American Cockroach: All You Need to Know for Effective Control and Prevention

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The American cockroach, known scientifically as Periplaneta americana, is an invasive species that has spread throughout the world.

Originally from Africa, this cockroach has made its way into various countries, including the United States, thriving in areas like basements, sewers, steam tunnels, and drainage systems [1].

As it is a nuisance pest, it’s essential to know more about this insect to understand how to manage and prevent infestations in homes and other structures.

An overview of the American Cockroach

Some key characteristics of the American cockroach include:

  • Brownish-red color
  • Wings that cover their entire body length
  • Active mostly at night
  • Omnivorous, feeding on various food sources
  • Average size: 1.5 inches in length
  • Long antennae
  • 6 legs
  • Yellowish pronotum (the area behind the head)

To reproduce, the female American cockroaches deposit eggs in a bean-shaped protective case called an ootheca, which they usually place in a sheltered area near food sources.

Within each egg case, there can be up to 16 white or yellowish-white eggs [2]. In terms of size, American cockroaches are quite large for common household pests, measuring 1-2 inches in length.

By understanding the American cockroach’s life cycle, habits, and appearance, homeowners and pest control professionals can effectively manage and eliminate these unwelcome pests.

Life Cycle and Reproduction

The life cycle of the American cockroach consists of three stages – egg, nymph, and adult. Female cockroaches deposit their eggs in bean-shaped cases, called oothecae. These cases contain up to 16 white or yellowish-white eggs.

Life Span

The life span of an American cockroach varies, with different stages taking different amounts of time to complete. For example, the nymph stage may take 1 to 6 months, and the complete life cycle can last up to two years.

Common Behavior

American cockroaches are:

  • Nocturnal: Active during the night
  • Omnivorous: Feeding on various food sources
  • Attracted to damp, warm areas

They may emit a distinct odor when disturbed or threatened.

Habitat and Climate Preferences

American cockroaches favor tropical climates and can be found in:

  • Basements
  • Sewers
  • Steam tunnels
  • Drainage systems

Their preferred temperature is above 82°F.

Other Types of Cockroaches

Alongside the American cockroach, there are other common cockroach species:

Species Appearance and Features
Oriental Cockroach Dark brown or black in color, 1 inch long, males have short wings, females have no wings.
German Cockroach Smaller than American cockroach, light brown to tan color, with two dark stripes on the pronotum.
Brown-banded Roach Dark brown with pale bands across the wings, prefers drier environments than other species.
Palmetto Bug from India

These species share similarities with the American cockroach but differ in appearance, behavior, and preferred habitats.

Preventing and Controlling Infestations

Signs of Infestation

  • Droppings: Small, dark, and cylindrical droppings found around your living spaces.
  • Egg casings: Brown, capsule-shaped structures that each contain 15 to 20 eggs.
  • Live sightings: Usually seen in dark, damp, and warm areas like basements or near steam pipes.

Preventing Infestations

Preventing American cockroach infestations involves:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean and sanitize your living spaces, especially the kitchen and bathroom.
  2. Eliminating food sources: Store food in sealed containers, clean up spills, and remove crumbs.
  3. Sealing entry points: Fill cracks, crevices, and gaps in walls, doors, and windows.
  4. Reducing moisture: Repair leaky pipes and use a dehumidifier in damp areas.

Treatment Methods

There are various treatment methods for controlling American cockroach infestations:

  • Traps: Sticky traps help monitor and capture roaches.
  • Baits: Gel baits, bait stations, and granular baits attract and poison cockroaches.
  • Sprays: Residual insecticide sprays create a barrier that kills roaches on contact.
  • Pesticides: Chemical pesticides should be used as a last resort and applied by professionals.

Some natural predators like the Ensign Wasp, that helps in controlling their population by taking down cockroach eggs.

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Pest Control

If you prefer to tackle the problem yourself, consider these DIY methods:

  1. Boric acid: A natural and effective insecticide that targets cockroaches in clean, dry areas1.
  2. Diatomaceous earth: A non-toxic powder that can be applied to infested areas.
  3. Over-the-counter insecticides: In this case, use the insecticide with caution and follow the product’s instructions.

However, if the infestation is too severe or you’re unsure about the best approach, it may be necessary to consult a pest control professional.

Health Concerns Related to American Cockroaches

Asthma, Allergies, and Reactions

American cockroach infestations can lead to several health problems, especially for those who have asthma or allergies.

Cockroach allergens are proteins found in their feces, saliva, and body parts. These allergens can trigger:

  • Asthma attacks: Cockroach-infested areas may worsen asthma symptoms, particularly in children.
  • Allergic reactions: Some people experience skin rashes, nasal congestion, and eye irritation upon exposure to cockroach allergens.

Bacterial Contamination

Cockroaches can carry harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus on their bodies. They can spread these bacteria by crawling on food, countertops, and other surfaces. Common areas for contamination include:

  • Kitchens: Counters, sinks, and food storage areas are susceptible to contamination.
  • Bathrooms: Contact with bathroom surfaces and sinks can spread bacteria.
  • Restaurants: Cockroach-infested restaurants pose a significant risk to public health.

Contaminated surfaces can lead to foodborne illnesses and infections.

Washing hands, keeping a clean environment, and controlling pest populations can help prevent bacterial contamination.

Cockroach Bites

Although rare, American cockroaches can bite humans, particularly during infestations. A bite may cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe, such as:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Pain or discomfort

Controlling American cockroach populations is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. It helps prevent asthma and allergy issues, bacterial contamination, and potential bites.

American Cockroach’s Natural Environment and Distribution


American cockroaches are actually not native to America. They originated in Africa and were later introduced to the Americas.

Geographical Range

American cockroach populations can now be found in various parts of the world. They are primarily distributed in tropical and subtropical climates, thriving in spaces like:

  • Sewers
  • Crawl spaces
  • Drains
  • Basements
  • Bathrooms

They thrive on smooth surfaces, such as glass, and can climb vertical surfaces. Small openings (about 1/16 inch) in the foundation and walls of buildings allow them to enter the structure.


The American cockroach, an invasive species from Africa, is now found globally. Active at night, it thrives in basements, sewers, and drains.

Prevent infestations with proper cleaning and sealing, or consult pest control professionals.

Beware of health risks like asthma triggers, bacterial contamination, and rare bites. Stay vigilant to maintain a healthy living environment.




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Palmetto Bug Bite
Palmetto Bug from India

American Cockroach
American Cockroach



  • Bugman

    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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  • Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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Tags: Cockroaches

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30 Comments. Leave new

  • This is a mature male Blaptica dubia.I have a colony of theses little ones at home,i use them as feeder cockroaches for my tarantulas.
    They are beautiful:)

  • Piotr Naskrecki
    March 14, 2010 2:24 pm

    This is not the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), but rather a male of the native wood cockroach (Parcoblatta; most likely P. americana.) They are not pests, and cannot live inside houses.

  • This is NOT a blaptica dubia male.If you’d like,I can post pictures of some males I have.I am a long time breeder of B.Dubias and they do not look like this roach at all.Not sure what this roach is,but for sure it is not a blaptica dubia.

  • My advise would to research information about the species of roaches in your state/country.One way I can tell besides the obvious looks of it that it isnt a B.Dubia is that its climbing a smooth surface….Dubias cannot climb smooth surfaces.Good luck!You have an interesting find there!

  • Oh please do not tell me this. This is the only bug that really grosses me out and now this makes it even worse.

    • We were surprised by the report, and we cannot confirm nor deny that it actually happened.

    • These disgusting creatures r immediately
      destroyed by a Fly Squatter by me. They r more afraid of us, and I’m glad too!

    • These disgusting creatures r immediately
      destroyed by a Fly Squatter by me. They r more afraid of us, and I’m glad too!

  • I grew up in Houston, where swarms of these lovelies would leave the sewer systems on summer nights and gather by the hundreds under the glow of the streetlamps. I once heard a loud, “Crunch, crunch, crunch,” from across the living room, late one night. I scooted over to check it out, and there was a giant roach, crunching down on its midnight snack of ruffled potato chip. Yeah. I believe it could deliver a pretty good bite to a finger. I learned not to watch TV while lying on the floor, and I learned not to walk outside barefooted at night, either. The Kip Addotta song was probably written about the potato-chip-eating-bug from Houston.

  • very interesting although i wonder if they would only bite if they were being picked up or provoked and not just landing on people to bite them of course having roaches in your bed nibbling on you would be no picnic either 😉

  • I caught wingless american cockroaches a few times, never been bitten… Anyway, I agree with Ellen “Anything with a mouth can bite.”

    • David Stevenson
      September 25, 2016 8:39 pm

      I woke last night because i felt something crawling on my face. I was scare because i thought it was a spider. I squished it with pillow jumped and turn the lights on and it was a palmetto bug. Omg. I almost flipped out. I went pick it up with a papertowel and it was still alive a tried to get away. I thought i was gojng to have a heart attack lol. Because im afraid of bugs. But i smashed it on the wall and it made a crunching sound so i knew it was dead then. I picked it up and flush it down the toilet. I think i will sleep with tv light on tonight. Lol

  • This bug is my biggest fear. I literally go in to fits if one gets near me. I live in central Georgia and our house is old they are everywhere. My son chases me with them. Ugh I wish I lived in a bubble.

  • Palmetto bugs DO bite! I live in Atlanta and last night while in my kitchen I felt something crawling up the back of my arm. I quickly knocked it off and starting jumping and screaming when I saw that it was a Palmetto bug (one of the smaller ones that looks like a beetle). I couldn’t believe that thing was crawling on me!!! The back of my arm starting itching so I went to look at it in the bathroom and sure enough I had swelling, redness, and pain similar to that of a large mosquito bite! UGGH! I could not believe it!!! How nasty is that, ughh!!! I HATE those bugs! I had itching and hives on my back and right leg about 10 minutes later as well and had to take a bendadryl! Then I remembered years ago when I had blood work for allergy testing the results came back that I was allergic to a lot of things including cock roaches (along with a lot of other things like feathers and grass, etc) I couldn’t believe that. I Iive in a pretty nice apartment and we do not have roaches but these palmetto bugs get in from time to time and I hate them!!!

  • Roaches, including palmetto bugs, do bite. Hence the cases of child neglect cases where the homes are infested & the children, especially infants, are covered in bites. I live in charleston and we have those dreaded palmetto bugs. I have seen one latch on to a friends shirt, not by those sticky prickly legs, but by mouth. It was horrifying to say the least.. friend has been in the mental hospital ever since, about 5 yrs now.. (ok, that part is a joke, but she is still very much affected by that incident & is obsessively afraid of them now)

  • I have been trying to track down what type of bite I have-it looks just like the one pictured! Small red with that black thing in the middle-think it was a palmetto bug-tis not biting needs to be restudied! I have been putting alcohol on the bite and corizone. Seems to be shrinking and less red. Never has hurt-did not even know it was there til I saw it-any advice-please! Thank you!

    • The bite you describe sounds like a puncture wound, not the type of bite one would get from a Palmetto Bug which has mandibles. Our advice if you are concerned is to see a health care provider.

  • Thanks to those who tried to id this critter. To me it looks like Darth Vader, so I call it the Darth Vader roach. It does have the incredible ability to not only climb glass, but to almost “sucker” to a surface so that it is hard to remove. I’ve never seen a cockroach that can do this before. It is a bit wider and a bit shorter than a standard Australian cockroach. I have tried all sites for Latin America and for Costa Rica and Panama in particular, but have found nothing. I will post a few more macro photos of a specimen I found sleeping under my washing machine lid yesterday morning. Maybe the detail will help identification.

    • Hi Mary,
      If you want to post additional images, you should submit them using the Ask What’s That Bug? link on our site. Maybe a new posting with a link to this posting will inspire one of our readers to search the World Wide Web for a proper identification.

  • Palmetto bugs, do infact, bite. I’ve been woken from a deep sleep while staying on the beach in Fl. By a bite. It wasn’t the spiny legs, either. I am deathly afraid of these assholes and recently jumped out of a moving vehicle when a German cockroach ran across the dashboard.

    • We are no longer disputing the possibility that a Palmetto Bug might bite, though this posting describes a “Palmetto looking bug” which, since there is no image to prove its identity, might actually be a Root Borer in the genus Prionus, a group with very powerful mandibles that could definitely draw blood. The hysterical fear of being bitten by a basically harmless creature and the subsequent action “jumped out of a moving vehicle” seems far more dangerous to us. Many creatures will bite if provoked, but that is not typical behavior for most insects, exempting of course blood suckers like flies and mosquitoes that definitely target humans as food.

  • These nasty palmetto bugs terrify me. I was a bouncer in several night clubs and fought for entertainment and I am not at all ashamed to say that these bugs creep me out in every way possible. Several times now I have been awoken by these creatures craelung on me while I slept. I don’t know about the biting and I don’t want to know. God has a purpose for everything, but forgive me Lord, I have to question this one! No offense to entomologists everywhere, but your job takes a “special” kind of weird to actually want to play with and study bugs. I don’t think I’d fight an entomoligist. Who knows what “secret weapon” they may have in a little container! Kudos to you all. Yes, I’m a big, 6’2″ 250 lbs baby when it comes to bugs!

  • ALOHA FROM HAWAI’I!!! I came across your site after googling Palmetto Bugs. OMG!!! Like many of the others, I’m completely terrified of any cockroach…but especially the HUGE flying Hawai’ian (American) Cockroach which I guess Southerner’s call a Palmetto Bug. Call it what you may, but a roach on the floor or ceiling is nasty in itself, but that 2″ shitface at eye level is absolutely INSANE!! I have actually fallen down running away from them. When they land on me, I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack and I always was told they bite…so this is worse yet!!! I can hear them fluttering their disgusting wings and I almost passed out one evening while I was cornered in my shower, being held hostage for over 30 minutes because I was scared motionless, knowing if I ran, it would land on my body and for sure eat me!! Lol! Honestly, I would have doused myself in bleach if that happened. Here, I swear, they go on full attack mode. No matter what I have tried, nothing has taken my fear and anxiety away, when it comes to cockroaches. There’s nothing else in this entire world, that freaks me out as much as roaches. Just seeing images of them makes my skin crawl. I paid my daughter $5 (cuz I didn’t have a 20!!) to pick a dead one up with a paper towel…I see absolutely nothing positive or meaningful about them, other than scaring the shit out of a grown ass human which is funny to watch…but not experience.

  • When I was a child in Miami, FL, way back in the 1960’s we had jalousie windows and no air conditioning. I woke one night in terror with something biting me on the big toe… I screamed and my mom came in and flipped the light on and there it was looking at me… a HUGE Palmetto bug!!! I shrieked and flailed and cried and hid under the covers as it flew wildly around the room with my mom batting at it with a rolled up newspaper or something… I was traumatized and have been terrified of them ever since…. THEY DO BITE!

  • Yes Palmetto bugs do bite….. One flew under my pajama top last night and it took me a few seconds to get it off me. After a sleepless night, I found a small red mark the size of a dime with a darker red dot (almost black) in the middle of it, where the creature had landed on my skin. I remember it pinching slightly, but at the time was only interested in getting if off me. They bite!

  • It is very strange for us Brazilians to see someone who doesn’t know this cockroach.

  • I put my shoes on and got in my car to go to town. Not even out of the driveway I felt something stabbing my toe. Took off my shoe to find a palmetto bug partially squished. That’s the last time I leave my shoes outside.


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