give you a referral to someone who will, especially a pediatrician for your child. Take gross pictures of evidence if you have to. Ask your friends or family if they know non-judgmental doctors who can help you. I don’t know why they don’t believe you if you already had to be treated for worms.

      It can get more serious than just having gross worms in your GI tract. Some parasites can end up in your eyeballs (like roundworms) or form cysts in your brain. You both need to be properly treated with medications. Unfortunately I wouldn’t trust home remedies for something serious like this.

      Most (all?) intestinal parasites have to be swallowed in order for you to get infected. Maybe if your kid swallowed dirty water either with you or from elsewhere? But just from bathing together? I don’t think so. Some parasites can also be transmitted from contaminated soil, like if your kid plays in the dirt and sticks his dirty fingers in his mouth.

  • Thank you anyone who can help me
    I would rather die than live like this
    Also my child and I have bathed in same water can it have transferred that way

    • You need to keep looking for a doctor who will take you seriously, or ask one of them to give you a referral to someone who will, especially a pediatrician for your child. Take gross pictures of evidence if you have to. Ask your friends or family if they know non-judgmental doctors who can help you. I don’t know why they don’t believe you if you already had to be treated for worms.

      It can get more serious than just having gross worms in your GI tract. Some parasites can end up in your eyeballs (like roundworms) or form cysts in your brain. You both need to be properly treated with medications. Unfortunately I wouldn’t trust home remedies for something serious like this.

      Most (all?) intestinal parasites have to be swallowed in order for you to get infected. Maybe if your kid swallowed dirty water either with you or from elsewhere? But just from bathing together? I don’t think so. Some parasites can also be transmitted from contaminated soil, like if your kid plays in the dirt and sticks his dirty fingers in his mouth.

  • maybe came from outside birds too…have seen flea looking lice on birds, but good to know all this info about tape worms. my dogs came in scratching and they had all these black gnats on them then my bed became filled with them, they didn’t bite but just crawled around, but then all these other things started showing up including the sesame seed things, they have been coming out of my mouth when I eat, sorry to be gross, but I have been told by two doctors that I am delusional, and I didn’t know where to turn to get help, I have had parasite testing too and it came back with a negative report, although they covered themselves by saying that does not mean there is not parasites, but we could not find any, and I saw a person in another comment say that happened to them also and after having the specimen sent to another lab besides quest, which I think is my lab, they diagnosed it as cat tape worms…..wow so many of us and this should be a given in the medical world. If there are thousands of us with the same complaints you think that once it was diagnosed that our problem would be a Mcdonald’s drive thru solution, not that we are crazy…..the world will come to an end by parasites and over educated and unknowledgeable doctors….God help us all

  • Help. for the past 2 months I was dealing with a crawling feeling on the back of my neck. I had and a small sore in the back of scalp also that didn’t itch but was there. Ive been feeling bites on back of my neck and when I’d reach back I pull of these hard whitish sometimes brown things. I got a small hive on my neck and redness in front of my throat so I went to Urgent car. The PA wanted to give me predisone and said he thought I had eczema!. I told him I had bites with little holes in the center after I scratched the scab. He gave me permethrin and antihistamine and kept insisting no hive! I used it on my head and body 2 x as recommended and It seemed to work for awhile. I still had the rash and I took a picture of the rash for 5 days after. I started collecting these whitish hard things and putting them on scotch tape and bagged them. I also hot washed my clothes, and used dryer, bagged the clothes I wasn’t wearing, vacuumed rugs, couch and mattress etc.! I followed with my doctor and she said I used the meds and they couldn’t see any lice and said the white stuff was dandruff. Ive never had dandruff and what about the bites? When said she could not look at what I brought in because she didn’t have a microscope. She said she has seen so many cases of scabies this year and asked if I wanted to see an Infectious Disease doctor to find out what was going on. I told her I would wait and see how I do with the meds. I am at a loss why this continues. I also went to the drugstore and did my hair again! In addition, I’ve been using dandruff shampoo, vinegar, coconut oil, olive oil. witch hazel and finally Hydrogen Peroxide which helped the most. I bought barbicide for my brushes etc. The white flecks have diminishing since combing my hair with the lice comb over and over each time but I am still getting bites and collecting this crap on tape, Please help with any ideas or what is going on? I don’t want to infect anyone! Should I see the ID doctor or a dermatologist? Thank you.

    • christi clifton
      August 28, 2016 10:52 am

      Have you found out anything???? I have same problems but not crawling…its more like slithering….i feel ” snakes”…. but i see seeds after cleaning….or little white”cotton” fibers. … Im not crazy but could go crazy soon due to this

    • omg me too!!! I have had eczema in the past and assumed this was now on my scalp! I also have small circular dry patches on my stomach and the doctor gave me a fungus cream for that. Everything is a temporary fix. I have NEVER found any in the bed. I find them on top of the carpet alongside the top part of my bed…not near the bottom. There is also a window on that wall. I have noticed the back of my head, just above the nape, is always itchy and the flaking is so embarrassing!!!

    • I’ve had the same problem with me and my dog…get a small hand held microscope, sold online- not expensive. My vet has insisted that my dog has dandruff… he doesn’t. The only thing I can find so far, so far, online, is something called “walking dandruff” (Cheyletiellosis), which is a parasitic mite, that affects many types of animals and humans. I know I picked this up from a neighbor. It is almost impossible to get rid of! I’ve been dealing w/it all summer this year and am ready to light my hair on fire. I’ve been most successful w/ a spray in lice product that I leave in my hair overnight, covered w/a shower cap- my hair turns really gross, because the eggs that are there- they are microscopic- are literally glued onto the hair shaft- are ungluing- and also like you said hydrogen peroxide. I’ve wiped areas of my body and literally had crap come off where it looks like I’m losing layers of skin, but its the gunk coming off. I use the peroxide on my dog also. He’s had several ivermectin treatments, and I honestly don’t know how to get rid of this. Good luck.

    • I don’t know if this helps but I’ve been dealing with a beetle infestation and at one point I started entertaining the idea that they were coming out of my scalp because that’s what it felt like. However, I finally realized that they were actually coming from the lamps and bouncing off of me and others. These looked kind of like rust at a juvenile stage of their development and were black as adults. They also have a wormy larva stage that ate into the carpet, wood, and clothing (GRRRR!) I had little things that looked like sesame seeds flying at me too but those turned out to be pieces of the drywall that were being drawn up to the cracks near the ceiling by capillary force (efflorescence). I was spraying a water/vinegar mixture around trying to kill everything and that, along with a few months of extremely wet weather, saturated my walls enough to cause the efflorescence which ended when I aimed space heaters at the walls and dried them out. I also had mold at that point and it might have been the artillery fungus that shoots projectiles. I say might because at around that point things got fuzzy – either the mold, pesticides, or possibly the beetles themselves were making me hallucinate a bit. At any rate, its all cleared up now (hopefully). The mold was cleared up by the space heaters and spraying straight bleach at it and the beetles seem to have been, finally, killed by the barrier spray for around the house (sorry but I actually found holes all the way through my floor when I ripped out the carpet and have few clothes left intact.)

      • Was just going to make a separate post about carpet and furniture beetles. Been battling them for years. Google will tell you that they look like sesame seeds. I think the house is just too far gone for successful elimination. Carpets are all falling apart. I can’t keep my clothes from getting them. I find them in my hair all the time (larvae) but no treatment works permanently. The rat all my bedding, I find egg sac’s everywhere— even on counters, which I thought were maggots. In the fridge, freezer and oven. The are also destroying all my towels. I’m at a loss 😫

    • Sharon Bradshaw
      January 22, 2018 10:03 pm

      Look up
      Walking dandruff. U can get it from ur pets. Or other people that having this problem too. Even trying on clothing at stores can transfer this bug. It’s actually a type of mite. All of u should go to steve betting fields FB site on morgellons. Morgellons is no more delusion than the sesame seeds. Many people with Morgs also find sesame seeds

  • It’s very funny 😀

  • I can’t believe it!?

  • It is very interesting.

  • Reply
  • All of you people started to freak me out. Good news!!! I found some of these in my toddlers bed and I found out that they were coming out of his stuffed animal. It is one of those scented animals that I got from Bed Bath and Beyond. Please be sure to check on any stuffed items you have, especially if you don’t have any symptoms. I got luck, but good luck to all of you.

  • Dr’s can be so clueless. When my son was 2-4 he had these in his bed every morning. I took them to the doctor and he actually smirked at me and made me feel stupid, insisting they were sesame seeds. I knew otherwise. Finally, after insisting they said he had pinworms. Everyone else says tapeworms. So gross! Anyway, a nasty liquid medicine for the whole family and never saw them again.

    • Can you please advise what doctor finally listened to you and gave the prescription? I have the same specimens (that look like sesame seeds or corn kernels) come out in my stool, and I have not had any luck with Doctore or labs properly diagnosing me. Pls advise. Thank you.

  • please help me.. i have noticed the same seeds in my stool,sometimes i woke up with abdomen pains, feeling very drained and weak,, please help me get rid of these demons.

  • sandy can you please tell me the name of the liquid medicine,,, please thanks

  • I know this thread is years old but this is (i am 100% certain) something that intestinal worms produce (it may be a dead worm segment). Do not worry it’s not really dangerous, but you should go to a doctor immediately. If you have aids or your immune system is very weak intestinal worms can be deadly. Sorry

  • Jessica the Ravenclaw
    March 3, 2017 2:25 pm

    Look on the internet to see the difference between sesame seeds and tapeworm segments tapeworm segments are brown like this picture shows real sesame seeds are white the difference between the two you can tell from the picture that Joshua posted that they are tapeworm segments

  • anyone know what species of tapeworm this is?

  • Hi,
    3 months I went on a short Thailand trip, came back to my new home in Shanghai and had a the top of my right foot swollen and painfully itchy, almost felt like the top part, near my last small toenails was broken. The pain and swelling went away in less than a week.
    then, about a week or so after, came the itching, inside my upper legs, in my back, aisles, then arms, ankles, in my private parts. I started having these weird rashes, would come and go.
    first doctor told me I was dehydrated, my skin was dried up so he game some steroid lotion, and pills to make the itch go away.
    That didn’t work so went to see another doctor. He thought I had either hives, scabies, syphilis. So he gave an antibiotic shot that kills syphilis and other infections. At that time I noticed these larger bug bites, so I thought at that time I really had scabies but there wasn’t any signs on my hands, elbows, although there were red bumps all over my scrotum, on my penis as well, and near my rectal area (sorry for the too much details, gotta give the facts).

    Weeks cam by, I now have at least 50 to 60, if not more bug bites or red pimples, on the sides of my body (mostly the left side) from the upper legs, bum area, thighs, sides of my torso and near my armpits. Almost nothing on the front and back, although there are smaller bites here and there.

    I also noticed these past few weeks sesame-like seeds, small beige for the most art (or off white), in the bathroom, living room, always near where I mostly stand or hang out (none in the bed yet). I also found 4 or 5 beetle spiders or they look like them). I haven’t seen yet any bed bugs or fleas.

    all I know is, with all the treatments I got so far, I feel less itchy ut I do feel at night or int he evening a burning sensation at times, stinging and the occasional itching that feels like someone is barely touching me or tinkling me.

    I have rashes only in the back (aisles). I get around 1 new red dot (bite?) every day or so, and the bites from 6 weeks ago are still visible, they got even a bit larger and more red, although the itch is way less.

    I have no idea what I have, fleas? Bed bugs? Intestinal worm breaking the integrity of my skin?

    I put on my body, from time to time : Tea tree oil, lavender oil, baking soda with water, white vinegar, olive oil, tried crotamiton cream a few times, and now using desoline cream (the last dermatologist I saw gave me this, says I have an ending case of scabies, and am bitten by fleas or bed bugs)

    Not sure if she is accurate, so I’ll see another specialist. At this point, I feel I know more on the subject than them anyway…

    Thanks for reading, if you have a clue, please send a reply.

  • Hi,
    3 months I went on a short Thailand trip, came back to my new home in Shanghai and had a the top of my right foot swollen and painfully itchy, almost felt like the top part, near my last small toenails was broken. The pain and swelling went away in less than a week.
    then, about a week or so after, came the itching, inside my upper legs, in my back, aisles, then arms, ankles, in my private parts. I started having these weird rashes, would come and go.
    first doctor told me I was dehydrated, my skin was dried up so he game some steroid lotion, and pills to make the itch go away.
    That didn’t work so went to see another doctor. He thought I had either hives, scabies, syphilis. So he gave an antibiotic shot that kills syphilis and other infections. At that time I noticed these larger bug bites, so I thought at that time I really had scabies but there wasn’t any signs on my hands, elbows, although there were red bumps all over my scrotum, on my penis as well, and near my rectal area (sorry for the too much details, gotta give the facts).

    Weeks cam by, I now have at least 50 to 60, if not more bug bites or red pimples, on the sides of my body (mostly the left side) from the upper legs, bum area, thighs, sides of my torso and near my armpits. Almost nothing on the front and back, although there are smaller bites here and there.

    I also noticed these past few weeks sesame-like seeds, small beige for the most art (or off white), in the bathroom, living room, always near where I mostly stand or hang out (none in the bed yet). I also found 4 or 5 beetle spiders or they look like them). I haven’t seen yet any bed bugs or fleas.

    all I know is, with all the treatments I got so far, I feel less itchy ut I do feel at night or int he evening a burning sensation at times, stinging and the occasional itching that feels like someone is barely touching me or tinkling me.

    I have rashes only in the back (aisles). I get around 1 new red dot (bite?) every day or so, and the bites from 6 weeks ago are still visible, they got even a bit larger and more red, although the itch is way less.

    I have no idea what I have, fleas? Bed bugs? Intestinal worm breaking the integrity of my skin?

    I put on my body, from time to time : Tea tree oil, lavender oil, baking soda with water, white vinegar, olive oil, tried crotamiton cream a few times, and now using desoline cream (the last dermatologist I saw gave me this, says I have an ending case of scabies, and am bitten by fleas or bed bugs)

    Not sure if she is accurate, so I’ll see another specialist. At this point, I feel I know more on the subject than them anyway…

    Thanks for reading, if you have a clue, please send a reply.

  • You all might have morgellons especially those with it in their hair. It’s not you’re hair anymore, and I think the critter is or is related to the horsehair worm that has been weaponized. If you don’t believe that bio-weapons exists, then you need to research Lyme/Plum Island, or read the book Doctor Mary’s Monkey (or go to youtube for explanation). We are all under attack here and it’s weakening our immune system so we are susceptible to these parasite, fungal, bacterial mycoplasmic co-infections. Get a jeweler’s scope and look at the hair that falls out on your shirt. It will have a white thing on the one end and if you watch closely, they move (some do). I’m still trying to figure out how to cure this. I am on an experiment regimen right now that includes: cabbage/pinksalt/distilledH20 FERMENT to restore the good bacteria and kill the invaders with Vit C/pink salt, GcMAF to get the macrophages working again and up the immune system which was probably destroyed via the gut. Glutathione patches to get the detox system functioning again. If you’re getting vaccines, you are causing yourself harm. Do not take antibiotics for this. You have to become the expert, the doctor because they are clueless and follow what the corrupt CDC says to them. This is an epidemic. I know many who have this by just looking at their clothing. Getting a lint brush and brushing body good idea too along with loofah to get skin and biofilm off. So much more to this. If you think anything that I’ve said is crazy, they don’t expect to ever find a cure for your problem. In addition those streaks the sky are from geoengineering and they are called CHEMTRAILS. Many scientists (independent of the corp mainstream, believe this MOrgellons is coming from them and the GMO foods etc. And these parasites LOVE EMF so try and get out in nature as much as possible. Bath frequently then thoroughly dry, even your hair. Cut it short for now if a woman. God bless.

    • You are right about the hair thing and I have scabs that turned up on my head stomach breasts ankles face basically all over my body. From me scathing so much I got myself infected with MRSA! So I have to take antibiotics for now ! In one listens to me about anything I say I’m losing my mind! I’m getting depressed more and more everyday : (

    • I completely agree with you also… I’ve seen the white, red and black fibres also on me and my dog! And, they do grow and spiral up together!!! It’s creepy as hell!

  • It’s been over a year. The symptoms have not gone away. I have actually consumed more. I’ve noticed in my daughter’s bed the “seeds” now, and yes I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like my body is sucking up hair and other thread like material. Because my hair was down to my hips, it’s now to my shoulders and thinning. But if I get a sore (pimples mainly) it turns into a hard knot, and after meeting with it, long hairs come out. I sound rediculuos and I know this. But I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to. I have a spot in the middle of my back that feels like ice is being pressed against it, and there is nothing there when I look in the mirror. Several have an almost “dried minced garlic” look and shape. Then I have now noticed some the same size as “dried chopped onions”, like in onion soup mix. When I do have a sore on my face I literally feel it digging and pulling my skin. And I can use everything imagined on it, but nothing happens. It comes in a small circle, like a ring worm. And if I use a cotton ball on it, it sucks fibers out of the cotton ball. I had beautiful skin 3 years ago. Whatever this is has taken over everything in my life. I do not go in public. My 25 year marriage is destroyed, I’ve messed with these things so much I have scars, my family wants me committed, and I honestly hate being alive. I’m not a drug user and here is no mental illness in my family. I do however live on the Gulf of Mexico, surrounded by chemical plants, in Texas. Every day I clean. And clean. I have noticed that my cat has started to seeing whatever it is move. Because I feel it moving and the cat starts smelling or pouncing . I have seen what looks like a small fingernail. I do wonder if I am pulling out my bone, tissues, fragments, vains…idk I’m lost. My throat feels like it’s tight at times and as disgusting as it sounds, it feels like roaches are in there. I couldn’t ever get anyone to believe this. I know you are all thinking I’m a first class nut job. I don’t blame you. I wish this would go away!!!!

    • Try reading about Morgellons about the fibers. One of the “things” or parasites I’ve found has microscopic fibers with it. They are either very small white, some black and some red. On this site (whatsthatbug.com) look under the thread for “unknown parasite” and there are also a bunch of suggestions also about this same parasite which also may be Morgellons. There are many people dealing with this, so please don’t give up. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water, and I’ve heard that what we eat makes a HUGE difference also as far as how these things affect us. I’ve lost a lot of my hair too. My dog is having problems too (dachshund). He’s been treated at least 5x with meds. I’m just doing home treatments now. I’ve found that cleaning my skin w/hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. I moisturize w/ an unscented Neutrogena lotion, and use a spray on lice spray that I can leave in my hair also (one of the things I have dealt with are also microscopic, some sort of microscopic kind of mite that leaves the white threads also). The lice spray melts all of the things, and it washes out. Go read on that other page on here- there are may others dealing with this stuff- you are absolutely NOT alone…

    • Sharon Bradshaw
      November 11, 2017 4:11 am

      Hi Christi,
      Frankie is right. It sounds like u have morgellons
      U r not nuts. Morgellons seems to be combination of mites and mold.
      Mold all by by Itself can cause feelings of biting and stinging. It’s probably part of what affecting ur throat. Bugs/ mites r attracted to mold. There is a lot too this. Drs won’t be able to help. If U do go see a dr. Don’t talk about bugs. Invisible or visible. They don’t believe bugs can do this. Talk to ur dr about a skin fungus. He can understand that. That’s part of what going on with u.
      The mites can carry all sorts of bacteria fungus…. everything. Even if got rid of the bugs, ur left with a fungal infection that needs to be treated with anti fungal for several months. Both the mites and mold can become systemic. Do u have a mold problem at ur house? Do u have birdsnest near or on ur house?
      Mites and tick bites seem to be involved. A lot of people that have this also have Lyme disease from tick bites. Mites can carry whatever ticks can. Also read about the fungus SPORO SCHENKII on wiki. Read the WHOLE thing Sporo schenkii is found world wide. It’s often found in wet areas. Swamps bogs in peat moss, woods bushes trees. Ur pets can bring it in the house. Ur pets can get it sporothrix from it. Or SPOROTRICHOSIS. U can get it from ur pets and vice versa.
      It creates lesions in ur skin and spread.
      The CDC denied the existence of morgellons in 2012 I think. But they r changing their minds a bit. They r now stating that some sort of AGRO bacterium is found on patients who think they have morgellons. As far as bugs or mites being involved they havnt completely committed to that. But they r coming around.
      They have been telling people they r crazy. Or have delusional parisitosis.
      Ur not crazy. Their r several great group sites on face book dealing with Morgellons. There is a protocol that steve beddinford has come up. U can read about how people r responding or not. It’s just a good place to be validated and respected.
      Everyone there can identify with the symptoms u r dealing with. Look for mold in ur house. The attic or crawl space. Check ur AC filters and dehumidifier filters. Even the furnace filter. R u noticing more dust in ur home? And little hairs too?
      So think mold and mites.
      Those little pimples with white heads aren’t acne. They r part of morgellons
      Hang in there. Go to FB sites. Steves has the most science going on. Lots of photos to compare to urself.
      See u there.

    • I know nobody wants to hear this, but you’re describing the symptoms of delusional parasitosis. There are no cockroaches that live in bodies or anything like that. This is a well documented mental illness.

      This doesn’t mean you’re “just crazy” though, you have to break out of that mindset. Our entire perception of reality, smells and sights and physical sensations, is something created in our brains. Our brains are complex, delicate organs, and they get sick, and it breaks your perception. That absolutely constitutes a REAL illness, not just a “nut job.”

  • I have had sesame seed looking things coming out of my skin for months now and have invested in several pairs of tweezers in which it seems i spend the majority of my time picking them out. I have found out that they actually spread, whatever this is. I also had brown and red flecks of something coming out as well. It is in my head, on my back, my legs, my face. my eye and my arms. It itches immensely and im becoming so depressed i dont know what to do. I am an intravenous heroin addict and also had two abscesses in which i had to have drained. When the results from the lab came back from the drained substance it appeared i had mrsa. I was given two rounds of Doxcyclone and mupricon cream to put up my nose. Well my rash is still spreading and all these seed things are grossing me out. I cry every day and my whole family thinks im insane or on some other kind of drug that is making me hallucinate. I had some Ketanazole cream and after looking on the internet found one woman had the same thing and had a biopsy done and it came back she had a fungus. Well, this cream is for fungus so i put it all over and low and behold it started to look better and all these seed things which you can see under my skin as well before they pop through, were coming out and dying. Until it started again and now has come back full force. I have found them in the car, on my floor beside my bed and even on my cats back now. Please help me i feel sucidal and cant take it anymore i cant live like this anymore i look like a meth user and feel dirty all the time. I was on my road to recovery when all this started and now i dont even want to live. Please help.

  • Please if any one is crazy its all these brain washer sent to clean a huge mess by lying to the ones that are really suffering and struggle from day to day with an non treated unnamed disease. I had a cysts burst that caused a bacterial infection in my entire body. I took antibiotics to help cure it and that is where my problems really begain. I felt better then i noticed a pimple but nit really it was a lump on my face then it grew over night and it hurt to the touch. I treated it again by taking dr prescribed antibiotics. By now i was WAY TO DEEP IN TO KNOW WHAT I WAS TAKING WAS FEEDING THE INFECTION BECAUSE THE BACTERIA WAS IMMUNE TO THE MEDS prescribed by dr. Then my head started to hurt days later another lump this time in my head they said foliculitis no clue what that was but they said they would give me a steroid to control it. No F N way i did my reading by now and that shit would of killed any good left in my entire body so i said no and left. Now im self treating something i cant see. I feel every bit of it on my skin and its taking a toll on me and my family. They think im on drugs or im crazy.

  • Stephanie Pena
    March 29, 2018 7:20 am

    TAPEWORM EGGS. If you Google that, you will find these sesame like seeds as a result. I have found them in my bed. I have a cat that sleep in my bed and called my vet who confirmed it.

  • Thanks for posting this. I’ve told several morgellons people what it is , but no one gets it. Nice to hear ur vet validated that. What did they say to do? Anything good? Or new?

  • These are bed bugs people. The “seeds” are their eggs. If you are allergic, you can get knots and a huge ring around the bite almost like what lymes disease would look like with a tick.

  • from the bottom of my heart thank you so mutch thank you so so so so mutch for the info about DIPYLIDIUM CANINUM. I’ve been dealing with this for 3 years. 3 years of constant on and off feeling of bugs crawling all over my body every day.along with skin problems etc etc but to me the crawling is the worst . I have def lost a bit of my sanity over this way to mutch sleep and comfortability . its honestly consumed my life for these past 3 years. Nothing has ever truly given mutch relief. I have ridiculous amounts of samples in clear vinyl. I even got a microscope but witch wasn’t to helpful as I had no clue what I was looking at. It started 1 day when I was 25 i recently turned 28 and I’ve tried ridiculous ammounts of crap I’ve even completley wiped myself down in pure acetone with no relief.along with iso and other chemicals, even taking a propane torch to myself in hopes of burning and killing whatever it was .I’ve had so many bad days to where I wished I could’ve jumped into a pool of acid and melted my flesh off for relief . this is far from the answer I was hoping it would be but I’m so grateful to at least have an answer now instead of not knowing. My GF Litterly pops these out of my back. Having bad acne run in the family and being a picker my whole life lets say I’m a self proclaimed acne pro , and this was something I’ve never seen once , my scalp is so bad its pure white cradle cap that gets crazy , I’ve never had problems with my skin not scalp or dandruff, so I knew that was weird as he’ll to , if you suffer from this or anything like it I truly feel for you from the bottom of my heart you are not alone, you are not delusional or insane ,although it has brought me there many times. I think 1 of the worst parts is feeling like no one believes you or takes you seriously . but don’t worry about that . take yourself seriously take control of your life and body again , you are not crazy or delusional but you are insane if you don’t take action. Hopefully I can start helping myself with this newly gained information and mabey 1 day ill be comfortable in my own body again and not feel the way I do . I wish you all the absolute best luck in your battles and thank you all so mutch again for sharing your story’s and information. I’m so happy to have randomly found this. Hang in there everyone

    • Isn’t it all possible that we may have fungus in her hair which could be dandruff ask me anything like that and the drain flies in all these tiny tiny tiny insects that we cannot see love to feed off of fungus so isn’t that possible that we may have bugs honest it doesn’t mean they’re coming from us right or wrong

  • Was googling brown seeds, eggs, and insects because I saw something very similarto this on my bed. Then I read the original reply and realized I’m a got darned idiot and my flaxseed filled microwavable heating plush animal was on the bed and it has a small hole in it.
    Tapeworm segments are typically lighter in color.

    • Jessica Hurrell
      May 18, 2020 2:19 am

      OMG I cannot thank you enough for posting this comment. I too thought i had bed bugs. I was so creeped out. I bought all new bedding (new pillows, cushions, duvet and linen), bleach washed my battress, ironed it, used a whole can of bed bug spray, bleached all of my floors! Washed my teddy. While teddy was drying downstairs and not noticing any ‘bed bugs’ for about a week i thought i had exterminated them all. Two days a go i put the teddy back on my bed and noticed the ‘bed bugs again’. So i was frantically looking online about them and stumbled across this comment. I then cut open my microwavle teddy i found the exact same ‘bed begs’. Hahaha. So youre not the only one lol! Thanks again for putting my mind at rest!

  • Was googling brown seeds, eggs, and insects because I saw something very similarto this on my bed. Then I read the original reply and realized I’m a got darned idiot and my flaxseed filled microwavable heating plush animal was on the bed and it has a small hole in it.
    Tapeworm segments are typically lighter in color.

  • Victoria Smith
    July 4, 2019 6:23 pm

    I found an object JUST like this on my couch the other day. After MUCH investigation and by accident almost, I found it to be the filling for my heating pad bag. It had a hole in it and these little seeds, what
    I presumed to possibly be flaxseeds, were falling out. So, mystery solved.

    • Your comment helped me. I kept finding these seeds on my bed and started freaking out. Once you mentioned the heating pad. I checked mine and yup a small hole and its the same seed.

    • Oh my gosh you are 100% right.
      I check my heating pad and surprise surprise there was a hole and the seeds that I saw it inside it similar to this in the picture woohoo ! It was a relief because I have a fobia from insects ?

    • God bless you for posting this. That’s exactly what mine was too. I was afraid some bug crawled into my house and started laying eggs everywhere. In actuality, it was my heating pad that had a hole in it and a little seeds inside of it were coming out. Thank you for this.

  • Victoria Smith
    July 4, 2019 6:23 pm

    I found an object JUST like this on my couch the other day. After MUCH investigation and by accident almost, I found it to be the filling for my heating pad bag. It had a hole in it and these little seeds, what
    I presumed to possibly be flaxseeds, were falling out. So, mystery solved.

    • Oh my gosh you are 100% right.
      I check my heating pad and surprise surprise there was a hole and the seeds that I saw it inside it similar to this in the picture woohoo ! It was a relief because I have a fobia from insects ?

  • Hello,

    i am enduring a lot of heath problems since the beginning of this year. I have got a colon inflammation, dyspepsia, pain in my lung and my liver. I have noticed in my stool this following elements like this black seed in this subject. I am pretty sure that they are linked to a kind of worm but I a not able to identify it. I am followed with a laboratories but they struggle to find what it is. I will be very grateful if you can help me with this issue. I put more images at the end of the post. Thanks a lot !

    White seed :

    Black Seed:

  • Hello,

    i am enduring a lot of heath problems since the beginning of this year. I have got a colon inflammation, dyspepsia, pain in my lung and my liver. I have noticed in my stool this following elements like this black seed in this subject. I am pretty sure that they are linked to a kind of worm but I a not able to identify it. I am followed with a laboratories but they struggle to find what it is. I will be very grateful if you can help me with this issue. I put more images at the end of the post. Thanks a lot !

    White seed :

    Black Seed:

  • Robert Bflo NY
    August 30, 2019 10:29 pm

    Man; I looked up finding “Sesame seeds” on bed etc… & it brought me to this site( after a cpl others said its some kind of worm( thats segments detach & come out & look like sesame seed(or cucumber seeds- which is in the worms scientific name type)- while people would comment on sites about bedbugs& carpetbeetles as well; so very confusing stuff!- I have had a feeling of being bitten by mites as well!- & I do have a dog.- Other web sites brought me straight to the worm parasite info… I think it was mean to mock the guy. Its no joke.- I am buying worm medication for my dog tomorrow; although i have seen none in her stool specifically.Also-cleaning my mattress and finding little black “ pepper flecks” – in all of the crevices… that seemed like they turned into minute blood splotches while power cleaning the mattress. I have searched tons & found no bed bugs anywhere & have bombed the house & am always cleaning & vacuuming… I did find a dead dark brown beetle while cleaning a cpl wks ago & nothing more… So its confusing & frightening!-I want to feel clean & beautiful of course!- feel like I’m getting bit in my car & have bugged bombed it and vacuumed several times!- Its frightening!!!-Ive looked online like 50times about all this… My dog is treated w Advantix 2, given baths, taken to the vet…I dunno- Im just gonna keep cleaning , bombing, putting essential oils around…Some people try to say weird stuff like – Morgellons or mold mites etc…but – Jesus- No one wants to spread parasites to friends/family or anything… I’ve been at my wits end…Exhausted … & grossed out!

    • Bed bugs are masters at hiding. If a credit card can fit into a crack, so can they, they speed like wildfire! Bombing and essential oil just further push them into walls where they breed and come back like an army. Vacuum, crossfire and cimexa powder in cracks and behind switch plates. They are masters at hitchhiking and get into your vehicle and spread elsewhere. Wash/dry everything on high heat and pack in contractor bags or large ziplocks. Vacuum everything,walls windows carpet wood floors, EVERYTHING!!most of what you read on internet is garbage, they don’t just hang around the bedroom. Get encasements for your box spring and beds, flip your couches and look their feces look like pinpoint black paint. Lastly join a Facebook page for bedbugs, you’ll get the most info there.

  • Wow same here but mine is linked to some type of tapeworm in which cannot be identified due to it most likely being zoonotic anyone find any answers?

  • I am 90 % sure that’s it is a kind tapeworn unknown for most part of laboratories. I was treated by Biltricide and a long worm (20 cm) showed off 3 weeks after treatment.

  • That is a flax seed. They stuff them in bedroom slippers too. Wait till your bedroom slipper gets a hold on it and you go crazy trying to figure out why they all over the house.

    • Yes Ed, I agree with you. Shape are the same than flax seed. Yet, in this case it is not a flax seed. It is some kind of worm which produces elements on links below.

  • annon1212121
    May 16, 2020 4:53 am

    did anyone figure this out please

  • I have had bed bugs and now have pure white looking seeds. They attach to my furniture carpet etc. and are very sticky and almost impossible to remove and I see are web like strings, also sticky and its ruining everything it touches. Thought it was bed bug babies but been told they don’t cause damage.

  • Guys i dont know what to think of this i found one in my bedsheets and its been there for a while so long that its turned see through and i see some sort of worm type thing i found it where my head would usually be someone give me an explanation of whats going on tell me what the F it is???!!!! and yes i think its real

  • I just found the exact seed but in a used plastic Safeway bag that I did have at a hotel room 3weeks ago . I pinched it and the shell broke apart but didn’t crush much & inside was a off white translucent color of same shaped as outer shell . It did flatten out as I pressed on it . Google picture search came up with bed bug with picture of the seed and the smashed seed
    No legs or head seem to anyplace Sid take a bit to actually break the outer shelling.
    I still am not convinced it’s not a dead bed bug at stage 1 feeding.
    Has anyone else broke open this type of looking seed / bug??

  • Neet And Angel
    February 4, 2024 12:53 am

    Wow, I had no idea there were bugs that looked like sesame seeds! I’ve been seeing these little creatures in my garden and I’ve been trying to figure out what they are. Thanks for sharing this interesting post! 🐝🌿


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