We know you could be dealing with woodlice invading your space, potentially putting health and property at risk. If you need help identifying and eliminating the infestation at the source, connect with our recommended local professional near you.
Woodlice are fascinating little creatures that play an important role in the natural decay process in various ecosystems. Often found in damp and dark habitats, these crustaceans break down organic matter, contributing to a healthier environment for your gardens and other green spaces.
As part of the isopod species, woodlice have unique characteristics that set them apart from other common garden inhabitants. They typically thrive in moist areas, as their bodies require a certain level of humidity to survive. This makes them highly beneficial to ecosystems where decomposition occurs, such as in leaf litter and on decaying wood.
Given the multitude of woodlice species found worldwide, it’s worth exploring and understanding their habits to appreciate their contributions to the environment. So next time you see these little isopods in your garden, remember they’re hard at work maintaining the ecological balance of their habitat.
Woodlice Biology and Identification
Species and Common Names
Woodlice are fascinating creatures with over 3,000 species worldwide. Some common species you might come across are Oniscus asellus and Porcellio scaber. They go by various names such as pill bug, slater, armadillo bug, and roly-poly.
Physical Characteristics
Woodlice have a distinct appearance with their segmented exoskeleton that is usually brown or grey in color. Some key characteristics to help you identify woodlice:
- 14 legs
- Sections called plates on their body
- Curved, oval-shaped body
Reproduction and Life Cycle
Woodlice undergo interesting reproductive processes. Females carry eggs in a special pouch called a marsupium. After hatching, young woodlice emerge as a manca, which resembles a smaller version of the adults. Some important aspects of their life cycle:
- Females can store sperm for months
- Reproduction occurs mostly in spring and autumn
- Woodlice continue to molt even as adults
Ecological Role and Behavior
Woodlice play a crucial role in ecosystems by breaking down organic matter and returning nutrients to the soil. They prefer damp and dark habitats like forests, leaf litter, and under stones. Some of their notable behaviors include:
- Detritivores, feeding on decaying plants and animals
- Nocturnal creatures
- Rolling into a ball when threatened
Now that you have a better understanding of the biology, identification, and ecological significance of woodlice, you can appreciate these fascinating creatures and their contributions to our environment.
Woodlice in the Home and Garden
The Issue with Woodlice Infestation
Woodlice are common pests found in homes and gardens. They may not be harmful to humans or pets, but their presence could indicate an infestation of other pests like ants. In large numbers, woodlice can damage wallpaper and wooden structures due to their preference for damp and decaying environments. If you are finding you need to call a professional pest control company to assist with an infestation, click here.
Environment Favoring Woodlice
Woodlice thrive in moist, dark, and organic environments. They are commonly found around damp soil, rotting wood, and in compost piles. Factors that attract woodlice to your home or garden may include:
- Dark and humid spaces
- Leaking pipes
- Poor ventilation
To prevent a woodlice infestation, it’s essential to address these factors by improving your home’s ventilation, fixing leaks, and clearing out damp areas.
What Do Woodlice Eat?
Woodlice feed on decaying organic matter. In your garden, they are likely to be found near leaves, logs, dead plant material, and rotting wood. Here’s a brief list of common woodlice food sources:
- Leaves
- Logs
- Decaying plant matter
- Compost piles
- Rotting wood
While woodlice can help in breaking down organic matter and contributing to a healthy ecosystem, their population should be controlled to maintain a balance in your home and garden.
Controlling and Preventing Woodlice Infestations
Natural Predators of Woodlice
Woodlice have several natural predators that keep their population in check. Some examples include:
- Ants
- Spiders
- Centipedes
Introducing or encouraging these predators into your garden can help maintain a balance and prevent woodlice infestations.
Human Control Methods
When dealing with a woodlice infestation, you can use various control methods:
- Diatomaceous earth: Sprinkle it around affected areas to deter woodlice. This natural remedy works by damaging their exoskeleton and causing dehydration.
- Insecticides: Choose a chemical control suitable for woodlice, but always follow the instructions and safety measures on the label.
Preventative Measures
To prevent woodlice from becoming a problem in your home or garden, try these tips:
- Ventilation: Ensure proper airflow in damp and dark areas to discourage woodlice from settling.
- Remove decay: Regularly clean up leaf litter, rotting wood, or other organic debris that can attract woodlice.
Questions and Answers
Q: Can woodlice infest my home?
A: Although primarily found outdoors, woodlice can enter your home if there is a damp or decaying environment for them to thrive in.
Q: Are woodlice dangerous?
A: No, they don’t carry diseases or cause any significant damage to your home. However, large numbers can be a sign of damp or decay issues that you should address.
14 Comments. Leave new
completely off topic but can camel spiders eat these?
We don’t believe Rollie Pollies would be a prey of choice for Camel Spiders.
To be honest i just want to know everything about these little guys why they are not “real” insects just what in the world are they i used to mess with them when i was young
Rollie Pollies are actually Crustaceans.
Has any one ever seen a purple rollie pollie and why the heck is he purple?????
It might be infected with an iridovirus. See: https://www.whatsthatbug.com/2007/04/27/iridovirus-infected-blue-pill-bug/
I would really like to know what pill bugs/rollie pollies prefer to eat. As in, what attracts them more, fruits or vegetables? I have a project about them.
I lived in Northern Utah until age 8 and we always called them rolly pollies. Once I move to Nebraska they called them potato bugs. Just curious Bug Man, where do you live?
We have resided in Los Angeles for 36 years.
As a kid, we called these guys potato bugs too. I was shocked when I learned what an actual potato bug was later, lol.
I still enjoy flicking roly polies into balls 🙂
As a kid, we called these guys potato bugs too. I was shocked when I learned what an actual potato bug was later, lol.
I still enjoy flicking roly polies into balls 🙂
I have found some orange and red pill bugs in those red volcanic rocks you buy from landscaping stores. I think they would be more likely to breed because camouflage.
We used to live in an orange tiled and bricked property in the UK. Built in the 1930s so long-standing. There were still some remnants of the building material in the nearby soil and some tiles stacked and leftover. There were a significantly higher amount of orange or orange-tinted woodlice in that garden compared to our old, white and grey tiled house only 30 miles away. It was certainly a product of natural selection. They do seem to be more common here in the UK though.
When a kid in Melbourne Australia our garden edging was old railway sleepers. Behind these were lots of slaters, and about one in a thousand was orange, and one in ten thousand white. My brother and I collected all the orange ones and put them together in one spot, resulting in a much higher percentage of them in the offspring