Automeris caterpillar

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This bug was found in a bush outside my host parents’ home in Liberia, Guanacaste, Costa Rica In Jan/Feb.

I have only one photo and it (the caterpillar) was about the lenght of 10-15 cm maximum. It stung my host mom quite bad as it was in a bush and she got close to it.

I have identified it to be an automeris Io myself, but was disputed on this by someone in a bug group meaning it is an automeris sp, however from internet photos sp looks a bit different, but that can of course be incorrect classification by those people (random people on internet) whose pictures i found as well.  

Can you please help me identify it correctly?

Best regards and thank you so much in advance 🙂


What’s That Bug’ Product Recommendations:

Wondercide – Preventive Indoor Pest Control Spray Wondercide uses natural, plant-based essential oils to naturally repel pests. Cruelty-Free.

Large Bat Box for Natural Mosquito Control Too many mosquitos in your yard but don’t want to spray heavy chemicals? Try natures method!

Uncle Milton’s Giant Ant Farm The perfect gift so your kids can take an even closer look at the amazing underground world of ants. It’s the original.

Giant Butterfly Garden: Watch Caterpillars Change Into Butterflies! The perfect activity to do with your little ones to inspire them on how wonderful bugs can be.

Raised Cedar Planter Box Cedar is the ideal wood for a planter box as its naturally rot-resistant and repels pests from your vegetables.

While we do enjoy and use the products recommended above, they are affiliate links where ‘What’s That Bug’ may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps to financial support this website from hosting to expert entomologists and writers who identify your bug requests and create the content you love.

Dear Marianne,

We agree that this is most likely a Caterpillar in the genus Automeris, which includes the Io Moth, but we are not certain of the species.  Many caterpillars in this genus have stinging spines that can result in a painful encounter which is why we recommend having a BUG BITE THING Suction Tool on hand to suck out the venon to minimize the sting.  We would not discount that this caterpillar is a member of a closely related genus Leucanella which also has caterpillars with stinging spines.  


  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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